Jo Barnes Profile

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Hi! My name is Jo Barnes and I am the founder of Jo Barnes Online and The Social Networking Academy. I think I'm probably the happiest person I know and I'm in love with my family, business and travelling!




My name is Jo Barnes and I am the founder of The Social Networking Academy and the creator of this blog. I think I'm probably the happiest person I know and I'm in love with my family, business and travelling! For the last 24 months, I have been travelling with my partner and 6 year old daughter all over the world! We spent 4 months in Cyprus, 9 months in Thailand, 7 months in Australia, and we're heading back to South East Asia and then America in 2013! That's what I LOVE about what I do! It gives me the freedom to live anywhere with my family! I am so passionate about social media, relationship marketing, entrepreneurship and FREEDOM! Please enjoy this blog as I present you with great information on how to utilise Social media to build and grow your business and share my journey with you!

Books I've written

  • Pinterest Marketing 2013
    Pinterest Marketing 2013 Marketing by Jo Barnes
    Pinterest Marketing 2013
    Pinterest Marketing 2013



    May 2013

    Pinterest Marketing 2013 is 'Jam Packed' Full of Simple Pinterest Traffic Tips to bump traffic, engagement & sales by double, triple or more! As the fastes...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT

  • Linkedin Marketing 2013
    Linkedin Marketing 2013 Marketing by Jo Barnes
    Linkedin Marketing 2013
    Linkedin Marketing 2013



    Mar 2013

    Your Step by Step Guide to Creating a Lead Generating Profile on LinkedIn. As of 2nd August 2012 LinkedIn reported it had 175 million+ professionals member...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle