Talking With Your Angels by Lori Meyer - HTML preview

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Angels and Your Life Purpose It’s Not A One Man Show

Whether you realize it or not, you are surrounded by heavenly beings that are here to help you. Not only do they want to help you, but their purpose in your life is to help you on your path.

Life is not an "every man for himself" endeavor. You can certainly live that way if you want, but why not enjoy the spiritual gifts that heaven has for you?

Angels are the embodiment of God's love and energy sent to us from heaven. They're goal is to assist us our entire lives. Before we're born, we set a life plan for ourselves containing the lessons we are to learn in this life and on a soul level.

Your life plan is precisely what, where and with whom you are meant to be. There's nothing in life more fulfilling than being on course with your life purpose, or your soul plan.

It doesn't matter if you want to be a millionaire, a parent, or a business owner - living your life path according to exactly how you planned it before you were born is by far the greatest gift and most successful accomplishment you can achieve.

When we're born we're given at least two guardian angels, without exception. These heavenly souls are assigned to be with you your entire life and offer you their loving and divine help, as well as their guidance and support according to what you've set out to do in your life.

As you live your life and grow, you take on more guardian angels, especially in times when you want, need or ask for help in your life.


Most guardian angels stay with you your entire life. Take advantage of their love and guidance by asking them to help you in every area of your life.