The Judges Chronicles: Rebirth of Shavron by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Introduction: How it all Began


When time began a world was created; formed from the very fingertips of God. Life was given to the creations He made and they lived among each other. God loved his creations and he called it good: for all he made was good and there was no evil among them. However, there was one creature that hated the very essence of his Creator and everything that he made. This creature sought to bring evil into the world. Thinking that it was out of God‘s watchful eye, this creature tempted the others in the world. Slowly, all kinds of evil began to brew in their minds. At that moment that world was changed and it would never be the same again. This is a tale of a world quite different from ours, but also the same in some ways. It‘s a tale of good and evil, a tale of faith in, and a tale of the redemption of that fallen world.

In the far regions, past the high mountains and beyond the Cinnamount Woods (a place where all the trees‘ barks smelled of cinnamon), there is a small land called Shavron. It‘s a special land abundant with riches beyond any creature's desire. Because of this, Shavron's past was filled with chaos and turmoil between its citizens and other nations. Jealousy rose and wars, famine, enslavement, and plundering soon followed.

Bloodshed stained the ground leaving Shavron a desolate wasteland. However, within the chaos there was a small group of creatures that sought guidance from a higher means. For years they prayed without ceasing, crying out to their Creator for help. Sometimes their prayers could be heard for hours into the night. Some didn't understand the actions of the few: Why would they pray at such a time? Fighting wars seemed more sensible than praying for a miracle, but the few continued to pray, never giving up.

As the years went by, the number of creatures who prayed became less and less. It seemed hopeless to continue, but they did continue; and after many years of prayer and faith, only one was left to continue the plea for the Creator‘s help. On a starry night, the prayer was answered.

"Namus, Namus wake up."

The small creature was startled by the voice. He stood quietly, looking around fearfully.

"Namus, don't be afraid. I have heard your prayer and will deliver Shavron and its citizens from this chaos. This country will be a gem to this world and through this land a great blessing will come upon all creatures. Send the word to all the cities; tell them to bring Mary of Cadius, Joan of Flora, and Elijah of Eldos. Bring them to me here at the hillside in the Cinnamount Woods.”

"But who should I say has sent for them?"asked Namus.

"I have many names, but for now tell them the Holy One has heard the prayer and now I will act."

Namus carried out the Holy One‘s command. He went near and far spreading the news bringing many creatures with him along the way. Mary, Joan, and Elijah met at a hillside. A large rock sat at the top of the hill. The Holy One made his presence know to the multitude as a radiant light. The multitude was stunned; they had heard stories about a great being that had made the world, but now they were experiencing all His glory before them. The multitude along with Mary, Elijah, and Joan bent their knees in reverence. The Holy One spoke.

"Do not be afraid, stand. I have blessed you to guide this land from the hands of evildoers, wars, and famine. Your ancestors turned their hearts towards evil, but I will free you and this entire world in due time. Mary, I will bless you to judge over commerce. You will trade only with the nations of Judi, Seir, and Calus."

The Holy One pulled a small stone from the ground and carved it with fire. The stone became an orange gem and was engraved with a symbol of fruits and grain. "Joan, I will bless you to instruct this land in my ways. Choose creatures of noble heart to help you. Let all of Shavron know that I love them, that I will never forsake them, and that they are chosen creatures."

The Holy One also gave Joan a crest; it was a green gem engraved with a scroll. "Elijah, I will bless you to defend this land in times of war, but you must always consult me before you enter into battle. I will do your fighting for you; but if you take battles into your own hands, victory will never be given.”

The Holy One gave Elijah the crest of battle. The blue gem was engraved with a picture of a warrior holding a sword.

"All three of you come forward to the rock."

The three did so.

"Here is what I command from all of you: follow this and my blessing will be upon you."

Suddenly a ray of light touched the rock. A hand appeared and inscribed four sayings:

Worship only me.

Love others as you would yourself.

Don't follow the practices of other nations. Follow the judges that I have called.

"No other creature is to tamper with my words, only I have the authority to add to my words. Here I call this place Tribless Hill: for it is where I blessed three of you. If my creations follow my commands and listen to the wisdom that I give to the judges, I will bless you. But if you chose not to, then your paths will be crooked and harsh."

After that time, the Holy One granted favor over Shavron for many years.

Two hundred years later, the Holy One called three new judges to look over the land: Gideon of Eldos, the judge of battle; Deborah of Moran, the judge of instruction; and Samson of Old Sim, the judge of commerce. Here the first chronicle begins.