Jeanette Cooper Profile

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Jeanette Cooper, a native Georgian, a former elementary school teacher, graduate of University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s in Reading instruction, is mother of a son, grandmother of a grandson, and lives in North Florida near the Suwannee River.

Jeanette enjoys walking, reading, cooking, and gardening, but her greatest pleasure comes from writing and watching characters come alive as they interact with one another in adventurous life-like dramas that motivate reading pleasure. Her latest romantic suspense novels are Passionate Promise, Vulnerable to Deceptive Love, Stripped of Dignity and Someone Wants Her Dead.

Jeanette loves to hear from her readers, and invites you to contact her through her web site at:

Books I've written

  • Desperate Choices
    Desperate Choices Mystery by Jeanette Cooper
    Desperate Choices
    Desperate Choices



    Oct 2010

    Rochelle Rathbone flirts with danger when she accidentally meets Tobias Chandler, Miami drug czar; thus, setting the stage for horrors she never knew existed ...

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