Orgone Explained by Brian Ferguson - HTML preview

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The Orgone Matrix Theory

This goes hand in hand with the "Structural Link" concept, coined by Karl Hans Welz. The underlying idea of structural linking is "the shortest distance between two points is a structural link". Basically there is no distance, and everything happens instantaneously. The energy moves through the matrix which is immensely complex, giving it an illusion of a flow. I use flow just so you can draw a picture; James DeMeo depicts orgone as a pulsating and flowing energy.

The orgone matrix theory may apply to the orgonite matrix or the accumulator layered matrix. These types of matrices are on a much smaller scale then what is talked about in the following text.

The orgone matrix is basically cascading orgone. Concentrations of orgone within concentrations of orgone. This goes well with the field theory I mentioned, as the fields represent the bounds of inner layers. The orgone matrix attempts to explain the ability of orgone to interconnect all entities including inorganic ones. It starts with the vacuum of space, orgone extends to the bounds of or universe (assuming there is a boundary). Moving inwards in the matrix, the earth is the next layer, galaxies and solar systems could very well be a layer but I assume they are not. The earths orgone layer is the smallest readily visible layer humans dwell in. After that there can be countless sub-layers between the earth and its containing matter. Some levels of the matrix will be more pronounced than others. For instance, a human layer will be strong and detectable because humans are fully organic and can have high concentrations of orgone (possible from emotion). Also, humans have distinct features giving use a stronger structural link end-point. On the other hand a component of my keyboard will be a virtually undetectable layer. There would be an infinite amount of layers between the keyboard and the component.

The image below starts with the earth (being the outer-most layer depicted). Then moves through the layers up to the bird (the inner-most layer depicted). Note the layers may not be circular and may be in greater detail. These layers are uniform organic structures and will typically be more pronounced then other. The more uniform and organic in nature an object is, the stronger the field will be (ultimately resulting in a pronounced orgone field).

In vacuums, there are no cascading layers at all within the bounds of the vacuum (unless there is matter inside the vacuum). That leaves one very pronounced orgone field around the vacuum making the orgone within the field very visible. Not to mention the fact that there is little matter in the vacuum to obscure our view of the energy. We are unable to recognize orgone because it is everywhere, and in this material world we need to perceive something relative to something else. Meaning we have no visual distinction between orgone and no orgone. For all we know we could be seeing things slightly bluer with orgone present but we just don't know it because orgone is never not there. If orgone did not exist, our ability to perceive depth in our 3 dimensional universe would be greatly limited.

Humans have the ability to alter their fields and detect all layers through mental exertion, but our generation

will be greatly limited to this, as we are far too indulged in our material word. The ability for humans to iterate through the matrix and what not, will be depicted in more detail later on in the document.

The above may be non-sense to you, that's ok because I thought of it in my sleep when trying to figure out how Reich's accumulator matrix worked. But it makes sense to me. We need to put effort into mapping the workings of orgone so we can purify and use it. It is more than abundant to us, so why not?