Henry the Red Tailed Hawk & Stevie the Grey Haired Squirrel by James Fillmore - HTML preview

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Chapter One – “How It All Started”

One beautiful summer day I was sitting out in our back yard just admiring all of God’s creation.  I was listening to the ducks in the creek behind our house and over head there was a beautiful Cardinal just singing his heart out.  In one of our bird feeders we had a couple of house wrens getting as much seed as they could carry and then hurrying home to one of our bird houses to feed their young.  Now mind you I am I’m just enjoying the wonderful summer day that God had provided for us!

Well my friends this story was told to me by a rather old little grey squirrel and this is what happened.  All of a sudden I have a little grey squirrel on my shoulder.  Now mind you I am just about to scoot him away and he says into my ear,” don’t be afraid I want to tell you a story that happened a long time ago! 

Wow a talking squirrel, am I losing my mind?  Then he says “Please just sit in your chair and listen to my story!”  Well what would you have done?   I can tell you what I did, I took a deep breath and a long drink of water and sat back and listened to my new friend!

Now all I ask is that you sit back and relax while you read his story.