JImmy Jacks Profile

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Jimmy Jacks is a accomplished writer and researcher. He and his team look for subjects in which to research that needs more information made available to the public. All his books have taken over a year to research and write. The information you will find inside any one of his books is informative and speaks of the latest information available at the time of the research.
With his latest book being
Glycemic Foods Index : Weight Loss Made Easy:
More Information can be found at http://www.glycemicfoodsindextips.com

Books I've written

  • Fitness and Your Health
    Fitness and Your Health Fitness by JImmy Jacks
    Fitness and Your Health
    Fitness and Your Health



    Oct 2011

    Fitness and weight loss with the help of the Glycemic Foods Index. Learn the correct foods to eat to help you lose the weight you want and also keep your bo...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT