Talking With Your Angels by Lori Meyer - HTML preview

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A Centering Meditation

As humans, we spend so much time in our minds, thinking about one thing after another. We rarely, if ever, take time to turn off all the unimportant thoughts in order to focus inward, where inner peace resides.

If the thought of meditation scares you, it ’s really a lot easier than you think. It was difficult for me when I first started meditating because I couldn’t keep my mind still. It’s a problem for anyone who has never meditated.

A friend told me about The Healing Waterfall, which is a beautiful guided meditation and that’s how I learned to meditate. I recommend it to all of my students too. It’s such an incredible way to start meditating.

This centering meditation will bring your consciousness into your heart, to the center of your body, which is where your angel meets you. Find a comfortable quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. If you record this exercise, allow a minute or two between each step.

1. Close your eyes. Feel your breath rising and falling in your body. As you inhale, inhale through the belly, expand it. Allow the weight of your body to push the air out.


2. Place your hands on your heart. Feel the beat of your heart, the life force energy within you. Feel your heart pumping blood to every part of your body.


3. Keep your attention focused on your heart and your heartbeat. If your mind wanders, simply bring it back to the center of your heart.

4. In your mind ’s eye, see a flame in the center of your heart. This signifies the spark of the Divine within you. It’s the essence of who you are. Connect to this flame and feel what it means to you.

5. Exhale fully. When you are ready, open your eyes.

This exercise can have a wonderfully positive affect on your life. You can use it any time of day, wherever you are, whenever you don’t feel centered and it only takes a minute or two. You can do it at your desk, while you are sitting in your car, at a red light, etc.

When we think of the angels, we often think of heavenly beings with wings. While that is true, they are also our closest friends and supporters. When we take the time to focus on our Divine light within, we bring ourselves closer to our angels and their message. The more you meditate and focus on your Divine flame within, the closer you bring yourself to your angels.

Automatic Writing– Communicating With Your Angels

Our angels are assigned to us for protection, guidance and love. Even in our loneliest moments, we’re never alone. All we have to do is call on our angels for guidance in every area of our life.

Your angels are just as excited to communicate with you as you are with them, and there’s a very simple technique that you can use to communicate.


Automatic writing has been around for centuries. People have used it to speak with their guides, angels and loved ones in spirit.

It doesn ’t require you to do anything unusual. Simply sitting in a comfortable position with a pen and paper is all you need. If you’re like me and want to bring through messages quicker, you can use a computer keyboard.

Now, there are two types of writing when communicating with your angels. There is “automatic writing” and“automatic dictation”.


When you’re automatic writing, you’re not aware of what’s being written. You feel a sort of floating sensation, as thought you’re floating above your keyboard.

With automatic dictation, you ’re fully aware of every word you’re writing and the information comes to you either in your mind’s eye (clairvoyance), by hearing it (clairaudience) or by knowing it (claircognizance).

The whole process of automatic writing is really very simple….don’t complicate it by allowing your mind to analyze whether or not it’s you or your angels.


Most people think the process is going to be hard and that they’re not “qualified” to communicate with their angels in this way. Humbug!


I assure you, you’re very qualified to communicate with your angels!

Before you begin, it ’s a great idea to have a journal that you can keep solely for your communications with your angels. As your conversations with them progress, you’ll be able to refer back to your increasing progress and read all the messages you received.

You don ’t need to make this a ritual with candles, incense or other types of paraphernalia. You can certainly use them if you like, but they’re not required. All you need is your willingness to let your angels “in” no matter where you are. Here we go:

Find a comfy spot to sit and relax. It can be on the floor or in your favorite chair, or sitting up in bed.


Take several deep refreshing breaths and allow your body to relax.


Say a short prayer to elevate your energy and call in your angels such as:


“Dear God:

Please help me to hear your messages clearly through your loving angels. Allow me to be healed in my areas of greatest need and to learn more about your truth, love and joy.”

As you begin, asking a question will help your angels communicate with you. They can’t answer you unless you ask!


“Dear Angels, what would you like to teach me today?”
“Dear Angels, can you please tell me about my strengths?”


Remember to relax and breathe. Open yourself up to your angels’ energy so you’ll be in an active, receptive place.

Begin writing anything and everything that comes to mind. You may hear a single word or a sentence. You may see an image or picture in your mind. You may get a sense of knowing.

It doesn’t matter how it comes to you, simple write it all down. Don’t allow your mind to start analyzing what’s being written.


Don’t analyze, organize or judge, just write!


Ask your angels their names. You may hear, see or know the answer. Write down the very first thing you get. Ask them whatever question you would like the answer to.



As you write, are you aware of what ’s being written? Do you feel a floating sensation as you write?
You’ll receive your message easily but don’t stop to question it or talk yourself out of an accurate angel communication. Our minds want nothing more than to be in control of every situation, including automatic writing.

Don’t allow doubt to take away from your session. Simply acknowledge any feelings that arise, then push them aside.

When communicating with your angels, you messages will be positive, helpful and loving. Angels give with love and truth. If you receive a message that is not joyful and loving, you may have picked up on an energy that is not angelic. Simply ask your angels to remove that energy and show it to the light, then call in your angels for communication.

What you receive is what the angels want to tell you.

It may be simple or complicated, but trust what is given to you. Automatic writing and automatic dictation are not a science. They’re both simple processes that opens you up to receive communication from your angels.

It’s important not to ask your angels about other people as the angels don’t engage in psychic gossip. You are their primary concern.


Once the messages slow down and you’re not receiving anything more, thank your angels for their time.

Remember to journal your communications and as you progress with your automatic writing, your communication with your angels will strengthen and your messages will become longer and more detailed.

Have fun with your angels!


A Meditation To Open To Your Angel


This wonderful meditation will help you to open to your angel. It will become easier with practice and your bond with your angel will grow stronger.


Have a notebook and pen handy. Write“Opening to My Angel” and the date at the top of the page.


1. Sit in a quiet, peaceful space with your feet flat on the floor and your eyes closed. Ask your angel to draw closer to you. Imagine its wings softly folded around you.

2. As you slowly inhale and exhale, feel or sense the presence of your angel reaching out to you. Ask your angel to come closer to you now. Breathe in your angel’s essence and energy and allow yourself to feel the love emanating from your angel.

3. Bring your attention to the center of your heart. Ask your angel a question. Imagine yourself writing the question within your heart.


4. When you feel the words to your question within your heart, open your eyes and write your question down in your notebook. Close your eyes again.

5. With the words of your mind and in your heart, connect with the deep desire to hear your angel’s voice. Listen in your heart… become aware of any feelings. Our Angels reach out to us through our feelings. Allow the feelings to come to you and be open to the words that arise.

6. Write down whatever you receive, whether they’re words, images or feelings.


7. Remember to thank your angel for this message.


8. Read over what you’ve just received.


Notice how you feel about the message. If the words you wrote down bring tears to your eyes or you feel moved by them, you’ll know that your angel has just spoken to you.


If you’re not sure you received a message, simply close your eyes again and repeat the process from the beginning, and ask your angel to make contact with you.

Accept whatever message you receive with gratitude. Don ’t dismiss or judge what comes through because that will shut down your heart and block communication with your angel.

When you accept, you open, and when you’re open, you receive.
The Four Major Archangels


Now that I've got your attention, let's get down to the meat of this article.

If you believe in angels, and you're reading this because you probably do, then it's time you begin, right now, to work with the coolest angels that our Creator has given us, the Archangels.

The Archangels exist to help us with our journeys here on earth. Did you really think you were in this alone?

These powerful angels oversee the Guardian Angels and when you need a powerhouse to help you out with a difficult area in your life, call on them right away! These heavenly beings are there for you.

There are ten Archangels in all but I'm going to introduce you to the four major Archangels.


Archangel Michael - His name means: "He who is like God."


He's the Archangel of the south and his essence is fire.

Michael is the warrior, defender and protector of heaven and earth. Call upon Michael whenever you want protection. He also removes negativity and fear from your life. I work with Michael very often and he gets the job done!

Archangel Gabriel - Her name means "God is my strength."


She's the Archangel of the west and her essence is water.

She has a feminine energy and is associated with conception and birth, and is the Archangel of new beginnings. If you're planning on starting a family, buying a new home or looking for a different job, call on Gabriel.

Archangel Raphael - His name means "He Who Heals."

He's the Archangel of the east and his essence is wind. Raphael is the Archangel of healing and his healing energies are powerful indeed! His color is emerald green which is the color of healing. Call on Raphael to heal yourself or someone you love.

Archangel Uriel - His name means "Fire of God."


He's the Archangel of the north and his essence is earth.


Call on Uriel for insight into your life's purpose and direction and to send you clear messages and ideas. He lovingly answers our prayers and thoughts.

There's a lot of information on the internet about the Archangels and I strongly suggest you invite them into your life because once you do, doors to endless possibilities will open for you.

Meditation and the Seven Steps To Inner Peace

If you want to experience inner peace, you don't need to travel to exotic locations, study with a yogi or lock yourself in a room and chant endlessly. Finding inner peace is a matter of taking time for yourself to quietly reflect on the stillness within you.

We're all so busy rushing from one thing to another, occupying our precious time with things that don't even need our immediate attention.


Sadly, we seldom take time for ourselves to be at peace.

Truth is, the idea of someone having 20 minutes of free time to do nothing could very well put them in a panic! Most people wouldn't know what to do with themselves. That's because they don't know inner peace.

Inner peace is the reflection of within. It is the focus of the quiet stillness within you that gives you a sense of the kind of peace and relaxation that is without words.


Meditation is the secret to finding inner peace. Inner peace is the secret to spiritual awakening and oneness with your spiritual self.


Here are some suggestions that will help you find inner peace.


1. Spend Time In Quiet Reflection


With all that's going on in the world today, one of the best things you can do to achieve inner peace is to minimize or eliminate reading newspapers and watching the news.


When we allow our mind to absorb the negativity that's around us, we become more detached from our spirituality and achieving inner peace.

When our mind has nothing to occupy it, it immediately feels insecure and looks for something to fill the void. That's when we instantly turn on the TV or surf the internet, anything to keep the mind busy.

Instead, when you find yourself with some free time, even if it's just 15 minutes, use that time to be still, to be by yourself, to focus inward. A guided meditation will help you take a huge leap forward toward inner peace.

2. You Are What You Think

Manifest A Miracle states that we've been conditioned to think negativity and the life we live today is the direct result of those thoughts. Negativity thrives in the minds of most people – sad but true. They thrive on bad news, they buy it, they follow it, they seek it out. It's no wonder that so many people seem so unhappy and withdrawn, unable to escape the self-imposed wall of negativity they've build around themselves.

We must take the necessary steps to avoid negative thinking. You'll never be able to achieve inner peace when you're focused on the negative.


There's simply nothing at all to be gained by thinking negative thoughts.


Changing your way of thinking is not going to be easy - it doesn't happen overnight. But what steps are you willing to take to change your life and achieve inner peace?


You are the master of your mind, not the other way around. Take control of your thoughts and you'll not only take control of your life, but you'll achieve inner peace.


3. Simplify Your Life


"There never enough time in the day."

How many times have you heard someone say that? We fill our days up with so many chores, tasks and mundane activities and as a result, we don't stand a chance in achieving inner peace. Simply because we don't take the time.

You want to meditate but have to get the laundry done. You want to spend some time to yourself but the grass has to be mowed. You want to sit down for just a few minutes but you have to vacuum first.

When you stop placing demands on your time, you'll feel a weight lifted from your shoulders.

Prioritize your time by tackling the big tasks first, plan time for yourself, then accomplish some of the smaller tasks, but at a comfortable pace. You'll find your day a lot less hectic and a lot more enjoyable.

4. Quiet Time Alone Is The Foundation of Inner Peace

Each day we spend our time working for someone else, taking care of our families, cleaning, cooking, etc. Sadly, we never manage to find just 15 minutes to focus on inner peace.

Sitting quietly and simply listening to the breath allows the body and mind to relax.

This cultivates inner peace. There's no amount of money that will bring you inner peace. There's nothing "without" you that can bring you inner peace. It must come from "within" you, from within those quiet moments of solitude when there is only you and stillness.

If you have trouble stilling you mind, ask your angels to help remove those busy thoughts so you can focus on inner peace.


5. Be Immune to Flattery and Criticism


You must remember that it's not what others think, but what you think that matters.


We certainly can listen to the criticism and flattery of others, but if we depend on them, we rob ourselves of inner peace.

Allowing yourself to be affected by people who bestow either flattery or criticism on you will inflate your ego which pulls you further away from inner peace.
Allow yourself to have a strong sense of confidence and self. Know that your opinions are ultimately the ones that matter. Don't criticize anyone but instead accept them for who they are. Leave the criticism to those who lack good judgment and self-confidence.

6. Act Selflessly


Act from the heart and reap the rewards!


Give selflessly of yourself. When we serve others in some form, the feelings of love, happiness and inner peace will envelope you like a big hug from someone you love.


7. Avoid Criticism of Others


It's vital that we empathize with others, to put ourselves in someone else's place.


We must be aware that everyone is fighting a battle of some kind. Criticism of others is a negative energy that deeply affects your sense of inner peace.

When we criticize, it's impossible to feel inner peace. Instead, make an effort to give your love and energy to others in need, and in doing so that positive energy will have a wonderful ripple effect.