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Hair loss is connected to genetics and hereditary balding can be tough to prevent or reverse. However, even that can be done; there are clinics in Thailand and other parts of the world that specialize in improving hair growth. Certain illnesses lead to hair loss, for example cancer – the chemotherapy generally causes people to lose their hair. Other factors that lead to hair loss include poor nutrition, thyroid disease, medication and hormonal problems.


Here are some natural herbal treatments to prevent hair loss and help you keep your hair


   Ginkgo biloba: is one of the top selling herbal treatments in Europe and the United States apart from other countries. It is a very old tree species and ranks as top medicine in Germany and France. The plant is rich in antioxidants, which serve to increase the flow of blood to the follicles or hair roots located in the scalp. This helps to strengthen and stimulate the hair shaft.


   Dong Quai: DHT is considered one of the major causes of hair loss and Dong Quai contains phytoestrogens that help to prevent the formation of DHT. The herb is believed to stimulate re-growth when balding occurs. Dong Quai combined with nettle root is supposed to be a very powerful hair loss treatment that is available today.


   Nettle Root: the application of nettle root to the scalp is believed to stimulate hair growth. Nettle root or the common stinging nettle has been around for a very long time and is used in numerous treatments for a wide variety of ailments. It is a very strong DHT blocker, but any one on prescription medication needs to check with a doctor before starting nettle root treatments.



How to Treat Male Pattern Baldness


A fairly large percentage of the male population starts to lose hair around the temple area as they grow older. As the hair loss continues over time, it spreads to the top of the head. Hair loss, if it continues to spread can affect the hair on the sides of the head and the rear as well to cause complete baldness. Not a very pretty picture for sure!


What exactly is male pattern baldness? When the male hormone testosterone gets converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone), it affects the hair follicles by causing them to shrink. The shrinkage is caused by inherited genetic properties and may not affect all men in general in the same way.


It is believed that approximately 40 percent of the male population is affected by male pattern hair loss by the time they hit the 40 mark. It is better to take preventive measures rather than wait to lose all your hair. There are a wide range of pills, lotions, creams and shampoos to deal with the problem. One way of combating hair loss is to check the DHT levels in the body.


Saw Palmetto has been identified as an herbal supplement that can help to prevent or stop male pattern balding. Scientists who conducted extensive testing, found that the herb proved to be effective in treating men with baldness. Saw Palmetto is one way of treating the body from the inside out.


Another method is to massage the scalp daily for approximately 15 minutes. Why not do it while you take in a favorite program on the television? It will not seem bothersome and you won’t need to set aside a special time for the daily massage. The massage needs to be a gentle stimulation of the roots to allow new hair growth. The hair follicles thrive on good blood circulation without which they will shrivel up and die. Through scalp massage, the follicles will receive a good supply of vital nutrients to enable hair growth.


The Chinese have been aware of the power of Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root and other herbs in helping to maintain healthy luxuriant hair growth. Herbal remedies stem from ancient beliefs and customs, but the people witnessed firsthand the efficacy of the herbs. For example, a daily supplement of up to 1,500 milligrams of Saw Palmetto every day can prevent male pattern baldness from spreading. The herb is available in most drug stores and nutrition centers and is reasonably priced.



Infrared and UV Light Hair Loss Treatments


Hair loss treatments span the spectrum from natural solutions such as herbal remedies to surgery for more complex problems. There are a wide variety of treatments to cover various types of hair loss. Basically hair loss is either permanent or temporary. However, UV light and infrared treatments are a combination of medical procedures with natural solutions.


Ultra Violet (UV) light and infrared light are both light waves that bring several benefits to the hair follicles. When the UV or infrared light is directed onto areas of the scalp where hair loss has occurred, the light helps in blood circulation, increasing oxygen supply, nutrient supply, and cellular activity. When applied correctly, both light types promote a longer hair growth phase and lessen the duration of the hair’s resting phase.


UV light treatment is considered a relatively safe and non-invasive hair loss treatment. Proper precautions are taken to ensure that the UV light does not burn or expose the skin to radiation. When a patient undergoes infrared light or UV light treatment, he or she has to sit under the device for periods of 15-30 minutes while the light is directed on the bald areas of the scalp. There is no pain or discomfort associated with these types of treatment.


To date all infrared and UV light hair loss treatments have consistently shown results only when mild hair loss is involved. For example, people who have just begun to experience thinning of the hair or slight hair loss. People suffering from long-term hair loss or severe loss of hair due to some accident or serious illness have not been known to benefit from this type of treatment. The infrared and UV light treatments have not been successful in cases of temporary hair loss either.


The best way to ascertain whether you are the ideal candidate for UV or infrared light treatment is to consult with a doctor. It is important that you first determine the cause of the hair loss. You may not require light treatment. For example, if the hair loss is the body’s reaction to some medication you are on, stopping the medication will ensure that the hair loss is reversed in time.


A word of caution, UV light and infrared treatments generally offers about 50 percent hair regrowth in the people who have undergone the treatment. However, there is no guarantee that the effects of the treatment will be long lasting. New hair growth may appear thin or growth may appear in patches. On the upside, the treatments have a 90 percent success rate in stopping hair loss.



Itchy Scalp Leads to Hair Loss


Itchy scalp syndrome is often accompanied by falling hair. This condition is irritating in more ways than one because we not only have to deal with the itch, but face the fact that we are losing hair as well. Here’s the good news, hair loss from an itchy scalp is a temporary problem; the hair will grow back once the itch is treated. A certain amount of hair loss is to be expected each day. Hair loss is a problem when the loss is more than what is normal for a day.


Why do we get an itchy scalp in the first place and what’s the connection to hair loss? When the scalp secretes excessive amounts of oil, the medical term for the problem is scalp dysesthesia. The oil or sebum is actually a protective covering for the follicle shaft. The oil provides the hair with the necessary nutrients. When the oil is more than the normal quantity, it inflames the skin causing constant itching. When we scratch because of the itching, the skin starts to flake. The flaking makes the scalp vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections, which cause the scalp to itch more.


Harsh chemicals in the hair care products and the dirt in the air add to the irritation and make the scalp itch more. This leads to hair falling out because of the itch and the excess oil. When the follicles get damaged, the hair falls out because it stops receiving the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.


Here are some suggestions to take care of the itchy scalp and prevent hair from falling:


Stop using harsh dyes and other chemical laden products. Just because a product advertises the moon it’s no reason to rush out and buy it. Change your shampoo; it could be the cause of the irritation. It is the chemicals in shampoos that strip the hair of the natural oils present. Natural shampoos are best for the hair and many of them contain anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties to stop the itch and clear the infection.


This is not meant to be insulting, but personal hygiene is essential in maintaining a healthy scalp. Wash hair as soon as it gets greasy or dirty. If you’ve been out in the dust all day wash your hair. People who are the outdoorsy type need to wash their hair daily. Anyone who exercises regularly should wash their hair at least on alternative days. If you are more the stay-at-home sort, washing your hair twice a week should be fine.


Eat a healthy diet and avoid using harsh chemicals and heat treatments on your hair.



Laser Hair Loss Therapy


Living as we do in a world of highly advanced technology, it is not surprising to note that the technology is being applied to prevent hair loss. Hair loss clinics are offering laser technology through doctor-directed programs to stop and prevent hair loss. The therapy is combined with various hair products and nutrients for men and women.


Laser hair therapy is a non-surgical method of cosmetic treatment for hair loss, scalp problems and thinning hair. For over 30 years, laser hair technology has undergone a range of tests to ensure the safety of the procedure.


With the use of a laser device, low level infrared laser light technology is used on the scalp and the hair to promote better hair growth that is richer and fuller. The laser device resembles the common hair dryer found in beauty salons and homes. The devices applies cool laser directly onto the scalp to stimulate blood circulation, which in turn can promote better hair growth.


There have been numerous studies conducted into the benefits of light on hair growth. When you stop to think about it, you will find that hair grows faster in summer because of the light as compared with winter. In summer, the blood circulation is improved due to the red light from the sun rays. This is turn stimulates the hair follicles to promote better hair growth.


With laser light therapy, a similar concept is being used to provide the red light boost to the hair follicles. This light comes from the laser apparatus delivered at a precise frequency to repair hair and revitalize the follicles.


There are many benefits in using laser hair therapy:


Laser hair therapy is an easy procedure that is performed without any pain or discomfort. Based on the principle of light energy being absorbed by dark matter, in this case hair, the follicles and scalp receive the necessary stimulation to produce a better growth of hair. It is recommended that you seek treatment only from a qualified and skilled laser technician.


Laser hair therapy is widely available and most dermatologists can provide treatment at an affordable rate. The treatment has proven beneficial in providing an improved hair growth that is thicker and fuller in appearance.


Laser therapy does not involve any type of surgery; it is a non-surgical method used to promote the growth of hair. There are no known side effects as the treatment works to renew the scalp without harming it.



Pregnancy and Hair Loss


Women often experience hair loss soon after child birth due to the varied physical and mental changes undergone during this period. In this time hormonal alterations take place inside the body. It is understood that because each woman is uniquely individual, the same changes may not affect everyone in a similar manner.


Changes take place based on the body type, hormone structures, health and the care taken during and after the pregnancy. Hair loss occurs in some women soon after or even during the pregnancy. According to the statistics, approximately 75 percent of the women surveyed had some form of hair loss after child birth.


What triggers the hair loss in women after the pregnancy period is over? As most of us are aware, we lose anywhere between 25 to 100 hairs daily from our heads. This is natural and occurs during brushing, sleep, washing hair and massaging the scalp. Hair goes through three phases, the last one being the telogen phase when hair rests before falling off at the time of brushing or washing.


When a woman is pregnant, hair fall is actually less. The hormonal changes in the body include increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, the female hormones. These hormones prevent hair from falling, which should normally fall off each day. So during pregnancy women can glory in their extra thick volume hair. After child birth, the metabolism begins to stabilize, hormone levels settle back to normal and life as we knew it before the pregnancy phase resumes again. The result is that the hair starts to fall. Remember that there’s a lot of hair in the resting phase that should have fallen but did not. This may cause the hair loss to appear very severe, but it does not cause baldness.


We need to mention that in some women, the post-pregnancy stress of being a new mother and the loss of nutrition through breast feeding can cause the hair to fall.


Because hair is more susceptible to breakage following the delivery of the baby, we need to take care to handle hair with care. Use a wide toothed comb and try to avoid combing hair when it is wet. Ideally hair should be allowed to dry naturally without the use of a hairdryer.


Using herbal shampoos and conditioners will go a long way in nourishing the scalp and the hair follicles. Avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals. Refrain from tying the hair very tight, as it can break easily.


Eating the right diet filled with nutrition is good for the baby and for the hair. Adding a lot of protein to the diet will help to strengthen the hair.



Prevent Hair Loss – Understand what Causes it


Do you have a problem with thinning hair or falling hair? All is not lost because there are treatments available for preventing hair loss. So stem the tears and let’s get to work finding out first what causes hair loss, and second, how to find the appropriate treatment for the problem.


The common causes of hair loss are attributed to hereditary genes, hormonal imbalances, infections in the scalp, pregnancy, extreme stress, addictions and illnesses. Certain medical conditions such as thyroid, fungal infections and ringworm can also contribute to hair fall.


There are certain medications that can trigger hair fall such as gout medication, blood thinners and birth control medication. This type of hair loss is generally very sudden and can be treated.


Other causes that can lead to hair loss include chemotherapy, hormonal changes such as menopause, crash diets and radiation. What are known as stressors can also lead to hair loss; for example wearing tight ponytails, cornrows, rollers and braids that pull the hair, scarring the scalp and killing the roots. This can result in permanent hair loss once the roots get damaged.


Finally we have a number of beauty treatments that only end up damaging the hair follicles. And we actually pay for these treatments! Hot oil treatments, chemical dyes, relaxers, perms and other forms of hair treatments can result in inflammation of the hair follicles. This leads to scarring and hair loss.


Unless your hair loss problem is a hereditary one, hair loss can be an indication of some form of imbalance in the body. You need to take control of the situation and pay your doctor a visit first. Once the cause or causes as the case may be have been identified, making changes to the diet should follow.


It is best to eliminate all those foods high in sodium, fat and sugar; yes, unfortunately that means all the yummy junk food, processed fats and refined sugars. This will effectively help to slow down the hair loss process.


The best diets are hair-friendly diets rich in iron and silica. Iron is useful in banishing anemia which causes hair loss. Silica strengthens the hair follicles and helps in hair regrowth. Try to limit your intake of caffeine and other sugar rich drinks. Keep the alcohol intake under control and ask your doctor about a vitamin supplement. Normally, if the diet is rich in vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium and folic acid, you should do just fine in the hair department.



Prevent Hair Loss with Olive Oil


Olive trees date back as far as can be ascertained to Neolithic man and the benefits of this amazing tree has been handed down through centuries. Olive oil as Homer the Greek poet termed it ‘liquid gold’ has been a medicinal source to people for ages. Olive oil is closely linked to the prevention of hair loss through olive oil massages.


All of us lose a certain amount of hair daily, but when hair loss is beyond the accepted standard, it becomes cause for worry. There are many reasons why we lose our hair from naturally growing older to medical conditions, skin conditions, infections and more.