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Deficiencies in calcium, vitamin D and iron can lead to hair loss. Another thing worth trying is to find a more natural shampoo for your hair rather than one that is filled with chemicals and lots of promises.



Treatments for Thinning Hair and Balding


Are you beginning to see more of your scalp each day when you look in the mirror? Was life ticking along just fine until one day you suddenly glanced in the mirror and spotted your scalp instead of your thick mop of hair? Does your hairbrush have more hair in it each day? Painful is not the word and you are not alone in your misery! Cheer up because there are treatments that can help to resolve the problem.


Let us adopt a positive approach to the problem and take a look at the various methods available to reverse or stop thinning hair and baldness. As we grow older, hair can become finer, grayer and drier.


Real hair loss and a balding scalp is a condition where the hair falls out and fails to grow back again. There are many reasons why this can happen including hormonal imbalances, poor dietary habits, excessively indulgent lifestyle in alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Genetics can also be one of the causes for baldness especially in men.


With age, the hair dries out because the natural oil glands found in the skin produce less oil to lubricate the skin. The lack of lubrication and protection can cause the hair to become brittle and susceptible to breakage. Dry hair suffering from damage can appear thinner than the strands actually are. Healthy hair treatments such as herbal shampoos and conditioners and hair rinses are available.


Fine hair is the result of the hair shafts becoming thinner due to age. For example at 40 years of age the hair shafts become thinner by 5 percent when compared with 20 years ago. Hair is made mainly of protein; the aging process affects the body’s ability to manufacture protein in the required amount leading to very fine looking hair. Making changes to diet and using products that will add fullness to the hair shafts are two options that generally work.


The manner in which light is reflected off the hair changes as the natural pigment of the hair is lost. Cells at the base of the hair follicles stop their melanin production as we grow older. As the hair turns gray or white, the lighter color makes it appear thinner and finer as well. This can exaggerate the baldness so don’t be in too much of a hurry to stress yourself out. Duke University conducted research that showed stress was a major factor in gray hair. Hair colorants and dyes will cover the gray hair temporarily, but a healthy diet will lead to healthy hair.



Understanding Hair Loss in Women


Are you experiencing loss of hair? Do you find yourself in desperate need of the right information and guidance? You are in the right place to learn about hair loss in the fairer sex. The first thing to understand is that women who experience hair loss are not alone; this is a problem of universal proportions. We understand that for a woman to lose her hair can be a whole lot more traumatic than it is for a man.


It’s time to get rid of the doubts, fears, confusion and embarrassment that plague your every waking moment and find the best solution to the problem. Before we get to that point, let us first debunk the myths that surround hair loss. Losing one’s hair to stress does happen, but it’s going to take a situation of extreme turmoil that remains unabated for months on end to cause hair fall. Pregnancy and crash diets can cause hair fall and treatment in consultation with a doctor is recommended.


In women, the hair starts to thin out all over the scalp; this can be a minor occurrence or a very dramatic one. Regardless of the severity of the hair loss, the primary cause is the hair follicles sensitivity to hormones in the scalp; specifically DHT or Dihydro-testosterone. Most anti-hair fall treatments for women include DHT blockers. It is best to seek a doctor’s advice on the best treatment for your problem.


To classify the different types of female hair loss the Ludwig Scale is sometimes used. It is limited in its application; however it does provide an accurate portrayal of the hair loss problem. Female androgenetic alopecia is the kind of hair loss that occurs due to hormonal imbalances and is characterized mostly by overall thinning of the hair rather than patchy hair loss. Common causes of hair loss can arise due to starting or stopping birth control medication, pre-menopause periods, post-menopause periods and postpartum periods. With this type of alopecia, women can at least be comforted by the fact that total baldness is a rarity. It is mostly a visible decrease in hair volume more than actual baldness.


You may be too depressed over the hair loss to realize that there are treatments available. All it takes is a visit to a qualified hair expert. There are loads of products, medications and treatments that a physician can prescribe to treat the problem. The solutions are pretty much straight forward, but you need to take the first step to seek treatment.



Using Oils to Prevent Hair Loss


There is a wide selection of oils that can help to stimulate the follicles for better hair growth. No one enjoys losing their hair, so let us study some of the oils that can help us keep our hair and prevent balding. All through the ages, a variety of oils were used to nourish the hair and provide it with vitality and a healthy lifespan.


Definition of oils


Oils are a water repellent substance that traps moisture inside the hair shafts. When essential oils are applied directly onto the scalp, it helps to increase the flow of blood and provide nutrients to the hair follicles.


The topical application of oils to the hair and scalp helps to enhance hair growth by stimulating the scalp and providing protection of the hair strands. By stimulating the scalp, the oil helps to encourage the emergence of hair. Heavy oils strengthen the hair shaft preventing easy breakage. When hair damage and breakage is reduced, the natural life span of the hair is maintained.



Different types of oils to promote hair growth


Heavy oils: oils like coconut oil and castor oil are heavy oils that work to strengthen the hair shaft reducing breakage. The oils also help to strengthen the hair itself and this helps to reduce hair fall.


Mustard oil: is believed to provide stimulation for the scalp to promote hair growth. Mustard oil has very high levels of zinc and selenium that prevents hair loss. When these essentials are deficient in the body, hair loss is a possible result. The oil is also rich in beta carotene and is a healthy source of nutrients and vitamins that help to nourish the scalp. Beta carotene when converted into vitamin A enhances the healthiness of the scalp and provides protection for the hair.


Essential oils: there are different essential oils such as rosemary and peppermint that have stimulating properties to promote hair growth. The oils help to prevent excessive production of sebum, the natural oil produced by the scalp. When massaged into the scalp, the oils send tingling sensations into the scalp to improve blood circulation.


Other oils: wheat germ oil and olive oil are both popular ingredients in hair care products. The oils have a high level of essential nutrients such as fatty acids and vitamins A, D and E. The oils are useful in conditioning the hair and providing protection against free radicals and the damage they cause. Wheat germ oil is especially useful in preventing hair loss.



Why Natural Remedies are Good for Hair Loss


There is certainly no shortage of hair loss treatments available on the market today. Whether they work or not may be quite a different matter. If you are not interested in trial and error to see what works and what doesn’t, natural remedies are the best option. There is a wide array of natural remedies providing effective treatments for hair loss.


The benefit in using natural remedies is of course the absence of any side effects. We also need a better understanding of the different treatments, how the treatments should be used and the expected results from the treatments. It is advisable to learn as much as possible about the different natural remedies, discuss with a doctor the type of hair loss problem you are facing and the best natural remedy for the problem.


Natural hair loss remedies have benefits that include the absence of side effects, don’t cause pain or discomfort, are not very expensive, can be purchased easily at most health food stores or pharmacies, and administration of the treatment is also easy.


Herbs and essential oils are probably the most common forms of natural remedies for hair loss. Conventional doctors have learned to accept the efficacy of these products though not much scientific proof is available. For centuries people have used herbs and oils to treat a large number of ailments, which is itself the best proof.


Here are some examples of well-known natural remedies for hair loss:


   Ginger is a very useful herb commonly found in our kitchens at home. All through the history of man, since ginger was first discovered it has been used to heal many ailments. Ginger contains fatty acids that strengthen the hair shaft and stimulate the scalp to produce new hair.


   Rosemary and sage are both herbs that need to be boiled together to produce a hair rinse. Steep the herbs and then strain the water to use it as a rinse after shampooing your hair. The herbs act on the follicles, stimulating them to produce hair. The herbs also work to extend the resting phase of hair cycle so that the hair fall is lessened.


   Red pepper is an herb that can be mixed with regular tap water and applied to the scalp in places where the hair loss has occurred. Pepper irritates the skin causing it to release histamines in the areas of application. The histamines are capable of altering cell division and encouraging hair follicles to produce hair.


   Adding henna to the conditioner you use can help heal hair follicles to increase hair growth. Henna also contains properties that seal the hair cuticles to make them strong and damage resistant.



Will Hair Transplant Surgery Stop Hair Loss


Anyone who has had to face the agony of losing a considerable amount of hair over a period of time may wish to consider hair transplant surgery options. Baldness generally occurs in a pattern at the front or on top of the head or at the back of the head. Hair transplant surgery involves removing hair follicles from parts of the scalp where there is a healthy growth of hair and transplanting them in areas where baldness has occurred.


To perform the hair transplant surgery, the doctor will remove hair follicles or plugs of hair and transplant them to the areas on the scalp where the hair has stopped growing. In case you are wondering what happens to the area where the follicles are removed from and whether those areas will become bald, the answer is no. Only a few hair follicles are removed from each healthy group or graft. The doctor has to place thousands of follicles in the bald areas to make the treatment effective. The small grouping will render the appearance more natural as well.


In hair transplant surgery, each session can last anywhere from 5-10 hours and the person will need a minimum of two sessions to achieve results. However, the number of sessions that will be required is dependent on the seriousness of the problem, the size of the bald area to be covered, the predicted rate of further balding and how many grafts will be required to show results and make the person appear natural.


Hair transplant surgery is recommended for men and women suffering from hereditary hair loss. The main criterion to be eligible for this type of treatment is the availability of sufficient donor hair for the treatment to be successful.


The color, texture and type of hair can make a difference in whether a candidate is suitable for the procedure. A person with thick curly hair of a dark shade is a good candidate for hair transplant surgery. The hair will cover more of the scalp giving the person a very natural appearance. When there is a large contrast between the color of the scalp and the color of the hair, there could be a problem because the transplant will be very obvious. In such cases it may be better to retain the bald look rather than look obviously freakish.


Hair transplant surgery is exactly that; a surgery, and the cost will be in proportion to the amount of work carried out.



Would You Like to Reverse Hair Loss?


If your hair has been falling out in clumps and has you climbing walls in a totally paranoid state, this page is for you. We offer practical advice and tips to help you deal with the problem of hair loss. Not all of us are obsessed with our hair or bodies, but even for the most unassuming person in the world, the sudden loss of hair can be a hard pill to swallow.


Some types of hair loss causes can be easily determined, but in others the problem may arise due to an underlying medical problem or other factors. For example, extensive parlor treatments over time whereby the hair was constantly being exposed to harsh chemicals can lead to a sudden loss of large amounts of hair. Regardless of what causes the problem, our one consuming aim when faced with the awful prospect of going bald in the not too distant future is to stop the hair loss.


It should be understood at the start that there are certain types of hair loss that cannot be reversed. For example, hair loss due to genetic reasons; when hair loss is hereditary there is no known cure for restructuring inherited genes. Another problem is that men are genetically designed to experience a certain amount of hair fall as they grow older. This is because of the male hormone testosterone; too much of it and the hair starts to thin out on the scalp. Well in reality too much testosterone causes the increase in production of the DHT hormone, which blocks the hair follicles from producing new hair.


In women, the hair loss problem is not as pronounced as it is in men, thank goodness! However, medical conditions, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and a host of other factors can trigger hair fall. When women have certain medical conditions and they lose their hair, it cannot be grown back.


For both men and women, reversing hair loss boils down to making certain changes in our lives. It is common knowledge that a healthy body equates to the absence of disease. It is also common knowledge that smoking causes cancer, so why smoke? Poor diet will cause the hair follicles to grow nutrient deficient and stop producing new hair. Too much alcohol will block the healthy production of new hair. Everything enjoyed in moderation is fine so long as it does not interfere with the wellbeing of the body.


Men and women need to make lifestyle adjustments to maintain a healthy body and a healthy scalp.



Green Tea – Does It Help Combat Hair Loss?


Green tea is made of tea leaves that have been steamed and dried without going through the process of fermentation. Recent studies show that green tea can actually help fight hair loss effectively.


An experiment was conducted on a group of mice facing hair loss to test the effect of green tea on them. Some mice were given drinking water whereas the rest were given green tea.


The results indicated that green tea helped in stopping hair loss in all the mice of that particular test group. It even resulted in a triggered hair growth.


The group of mice which were subjected to drinking water continued to face hair loss. Needless to say, humans are different from mice and we might react differently to substances. Whether or not green tea is as suitable for human beings in fighting hair loss is still not clear.


A reason why green tea is considered effective is because it contains "anti-inflammatory" properties which are beneficial for both men and women who are facing risk of losing too much hair. It also has an impact on body hormones.


An increased consumption of green tea results in rapid production of a hormone called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) in our bloodstream. SHBG prevents the conversion of testosterone into another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).


DHT helps promote increased hair growth in children. But according to the studies conducted by AMA (American Medical Association) some men and women respond negatively to DHT at a later stage in life which can be a gene-attributed problem.


So green tea might help in combating hair loss by releasing increased levels of SHBG in the bloodstream which prevent formation of DHT.


Green tea is also considered very effective in curing dandruff which is one of the prime reasons for hair loss in children and adults alike. It also helps in curing Psoriasis which is a chronic disease where in the scalp gets infected with lesions and red dry patches.


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