Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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On a journey of self-discovery, I was told to write a book of life's answers for everyone. Why do self-help books always have to be so complicated? Doctors or people with PhDs, and years of experience in the psychology industry seem to write them. Why can't anyone be told to write, not only to help themselves in life, but to let others know how. You don't have to be a doctor, or anyone special, to find the unique path you can follow, leading to your own life meaning.

Where are all these life answers now? Hidden in complicated literature and open to many different interpretations. Why? And why didn't the planner (God, Creator, Spirit or Source – whichever you choose to use) ever make things simple and talk to us as was the case in ancient times? Surely we weren't always to be kept in the dark until we died? Well, my answer came. Not as a burning bush, but as a still small voice that came into my mind with a book called “An Easy Handbook for Life”.

Why are we so separate from this planner? Nobody seemed to ever converse and if they did, (such as Neale Donald Walsch, “Conversations with God” in the 1990s), the response by most people was, “What drugs are you on?” This is what I was confronted with