Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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when I tried to tell people that I had been told to write a simple book that all people could relate to. Just laying out basic questions and from there giving straightforward answers. “Help them to reconnect with Me as we are one anyway”.

This connection came from sitting on a beach, staring out to sea. The waves relax the body and free your mind. Suddenly the words, ‘Why don't you write a book?’ came into my mind. All I thought was how could I do that? I was an English teacher yes, but hadn't spent years imagining and constructing the perfect novel, painstakingly examining every word and after ten or so years, to be rejected by a publisher. This seemed to be the typical writer. I couldn't relate to that at all.

Why would I put myself on the line and my life on hold to write a novel that would only draw criticism? I just thought derisively, “No I'm not interested. I couldn't do it anyway and what's the point, I want an easy life.”

Months went by, and always “An Easy Handbook for Life” was there in the back of my mind. The thought, “It won't be difficult and when it's ready a publisher will be there”, was always paramount. I couldn't tell anyone this as I would be considered as totally mad. I always saw the novel published and sitting in bookshops from the start.

I realized God speaks all the time to everyone. It's just that most are closed, and few are willing to listen. This openness would lead to