Growing Up as a Little Brother by Steven Bowman - HTML preview

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Growing Up as a Little Brother

First published by Smashwords © 2021

Copyright © 2021 by Steven Bowman All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

Steven Bowman asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

First edition

This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy.

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Young brothers will often be each other’s best friends. They will laugh together, get into trouble together and create memories that will last a lifetime.

– David Leads


Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight


Chapter Nine


Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve


Book Description


Self-Publishing Date


Chapter One

Therewewere,justtwolovingbrothersplayingfootball in the park. It is sunny and too bright. So, I had to shield the sun from my eyes.

Then, after a while of playing, my brother realized that I could not catch the football. It is the epitome of my lack of catching a football.

“Just go farther back,” he said, “So, you will not be able to catch this, will you?”

“I am trying my best,” I say, “At least, I hope. Right, bro?”

“Come on, bro. You cannot catch this football?” my brother teased me. “What is wrong with you?”

“Quit it, bro!” I yelled. “You know what is at stake for you if you do not stop teasing me.”

My brother giggled. “Oh, well. I guess you are right. Sorry, bro.”

“I will try harder to throw it next time. At least, I hope.”

“Haha, you will never catch it, bro!” teased my brother, “You are lackin’ a lot, bro.”

“Again, quit it!” I yelled. “Stop it, or else they will ground you.”

“Okay, okay, I will stop,” my brother eased up, “sorry, bro, try your best. That is all I want.”



“Whatever!” I started blushing from embarrassment. “You do not have to be such a bully to me. I did nothing to deserve this, bro.”

“Alright, I am sorry. Gosh!” my brother says. His face was turning red. “Okay, how many times do I have to apologize?”

“Keep apologizing to me for all the amounts of teasing.”

“Oh, is that so?” says my brother. He started teasing me again.

“I guess that I must do it more than once! Because you are way too easy to tease.”

“Quit it!” I yelled, and now my face was bright red. “Okay, I am telling Mommy!”

My brother teases me some more. “Baby! Baby! You are such a baby!”

“That is enough!” I raised my voice. I felt too embarrassed.

“Could we put this aside and just continue playing football?”

“Okay, fine! We will play football,” says my brother, “look, can we not tell Ma about me teasing you? Can we keep it our little secret?”

“Very well, bro,” I say, as my brother’s apologizing. “Okay, I am guessing that you will stop teasing me. Right, bro?”

“Yes, little bro. I will stop teasing you,” winks my brother, “as long as you keep the secret of me teasing you from Mommy and Daddy.”

I laughed. “Yes, your secret’s safe with me, bro. Cross my heart, and hope not to die.”

Then, my brother and I went back to playing football, even though I still could not catch the ball because of the sun so brightly on my face. And yet, it was not my fault. Stupid sun!

And then we played until we had to come home for dinner when the sun went down. Tonight’s dinner was cheeseburgers and fries with a side of potato chips. Yummy!



* * *

The next day.

Yawn! As the daylight came through my window, I realized it was morning. So, I looked at my watch: 9:32 am.

Of course, this means I have slept the entire night while in my jammies with my teddy bear right by my side in my bed.

Then, as I yawned and stretched, sitting at the side of my bed, I would get a strange urge to wake up my brother.

I walked to my brother’s room and went to his bed. And I shook him awake, “It is time to wake up, bro!”

My brother snorts. “Huh, cannot you see I am sleeping, bro?”

“So what?” I shook him some more. “I am waking you up, anyway!”

“Go back to sleep, bro!” my brother yells. He seemed mad.

“Or else—”

I interrupted him. “—Or else what?”

“What is wrong with you?” my brother grunted. “Are you fucked up in the head or something, bro?”

“Ooh, you cursed!” I teased him, “I am telling Mommy!”

“Oh, just shut up!” my brother yelled, “why do you have got to wake me up this early? I am just going back to bed!”

“I am telling Mommy that you cursed. Ooh, you are in big trouble!”

My brother hands me his wallet. “Here, take five bucks.”

“What for?” I ask curiously.

“For keeping the cursing a secret,” my brother whispers, “take the five bucks and leave me alone, please!”

“Okay, I guess?” I felt weird. “Very well, I will take the five 3



“Please do,” my brother insisted, “now, can you please leave my room?”

I went to my brother’s door. “Sure, I can leave your room, bro.”

Then, I jiggled the door handle, opened the door, and left my brother’s room. At least I have got five bucks from my brother.

Sure, it is for keeping the cursing a secret. However, I am feeling unusual about the five dollars I received. But I will get over it, eventually.

* * *

Then, as the day became the afternoon, according to my watch: 1:30 pm, I got hungry, and my tummy was aching.

Also, when I asked my Mommy how long I was awake. Three hours and fifty-eight minutes, she says. Then, I asked my Mommy what I could have for lunch.

I tell my Mommy I am hungry. “Mommy, it is lunchtime.

What can I have?”

“Okay, Hunny,” in a sweet voice, my Mommy says, “I will make your lunch. What do you want for lunch, Baby?”

“Oh, I do not know, Mommy,” I say as I scratch my head, “how about a sandwich? May I have a sandwich, please?”

“Sure, Hunny. What kind of sandwich, Baby?”

“May I please have a ham and cheese sandwich with mayo, Mommy?”

“Yes, Baby,” my Mommy says, “do you want any chips with your sandwich, Hunny?”



“Sure, Mommy,” I replied, “may you make the cheese cheddar, please?”

“Yes, I will do that, Hunny.”

“Thank you, Mommy,” I thanked her, “hey, I love you.”

My Mommy giggled. “Hey, I love you more, Baby.”

“No, I love you more, Mommy!”

“Okay, I give up. You win, Hunny,” my Mommy says. I believe I won. “Now, let me make your sandwich, Baby. Give me like a minute or two, please.”

Then a minute passes. My sandwich got made and cut into four triangles with chips on the side of my plate. Oh, boy! It will be yummy in my tummy!

After I finished my sandwiches, I felt satisfied and full. Then, I got up and thanked my Mommy for making me the sandwiches.

Of course, she says, “No problem, Hunny. ” And then I went to my room and took a nap until dinner.

* * *

Yawn! After waking up from my nap, I looked at my watch: it was 5:45 pm. I went out of my room and went downstairs for dinner.

I asked my Mommy how long I would nap, and she told me it was four hours and fifteen minutes.

My brother and I then started setting up for dinner. After that, we ate our dinner. For tonight’s dinner, we had steak and mashed potatoes with a little side dish of mac and cheese.

Then the room was silent for two minutes, as my brother and I stared at the white ceiling until we got asked how our day was.



My brother went first, then me, Mommy, and then Daddy.

“My day—?” my brother pauses after he swallows some mac and cheese, “—it went pretty okay. Well, I did nothing all day, honestly.”

“That is good, Hunny,” my Mommy says. “How about you, Baby?”

“My day went well, Mommy,” I replied, “well, I was sleeping through it, mostly.”

My Mommy smiles. “Very well, Baby. Good, I am glad.”

“How about you, Daddy?” my Mommy asked, “what was Daddy’s day like today?”

“Mine went pretty well, Dear,” replies Daddy, “it was busy as I worked and worked.”

“And what about Mommy’s day?” I wondered as I smiled.

“How was Mommy’s day today?”

“It was well, Baby. It was busy as I worked and worked,”

replies Mommy, “just like Daddy’s day today, Hunny.”

Then, we ate our dinner as a family, and by the time we finished, it was 7:30 pm. And my brother and I cleaned up from dinner, got into our jammies, then brushed our teeth.

And then we got into our beds as Mommy kissed our foreheads. Good night. After that, she read me a bedtime story.

It was 9:45 pm by the time she read the story.

Well, it is lights out and sleepy time for me until the next day.

Oh, I am getting sleepy-sleepy, yawn! Okay, good night, world!

I will not see you until tomorrow, so sleep well!


Chapter Two

Y awn! Goodmorning,world!Itisnow9:32am,andI am waking up in my bed, along with my teddy bear, while I was in my jammies all night.

Then I stretched while sitting on the side of my bed. Strangely, today, I did not feel like waking up my brother. It is weird, but I will get over it eventually.

I came out of my room and went downstairs for breakfast.

Then my tummy started aching, and it was time to eat breakfast.

However, I do not know what to eat. Weirdly, I am craving some smiley face chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup.

So, I came into my Mommy’s room quietly.

I started complaining to my Mommy that my tummy was aching and hungry. She understood, slipped on her pink fuzzy slippers, and grabbed her pink fuzzy robe.

She went downstairs and cooked me some smiley face chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup in the kitchen. Oh boy!

My Mommy yawned and handed me a plate. “Here you go, Baby. Some smiley-faced chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup.”

“Thank you, Mommy,” I thanked her, my face lit up, “you are the best Mommy in the world!”



My Mommy aches and stretches. “You are welcome, Hunny.

Thank you, Baby.”

Then, I ate the pancakes until they were all gone. After that, I was bouncy. I am guessing it is the sugar. And yet, I could not sit still. Then things started to crash slowly.

That is the sugar high coming to a halt, I am guessing. And then I looked at my watch: 10:15 am. And I went into my room and slept until the afternoon came for lunch.

* * *

Yawn! Oh, boy, was that resting well or what? After stretching, I looked at my watch. The time was 1:30 pm, and then I came downstairs from my room.

And I went to ask my Mommy what I could have for lunch.

But before I asked her for lunch, I asked her how long I slept.

And she tells me, three hours and fifteen minutes.

“Hey, Mommy. My tummy’s aching me,” I told my Mommy.

“I believe I am getting hungry because of it being lunch. May I have lunch, please?”

My Mommy nods her head. “Sure, Baby. What do you want for lunch?”

“Mommy, what can I have?” I wondered.

“Well, I can make you whatever, Hunny. Just name it, please.”

“Very well, Mommy,” I rubbed my tummy ache. “May I please have a leftover cheeseburger with some mac and cheese?”

My Mommy nods with a smile. “Yes, Baby. Is that what you want?”

I nodded with a smile. “Please, Mommy.”



“Okay, let me make you that, Hunny,” my Mommy started getting up. “I will make that for you, Baby. Just give me five minutes, please.”

“Yes, okay, Mommy. Thank you, I love you.”

My Mommy smiles. “Anytime. I love you too, Baby.”

After five minutes, my Mommy handed me my lunch, and I ate it all. It is the most delicious meal I have ever eaten.

Then, after I finished eating, I did not have the urge to take a nap. So, I asked my Mommy if I could go outside and play.

She said, “Y es , and be safe now, Baby.” Then, as I went out, I walked to my friend’s house to ask him if he’d like to play with me.

* * *

I got to my friend’s house, rang his doorbell, and waited for a response. Yet, it took about three minutes for an answer.

Then, standing at the door as it opened was my friend’s Mommy. As she opened the door, we talked for a while, then I asked for my friend. So we could play together.

“Hello, Mrs. Blakeman. You look lovely,” I politely say after she opens the door, “And how are you doing today, madam?”

“Thank you, Westley. You are very nice,” giggled Mrs.

Blakeman, “I am doing well, kiddo, and how about you?”

“Anytime, madam. Thank you,” I say, smiling, “I am doing well, Mrs. Blakeman.”

“Okay, Westley,” says Mrs. Blakeman. Then she asks, “Are you here for somebody, kiddo?”

“Yes, Mrs. Blakeman, I am,” I reply, smiling. “Is Jax here right 9



“He is in his room, kiddo.” Then, Mrs. Blakeman asked me,

“do you need me to get him for you?”

“Sure, that’d be great,” I nodded, “thanks, Mrs. Blakeman.”

“Okay, I will get him, kiddo,” Mrs. Blakeman says as she closes the door. “Give me a minute, please.”

Then, as I am waiting, I hear Mrs. Blakeman hollering up the stairs to Jax, telling him, “Westley is at the door for you, Hunny.”

Shortly after that, I heard Jax coming downstairs to open the door. But he does not open the door right away.

I saw him sitting on his couch, putting on his socks and shoes.

And then we finally got to play outside until it became dinner for both of us.

* * *

After looking, it is 5:35 pm, and it is getting dark outside. I just had ten minutes to get home before dinner. So, Jax and I walked back home from playing outside.

Then, Jax left to go into his house, and I left to go into mine, and it was now 5:50 pm, and I was only five minutes late for dinner. Mommy started worrying.

“Oh, there you are, Baby,” with a worried look, my Mommy says. “Thank God that you are okay, Mister!”

“Yes, I am here. Sorry, I am late, Mommy,” I sadly apologized.

“I was outside playing with Jax. But I am home now, do not worry.”

“You do not know how worried we are, Sonny?” my Daddy says disappointingly. “Now, for being late, you are grounded 10


for a week. After dinner, you can march your little tushie to your room and go to bed, Mister!”

“Yes, Daddy,” I say with a frown. “I am sorry, Mommy and Daddy.”

“And you think about this, Sonny,” my Daddy adds. “Now, eat your dinner before it gets cold. It is meatloaf and mashed potatoes tonight.”

I say, still frowning, “Okay, Daddy. I will, yes, sir!”

Then, I ate my dinner. And after that, I went and got ready for bed. But I did not get a bedtime story from my Mommy.

She tells me that “bedtime stories are for good little boys.”

But what I have done, I agree with my Mommy, and I truly felt bad for getting home a little too late. I should have been home before dinner and respected the rules.

I am getting sleepy-sleepy, so I am guessing this means good night, and it is bedtime. So, good night, world! Until tomorrow, I hope you will all sleep well!


Chapter Three

Y awn! Goodmorning,world! Iamfreefrombeing grounded, yippee! I look at my watch: 9:25 am. And I woke up seven minutes earlier than usual.

So, I sat up on the side of my bed, stretched, and scratched the side of my tummy. Then, I had to use the bathroom because I needed to pee.

After I finished using the bathroom, my tummy started aching.

Again, it is breakfast time for me.

So, I asked my Mommy to make me smiley-faced chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup. Of course, she did it for me because she loves me.

Then, after eating the pancakes, it was 10:18 am, my watch says, and according to my Mommy, fifty-three minutes since I woke up.

Of course, it is nap time before lunch. So, I went into my room, got in my bed, got under the covers, and slept until lunch.

* * *

Oh, I have overslept. When I looked at my watch, it was 1:45



pm, fifteen minutes from lunch. So, I got up from bed, yawned, stretched, and then my tummy started aching.

So, I had to have Mommy make lunch for me. Of course, she loved me and did it for me. And before my Mommy made me lunch, I asked her how long my nap was.

She said it was for three hours and twenty-seven minutes.

Then, my Mommy made a surprise lunch for me.

I ate it right up, and it was so delicious. So yummy in my tummy! Then, my brother asked if I would play catch with him.

But at first, I was hesitant, thinking it was a trap for his teasing.

However, he insisted it was not. He promised and would not tease me.

And yet, I went along with it, and we played catch all afternoon until it was sundown and time for dinner.

* * *

My watch reads 5:45 pm, and according to my Mommy, she says that I have been playing with my brother for four hours.

And it was fun playing with my brother. Yes, I dropped the football more than once, but my brother kept his word and promise and did not tease me. Yippee, I was tease-free for once.

Yet, my brother would have bribed me with cash to keep it a secret from our parents. Since it is 5:45 pm, that means it was dinner. So, my Daddy says it is a surprise for dinner tonight.

I do not love surprises sometimes, especially with a surprise dinner. Yay, a dinner surprise. For dinner tonight, Daddy says we are going out to eat.

So, my brother and I had to get our socks and shoes. And 13


then we headed out the door and went to a restaurant.

* * *

According to my watch, it is now 9:45 pm, and my Mommy says four hours from our dinner at 5:45 pm, and yes, that dinner was delicious.

However, I do not know the name of the restaurant. So, now, it is time for bed. Yawn! Oh, well. I am guessing that this means good night to the world.

Then, I needed to get ready for bed, get in my jammies, and brush my teeth. And then I got all snugly into my bed while my Mommy kissed my forehead good night.

And then she read me a bedtime story. Yawn! OMG, it is sleepy time for me. Turn off the lights, Mommy. Swoosh! Good night, Mommy. I love you.

So, good night, world! I will see you tomorrow. Until then, sleep well!

* * *

The next morning.

Yawn! OMG, I cannot stop yawning. Yawn! Oops, there I go again. Okay, as I am overlooking my watch: it is 9:30 am.

I woke up two minutes before, usually. Yawn! Oh, boy, I cannot stop yawning. Now, I need to use the bathroom and 14


brush my teeth.

Then, after that, I needed some breakfast because my tummy started aching. As I stretched and got up from my bedside, I woke up my brother.

Strangely, I had the feeling that bothered him. It is weird. But it is okay. Then, after that, I asked my Mommy to make me breakfast.

But first, my brother, then breakfast. I repeat that softly to myself again and again. And then I enter my brother’s room, go to his bed, and shake him awake.

“Wake up, bro!” I hollered as I shook my brother awake, “it is time for you to wake up!”

My brother snorted. “Huh, what do you want, Westley? Can’t you see that I am sleeping?”

I am still shaking my brother awake. “Please, it is time to wake up, Jamison!”

“Ugh, go back to bed, bro!” my brother yells, rolling his eyes.

“Please, for me, Westley?”

“Oh, alright,” I say sadly, realizing, “I am guessing you do not want to get up, then?”

“Nope, bro. I do not want to get up,” my brother says, shoving his pillow over his face. “Why do you have to wake me up this early? Why do you bother me, Westley?”

I got up to leave my brother’s room. “Okay, bro. I am very sorry, Jamison.”

“That is okay, bro. Just do not do it, Westley. okay?”

“Yes, bro, I understand,” I say sadly, almost whiny. “I am going to go now. Sorry to bother you, bro.”

Then, I left my brother’s room and headed downstairs to ask my Mommy if she’d made me some breakfast.

But this morning, I did not feel like eating pancakes. So, I 15


asked my Mommy if she’d go out and get me a breakfast burger.

Of course, she said yes and went out to buy it for me. And the burger was well-done and so delicious. Yummy in my tummy!

So then I felt sleepy. I am guessing that it was nap time for me. Then, I took my nap until lunchtime.

My watch tells me: 10:45 am. And my Mommy says, an hour and fifteen minutes since I have been awake.

* * *

Yawn! My watch says it is now 1:30 pm. So it is now lunchtime.

Then I had to use the bathroom. Then, it is time to ask my Mommy to make me some lunch.

But first, I asked her how long my nap was. She says two hours and fifty minutes. Oh boy, was the rest sure needed or what? The answer is yes.

I came and asked my Mommy, “Hey, Mommy. My tummy is aching. May I please have some lunch?”

And she says, “Sure, Hunny. What would you like, Baby?”

“I am not sure,” I say, rubbing my tummy ache, “oh, may I please have a ham and cheese sandwich with a side of chips?”

“Sure, Hunny. American or cheddar cheese?”

“American, please. And may I have mayo?”

“Yes, Baby. White or yellow American?”

“Yellow American, please. Thanks, Mommy.”

“Anytime, Hunny,” my Mommy says with a smile. “So, let me make you your sandwich. Give me some time, please. I will make it in a short while. Okay, Baby?”

“Yes, Mommy,” I say, smiling. “Thank you, Mommy. I love 16



My Mommy smiled. “You are welcome, Hunny. I love you too, Baby.”

Then, after a short time, my Mommy finished making my sandwich, and as I thanked her for it, I ate it right up after.

Once again, it was the most delicious thing I have eaten.

Thanks to my Mommy, is not she just the best Mommy in the world?

* * *

I have been looking at my watch: it is 3:05 pm, and according to my Mommy, since lunchtime, it has been an hour and thirty-five minutes.

Of course, after eating lunch, I took a quick nap. Now, I feel like playing with my friend Jax. But I will be mindful of the rules about being home before dark and dinner.

According to my Mommy, I have two hours and forty minutes to go outside and play with Jax, and I am mindful of that.

So I headed to Mrs. Blakeman’s house to ask if she would allow Jax and me to play outside until it got dark and dinnertime for my family and me.

Of course, she always allowed us to play. But no worries. So, I walked to Mrs. Blakeman’s house. I got Jax to play with me.

We then walked down to the park.

But while on our way there, Jax and I had a conversation. I did not know what Jax wanted to say to me. But I am his best friend, most importantly.

Jax starts the conversation by saying, “Yo, wassup, Westley?



How are you today, pal?”

And I reply, “Wassup, Jax? I am doing well. How about you, pal?”

Jax nods his head. “I am doing well, thanks. Did you get grounded last week for being late home before dark and dinner?”

“Yeah,” I tell him, “I had to be in my room alone, stuck for the entire week.”

“Well, doh?” Jax says, scratching his forehead. “That is too bad. I am sorry to hear that, Westley.”

“It is okay,” I say, honestly, “well, I have learned my lesson, though.”

“Oh, is that so?” Jax said sarcastically. “Well, that is cool, I guess?”

I felt a little embarrassed. “Yes, it is so Jax. Why do you say it like that?”

“No reason, bro,” Jax shrugs, “chill, okay?”

I try calming down. “Okay, I am chill, bro. Honestly.”

“So, we are here, bro,” Jax says, stopping at the park’s opening.

“What do you want to do here? Shoot hoops?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Shoot hoops it is, then.”

Then, Jax says, “Okay, let us do it.”

As I am overlooking my watch, it has been quite a while since we have played hoops.

Then, I once more overlooked the time: it was 5:15 pm, and I had thirty minutes to spare before being home for dinner and before dark.

Yet, when I told Jax that we had to go home, he was a struggle, but eventually, he understood.

By then, it was 5:20 pm, and I had twenty-five minutes to get home before dark and dinner.



I say my goodbyes to Jax as we both head home for dinner.

Luckily, I made it home just in time for dinner. Hehe, it impressed my parents.

It was a pizza, wings, and cheese fries from an Italian place called Lo Speranzoso, or The Hopeful in English.

So, the pizza was half pepperoni and half sausage. For the wings, we ordered two dozen buffalo and BBQ.

And for the cheese fries, they got smothered in a cheddar cheese sauce and were delicious. Everything turned out to be delicious.

Then, after helping my brother clean up from dinner, we headed to go wash up, get into our jammies, and brush our teeth, and it was bedtime for us.

Then, my Mommy kissed our foreheads good night, and she read me a bedtime story. And finally, it was lights out, do not let the bedbugs bite.

It was a sleepy time for the family. Yawn! Oh, sorry, I am getting tired. So, that means it is beddy-bye time for me.

So, I am guessing this means good night, world! Until tomorrow, sleep well!


Chapter Four

Y awn! Iamguessingitistimeformetowakeup.AndI am startled by some blurry figure standing on the side of my bed. It has a voice.

But I am not sure what it is saying to me. I am hoping that it is not a monster out to get me. Oh, wait, it is no monster.

Oh, it is just my big brother standing next to my bed. He better needs something, or this is some act of revenge.

“Hey, wake up, Westley,” my brother whispers, “do you want to hang out and shoot some hoops? I am going with some friends, but I invited you to tag along if you wish.”

“Huh, shoot hoops with you and your friends, Jamison?” I said with a snort. “Won’t you and your friends tease me for not shooting well?”

My brother swore, as in he meant it. “No, we will not, bro. I promise you.”

I yawned and stretched. “Uh-huh, are you sure, bro?”

“Yeah, I am sure, promised,” my brother rolled his eyes. “So, what do you say, bro?”

I started getting jumpy and yelled, “I say, yippee. I am in!

Thank you, bro.”

“Anytime, bro,” my brother says. “But shh, be quiet. Mommy and Daddy are asleep. They will not know about this. Right?”



“Okay, right,” I agreed. “sorry, I will try to be as quiet as possible. Cool, bro?”

My brother whispered, “Yep, it is cool with me, Westley.”

Then, my brother and I grab our socks and shoes, put them on, and shot hoops at the park with his friends. Of course, my brother kept his promise, and he and his friends did not tease me.

Then, it became the afternoon slowly, and when I looked at my watch, it told me; it was 2:11 pm, and now, we would be late for lunch.

Oh, no! What will Mommy say about this? Of course, we snuck out without them knowing. Hee hee hoo, hee hee hoo!

Okay, I am freaking out, but I need to calm down.

Hee hee hoo, hee hee hoo! Now, I am calmer. Boy, my brother and I will be in so much trouble, hee hee hoo, hee hee hoo! Oh, what do I do? I am the youngest, too young to die!

To my brother, he says that we have been late for lunch by forty-one minutes. Now, my heart’s pounding, bang bang bang!

Oh, boy, what will I tell my Mommy? She will not kill me, but Daddy will. Hee hee hoo, hee hee hoo! I am freaking out!

What should I do? What should I do? My brother tries calming me down, telling me everything will be okay.

So, I guess he is right. Despite that, my heart’s pounding, bang bang bang! I cannot take sneaking out without Mommy or Daddy knowing.

I am too young to die! So, long, world, I am guessing my eight years on this Earth were nice knowing you! Hee hee hoo, hee hee hoo!

“Calm down, Westley!” my brother shakes my shoulders forcefully, yelling, “You are going to be okay, bro. I promise you that Mommy and Daddy will not kill us. I am sure of it, okay?”



“But-but-but—” I shook with fright, cried, then paused.

“Everything’s okay, bro. I promise you,” my brother wiped away my tears, “do not worry about it, Westley. We will be okay.

Mommy and Daddy will not kill us.”

“But-but-but—” I still shook with fright, cried, and paused.

“Stop it, bro!” my brother forcefully shook my shoulders, yelling, “Mommy and Daddy will not kill us, I can promise you.

Now, quit being a crybaby, will you?”

My heart’s still pounding, bang, bang, bang! But it was easing up a little. Yet, I was still freaking out. But I believed what my brother told me: everything was okay, I promise.

If I am a Baby or a crybaby, these are my true feelings. The life I lived as an eight-year-old was grand. So, bye-bye, world.

It was nice getting to know you!

* * *

Okay, it is now 2:42 pm, according to my watch. And now my brother and I are home. There, standing at the door, was my Mommy.

She looked disappointed as she shook her finger from side to side. Oh, boy, I know what is coming next. Hee hee hoo, hee hee hoo! And my heart’s pounding, bang bang bang!

Repetitively, I kept telling myself, “Everything’s okay. I promise.”

My Mommy looked angry. “Westley Bryson McConahay, you are in big trouble, Mister!”

And Daddy looked angry, too. “Jamison Michael McConahay, you are in big trouble, Mister!”



I gulped with fear. “Yes, I am so very sorry, Mommy. Please forgive me!”

“Yeah, we are very sorry, Ma,” sadly, my brother says. “Please forgive us.”

“You two have some explaining to do, guys!” my Daddy started yelling, “What the hell is wrong with you two?”

My Mommy started raising her voice. “Well? We are waiting!”

“It is my fault, Ma,” my brother confesses. “I just wanted to shoot hoops with Westley and my friends. I am very sorry, Ma and Pops.”

Daddy grunts, “You are damn right that it is your fault, Jamison!”

“That is it, you two,” my Mommy folds her arms, “you are both grounded for a month. Now, march your tushies up to your rooms. And no TV, phones, or hanging out with your friends. NOW GO!”

“We are very sorry, Mommy!” sadly, I say, “we are going, okay?”

“Now, MARCH!” my Daddy yells. “And you both could think about what you have done.”

“We are going, we are going!” my brother says as we head to our rooms. “We are very sorry, you guys. Honestly, we are.”

Then, my brother and I went to our rooms, and we both sat on our beds just staring at the plain old white ceiling that was boring until it was dinnertime, eventually, then bedtime.

For dinner tonight, it was the leftover pizza from Lo Speranzoso, with some cheese fries of what was left. But no wings.

They got eaten up from the time they arrived.

And finally, the day ended. So, now I could get into my jammies, brush my teeth, use the bathroom, then get into bed under the superhero sheets on my bed.



But now that I am grounded, it meant no bedtime stories. But I got my kiss good night on my forehead. And yet, I should not have gone with my brother. Stupid self!

Yawn! OMG, it looks like I need to rest. Good night, world!

Until being grounded for a month tomorrow, sleep well!

* * *

One month later.

Yippee, I am over being grounded! That is right, the month of grounding is over for my brother and me. Oh, boy, I have learned my lesson.

A lesson learned here. Do not go anywhere with anybody without telling Mommy and Daddy first, especially your older brother. And yet, being grounded for the month was not that bad.

Yippee, I am free, BABY! I need to let Jax know that my current month of grounding is over. So, instead of going to his house, as usual. I will text him.

So, he will be happy for me, I am guessing. I do not know.

I cannot see his facial expressions. Yippee, I am free, BABY!

Hooray for me!

I grab my phone and text Jax, “Yo, wassup, Jax? It is me, Westley. I am over with being grounded. My month of grounding is finally over. Yippee!”

It took Jax some time to answer the text, bzzt bzzt bzzt!

Then I looked at my phone. Jax texted me back, “Hooray for you, bro! So, does this mean you are free and that we can hang 24


out at my place?”

I text him right away, “Thank you, Jax. Yes, I am free to hang out at your place. What will we be doing while I am there?”

Messaged sent. And then, two minutes later, bzzt bzzt bzzt!

“I do not know, bro,” Jax messaged back, “How about we play video games?”

Then I replied to his message. “Sure, we can play video games.

Then, what will we do?”

Message sent, shortly, bzzt bzzt bzzt!

Jax messaged back. “Again, I do not know, bro. Whatever else you want, Westley.”

Shortly after, I messaged back, “Okay, then. Sounds cool with me, bro.”

Message sent. And then, in a little while, bzzt bzzt bzzt!

Jax replied in his message, “Okay, sounds cool to me, too, bro.”

I replied in my message, “Yep, see you then, Jax. I will have my Mommy there with me, so that way, your Mommy knows that it is okay with my Mommy. Alright, cool?”

Message sent, shortly, bzzt bzzt bzzt!

In his message, Jax’s replied, “Okay, see you then, bro. Alright, that is cool with me. I cannot wait to hang out with you and play video games.”

Then I put down my phone. Shortly after, I grabbed my socks and shoes, headed downstairs, and told my Mommy to come.

Because I am hanging out at Mrs. Blakeman’s, I can play with Jax. Of course, she stopped what she was doing, so she could do this for me.

We walked to Mrs. Blakeman’s. Then my Mommy and Jax’s Mommy talked, and we could hang out together.



* * *

Oh, boy, I am pooped! I had fun hanging out at Mrs. Blakeman’s with Jax. We both played video games for a long while, but we did not stop to do other stuff.

However, Mr. Blakeman came, barged into Jax’s room, and yelled at him to “go outside and stop playing video games, Mister!

By the time we did that, it was 3:15 pm, according to my watch. So, I left Jax’s place. I headed home for lunch, then took a nap.

And for my lunch today, I had my somewhat usual. A ham and cheese sandwich with mayo and chips, and I had cheddar cheese, only to switch things up a bit.

Then, after lunch, I went to my room and took a nap until dinner. By the time I finished lunch, it was 3:50 pm, and then I napped until dinner.

* * *

Yawn! Okay, I have woken up from my nap. It was 5:40 pm, and my Mommy told me it was two hours and twenty-five minutes as I asked her how long.

Now, I can wash up for dinner, set up for our dinner table with my brother, eat, and then go to bed. However, for our dinner tonight, Daddy wanted us to eat out.

So, we headed for a diner and had a white placemat to doodle with crayons. And oh, boy, I had the loveliest cheeseburger with french fries.



It was so tasty, and I ate it right up. Yummy in my tummy.

After that, we finished eating at the diner. We went home for the rest of the night.

My brother and I got into our jammies, brushed our teeth, and used the bathroom. Then we got into our rooms and got under our sheets.

Then, as always, my Mommy kissed our foreheads good night.

And then she read me a bedtime story. And after that, the lights went out, swoosh.

And then that meant that it was beddy-bye time, “good night, Mommy. I love you.” So, yawn! OMG, it is time for me to fall asleep.

Oh, well, good night, world! Boy, I hope tomorrow will be as great as the days before. Until the many, many days following.

Sleep well!


Chapter Five

Oh,goodmorning,world!Itisme,Westley,andIam just so happy! Today is, yep, that is right, my birthday!

Today I am turning nine. And the day, that is right.

Yes, it revolves around me, the Birthday Boy. But let us not get too crazy, shall we? I do not want to be so bratty. So, things have to be my way, but only a little.

Then I went into my parent’s room and shouted, “Mommy, Daddy, today is my birthday!”

My Mommy whispers, “Yes, it is, but not until 4:14 pm, Baby.”

I scratched my head. “Okay, but how do you know that, Mommy?”

Then, my Daddy adds, “Not until 4:14 pm, when you are eight still before that time. After that time, you will be nine. Now, go back to bed, please!”

I am confused. “Okay, but how do you know when I was born, Mommy?”

My Mommy yawns and says, “I have it written on paper, Hunny. That is how. Okay? It is also on your birth certificate.

Now, please go back to bed!”

“Okay, Mommy,” I whispered. “Goodbye. I am sorry to wake you both.”



* * *

Then, I left my parents’ room and went to tell my brother that today was my birthday. But I add, not until 4:14 pm, as my Mommy and Daddy say.

Of course, my brother is not a morning person. Sheesh!

Things were rough, of course. But oh well, hehe!

“Jamison, today is my birthday!” I went into my brother’s room and shook him awake, “but not until 4:14 pm, as Mommy and Daddy say.”

My brother snorted. “Huh, what is wrong with you, Westley?

Can’t you tell when a person is sleeping?”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it, you are sleeping, ooh,” I say as a little tease. “But it is my birthday, bro. Today I turn nine, but not until 4:14 pm, as Mommy and Daddy say.”

“Go back to bed, Westley, please!” my brother raised his voice.

“I know that it is your birthday. Good for you. But I am not in the mood. Okay?”

“Oh, okay. Sorry, Jamison, I will leave you alone,” I realized to leave my brother alone. “Sorry to bother you, bro. But it is my birthday.”

“That is alright, okay?” half-asleep, my brother says. “It is no problem, bro. Please leave my room and go back to sleep for me?”

“Yeah, yeah, I will go,” sadly, I say, “and yet, I am sorry for bothering you, bro.”

Then, I left my brother’s room, and until lunch, I took a brief nap.



* * *

When I wake up, I am startled by some blurry person standing on the side of my bed. But who is this blurry person? When I rubbed my eyes, everything became clear.

It turned out to be my Mommy, and she was holding a Polaroid with a woman holding her baby. Then, my Mommy gets into my bed, grabs me, and has me close to her chest.

“Who is in this picture, Mommy?” I wondered as my Mommy showed me a picture. “And why are you holding a baby in this?”

“It is you and I, silly willy,” my Mommy giggled. “It is you.

That is me holding you when you were born in the hospital.”

“Doh, I should have known,” I say, slapping my head. “Stupid me!”

“You are not stupid, Baby,” my Mommy tells me. “Do not beat yourself up, Hunny. It is okay. You did not know.”

I cheered up. “Thanks, Mommy. I feel better now.”

“And there’s something on the back of this picture,” my Mommy says, “go on, read it, Baby.”

It reads W.B.M., D.O.B.: 08.03.1997, Time: 4:14 pm, Ht: 1 ft 8 in, Wt: 10.1 lbs, Born at Edward D. Clarke Memorial Hospital.

Then, I started crying, but thankfully, Mommy wiped away my tears.

“It is okay to cry, Baby,” Mommy holds me tight. “Mommy’s here, Hunny.”

I sniffled. “I cannot believe you still have this picture, Mommy.”

“Yeah, me too, Baby.”

“That was something beautiful, Mommy,” I sniffled, blowing 30


snot from my nose. “Thank you for showing me this.”

“Gross, but use a tissue, Baby,” says Mommy as she grabs me a tissue. “There, please blow your nose, Hunny.”

I started cheering up. “Thanks, Mommy. I love you.”

“Anytime, Baby,” Mommy says as she wipes away my tears, “I love you too, Hunny.”

“Thanks, I feel better, Mommy.”

“There, you will be okay, Baby.”

“Yes, I know I will, thanks,” I say, wiping the salty tears from my face, “you are the best Mommy in the world!”

“Thanks, Baby,” Mommy smiled, “and you are the best little kiddo in the world, Westley.”

“I know, Mommy,” I started laughing. “Thanks.”

My Mommy started wondering. “Are you feeling any better, Hunny?”

“Yes, I am feeling better, thanks,” I said with glee. “What will we be having for lunch? I am starving, Mommy.”

And my Mommy tells me, winking, “Anything you want, Birthday Boy.”

Then, I started saying, “Ooh, can I please have some mac and cheese?”

“Here’s the thing, Baby,” Mommy started frowning, “we do not have that. Would you like something else, Hunny?”

“Oh, okay, I guess?” sadly, I frowned. “Then, what do we have, Mommy?”

“I could get you a single slice of sausage pizza from Lo Speranzoso,” Mommy tells me, “would you like that and a side dish of cheese fries, Baby?”

“Sure, I would love that, Mommy,” I say, thankfully. “Thanks, I love you.”

“Okay, Hunny,” Mommy smiled, “You are welcome. I love 31


you too, Birthday Boy.”

Then, my Mommy got me that order of a slice of sausage pizza and a side dish of cheese fries from Lo Speranzoso.

Shortly after I waited, Mommy came home, and I ate the sausage pizza and the cheese fries. It was so yummy in my tummy! It was so delicious!

And after that, I took a nap until dinner. And guess what magically happens after 4:14 pm? Yep, I magically turn into a nine-year-old from previously being eight.

So, the napping will come first, and while I am sleeping, then wake up, I will be nine. Yippee, it is my birthday, and I am the Birthday Boy!

* * *

Yippee, I am finally a nine-year-old. That is right, it is past 4:14

pm, and it is also almost time for dinner. I came downstairs.

And right now, my watch: 5:30 pm.

And according to my Mommy, when I asked her, she said I slept for two hours and five minutes if I took my nap at 3:25

pm. She cannot be lying.

And she also added. It is fifteen minutes until dinner. So, she told me to prepare dinner by setting up our dinner table with my brother.

And finally, after we finished setting up, my brother, me, Mommy, and Daddy sat around our dinner table and ate our dinner. For dinner tonight, meatloaf with mashed potatoes.

And then — Surprise! Happy birthday, Westley!

Of course, it was a surprise birthday party for my family and 32


friends. I felt special, and it was very magical.

Yay, I loved being the Birthday Boy! And turning age nine was special. I loved my birthday party with the surprises of my family and friends.

However, it is strange how my friends got here. I do not remember my Mommy and Daddy inviting people, hmm?

“Happy birthday, bro,” says Jax as he pats my back. “How does it feel to be nine?”

“Thanks, bro,” I say, thankfully, “it does not feel any different from being eight.”

“Mmm, okay. Cool, bro,” Jax stretches, “well, it is your birthday, Birthday Boy.”

“Yeah, I am the Birthday Boy, thanks.”

Then Jax left to go somewhere else.

“Happy birthday, little bro!” says my brother, “how do you feel being nine?”

“Thanks, Jamison,” happily, I say, “it is the same feeling as when I turned eight.”

“Oh, okay, bro. Hey, I love you, Westley.”

“Thanks, bro. I love you too, Jamison.”

“Okay, Birthday Boy, happy birthday!”

“Yep, thanks, bro. I appreciate it.”

Then, my brother left to go someplace else.

My mother raised and banged a glass. “Attention, everybody!

It is time for cake and ice cream. Gather around, kids. And make room for the Birthday Boy, Westley.”

And then everybody gathered around as I made my way to the birthday cake with the number nine as a lit candle.

After everybody gathered around, the lights turned off, and everybody sang happy birthday.

Ah, it felt like a special birthday to me. And finally, the lights 33


came back on, and everybody enjoyed the cake and ice cream, then after the party ended, everybody went home.

And as the party got cleaned up, it was time for beddy-bye.

So, my brother and I got into our jammies, brushed our teeth, used the bathroom, and then got into our beds.

Then, my Mommy kissed our foreheads good night and read me a bedtime story. Then I say, “good night, Mommy. I love you.”

Oh, boy, yawn! I am guessing that this means I have to fall asleep now. So, good night, world! Also, I enjoyed my birthday.

It went so well. I loved it! And until tomorrow, many, many, many great days after that. Yawn! Very well, good night, and sleep well!


Chapter Six

Okay,Iamawakenow. Ithasbeentenmonths, two weeks, and four days since my ninth birthday, according to Mommy.

It is now the first day of summer, June 21st, 2007. Mommy says that it is a Thursday. Also, the school year went so great for me.

I enjoyed being in the fourth grade. And now that it is summer, I can unwind and relax, because you know why—it is SUMMER!

Since I am awake, I look at my watch: 10:05 am. And I headed downstairs and ate some breakfast because my tummy was aching.

It is time for my Mommy to make me some smiley face chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup and for me to be on a sugar high and then crashing from that sugar high.

I came downstairs and went to my Mommy, “Hey, Mommy.

My tummy is aching. I believe that it is time to eat some breakfast.”

And my Mommy says, “Okay, Hunny. Would you like some smiley face chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup, Baby?”

“Yes, please, Mommy,” I say, my face lit up, “thank you, I love you.”



“Okay, Baby. I will do that for you,” says my Mommy. “Give me time, please, Hunny. Alright?”

“Sure, Mommy. Thanks, and I said I love you.”

“Hey, Mommy loves you too, Baby.”

“Okay, Mommy.”

Then, my Mommy went to make me pancakes. And after a few minutes later, she gave them to me, and I ate them right up.

Boy, were they tasty? Delicious, indeed! Yummy in my tummy. For sure.

“Hey, Mommy?”

“Yes, Baby, what is it?” my Mommy says.

“May you please tell me something?” I ask her.

“Sure, Baby. What is it?” she replied.

“Please remind me again,” I say, “what are yours and Daddy’s ages?”

“Well, Baby, my age is thirty-four, and Daddy’s thirty-seven.”

“Oh, okay,” I say. “What year were you both born?”

“I was born in 1973, and Daddy was born in 1969.”

“So, you turned thirty-four, hmm?” I rubbed my chin, “was it not your birthday back in May?”

“Yes, Baby,” my Mommy says, “it was May 3rd. Why?”

“No reason, Mommy,” I giggled. “I was just wondering.”

“And Daddy’s birthday is in October, you know?”

“Yes, I know,” I giggled again. “And Jamison’s birthday was back in March. He turned twelve, right?”

“That is right, Hunny,” my Mommy smiled. “Good, you remembered.”

“Okay, Mommy,” I say, smiling. “Hey, is not Daddy going to be thirty-eight in October? When will that be, Mommy?”

“October 22nd, Baby.” was my Mommy’s reply.

“I see, Mommy. Okay.”



“Okay, Baby,” says my Mommy, “why do not you play with Jamison? Perhaps, a nap?”

“Let me think, Mommy,” I rub my chin. “I choose—playing with Jamison. Is that okay?”

“Yes, that is fine, Hunny,” my Mommy giggled, “please go play with your brother. Please.”

“Okay, I will do that,” I nod my head. Then, I left, “Goodbye.

I love you, Mommy.”

And Mommy says, “Goodbye, Hunny. Okay, have fun, Baby.

I love you, too.”

Then, I left my Mommy and went to play with my brother until it was lunchtime. But before dinner, I took a brief nap.

My nap went well, and my dreams were well.

After I woke up from my nap, we had dinner. We will be heading to a Spanish restaurant called Comidas Españolas de Bernabé. I have never heard of it, though.

* * *

Oh, boy, that nap and dinner went well. It is now time for my brother and me to go to bed for the rest of the night.

My brother and I got into our jammies, brushed our teeth, and used the bathroom. Then we had Mommy kiss our foreheads.

Good night.

Finally, my Mommy read me a bedtime story. And then, I went to bed for the night as the lights went out. Swoosh!

And that was it for my night, “good night, Mommy. I love you very much.” Then, I slept until the next day.

And I am hoping that the next day would be just as great 37


as the many, many, many days before. Oh, well, I am getting sleepy.

Yawn! It is time for beddy-bye. Yawn! Oh, well, good night, world! I am thankful for yet another great day. I am hoping to have many great days.

Until tomorrow, sleep well! I am getting sleepy-sleepy. Yawn!

Oh, well, off to beddy-bye for me. The lights are now out, swoosh!

* * *

The next morning.

Yawn! OMG, it is now June 22nd, and I am awake in my bed, next to my teddy bear, and sitting on the side of my bed.

The time is 9:32 am, and I have woken up from last night’s sleep. It is now time for breakfast because my tummy’s aching.

So, I know what it means. I can have either smiley face chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup or a breakfast burger.

Hmm, what to choose? Oh, I know. I will have a breakfast burger because I have not had one.

So, yep, it is time to tell my Mommy that my tummy is aching, so she can get me that breakfast burger, and my tummy aching will go.

I went to tell my Mommy, “Hey, Mommy. I am hungry. My tummy’s aching. May I please have breakfast? I will make it easy. I want to have a breakfast burger. Please.”

And my Mommy says, “Sure, you can have a breakfast burger.

How do you want it, Baby?”



“Well done, please,” I say, rubbing my tummy ache. “Thanks.

I love you, Mommy.”

“Sure, Hunny. Mommy loves you, too, Baby.”

“Okay, Mommy,” I say, “but I love Mommy more!”

“Yes, I know you love me more, Baby. Okay?”

“Sure, Mommy. Yes, I know.”

“Okay, Hunny,” my Mommy smiles, “let me go and get you that breakfast burger. Well-done, right, Baby?”

“Okay, Mommy. Yes, well done, please. Thanks, I love you.”

“Anytime, Baby. I love you, too, Hunny.”

I tell my Mommy, smiling. “You are the best Mommy in the world!”

And my Mommy smiled, saying, “Thanks, Hunny. And you are one of the best sons in the world, Baby.”

“Why, thank you, Mommy. That truly means a lot.”

“Okay, Baby,” my Mommy says. “I am leaving to get you that breakfast burger now. Give me some time, okay?”

“Yes, sure, Mommy. Thanks.”

“Anytime, Baby. See you when Mommy gets back, okay?”

“Okay, Mommy. See you then.”

Then, my Mommy left to go and get my breakfast burger.

Shortly after, she came home, and I ate that tasty burger. It was yummy in my tummy.

Very delicious. And I loved it, then thanked my Mommy for getting me the burger. It was so delicious, yeppers! After I finished eating the burger, it was time for a nap.

So, I napped until lunch. And for my lunch today, my Mommy got me a slice of sausage pizza and cheese fries from Lo Speranzoso.

Boy, were they tasty? The answer is yes! Well, of course, the answer was simple, hmm? Yes.



* * *

Yawn! Oh, was not that sleep great or what? And according to my watch, the time is 3:30 pm. According to my Mommy, since 10:15 am, I have been asleep for five hours and fifteen minutes.

Also, I enjoyed the pizza slice and the cheese fries from Lo Speranzoso before I took my nap. That was lunch, and now I feel like playing with Jax.

So, I will head to his house. Oh, what fun will I have with Jax Blakeman today? Hmm, I do not know. Ooh, that reminded me.

When I asked my Mommy how long it was until dinner, she said it was two hours and fifteen minutes. So, I have little time to play with Jax.

But I know I have to be home by dark and dinner, or I will end up grounded like I once was before, I remembered. So, I have no time to lose.

To Mrs. Blakeman’s, I go to play with Jax.

* * *

Later that night.

Boy, I had fun playing with Jax. It was 5:40 pm, and I came home from playing with Jax. All-in-all, hanging out with Jax is fun.

However, all he does is play either video games or play outside occasionally. I have got to beg him to come out, or he will not 40


do it.

But, after all, he is my friend. My best friend, forever. Well, for dinner tonight, my Mommy cooked us lasagna. Oh, boy, it was Italian tonight. And the lasagna was so tasty.

Also, I loved the lasagna. Well, thanks to my Mommy, it was possible to eat it right up. So, I am delighted and full. Just grateful, Mommy.

Thanks for everything you do for this family. Now that I got stuffed, I can get ready for bed. So, it is time for jammies, brushing teeth, and using the bathroom.

I get into bed while my Mommy kisses my brother and my forehead. Good night, and then a bedtime story. Good night, Mommy. I love you so very much! Sleep well tonight, Mommy.

Yawn! OMG, I am guessing that this means good night, world!

Oh, well. And thankfully, I had another great day. I am such a great person, ay?

Very well, yawn! Oh, boy, I must get some rest now. It is beddy-bye time now. Yawn! Until tomorrow and the many, many, many great days after that. Sleep well!


Chapter Seven

ItisnowJuly22nd,2007.IthasbeenamonthsinceJune 22nd. And according to my Mommy. There are twelve days until my tenth birthday. That is right.

I am turning double-digits! And yet, my Mommy is all sad because her Baby is not a little kid anymore, and the memories she had with me as a kid are still there, well, there in her heart.

My Mommy also says that twelve days or a week and five days. So, yeah, I am excited to turn ten. But I enjoyed being an eight-and-nine-year-old.

Also, turning ten and double-digits is a big deal than turning thirteen and shaving for the first time.

Speaking of shaving, my brother will be thirteen next year.

Boy, Daddy’s looking forward to teaching Jamison how to shave for the first time.

I am enjoying my summer. And I cannot wait to turn ten in twelve days. I bet Jax is enjoying his summer, too.

Speaking of Jax, he is the best friend I have always wanted.

Well, except for the best friend I have with my big brother.

Jamison and I are tight, tighter than ever before. Jax and I are too. Not as tight. My brother and I. Weird but okay.

Yippee, my birthday is twelve days away. And according to my Mommy, I have been a nine-year-old for eleven months, 42


two weeks, and five days. Yes, yes, yes!

I am almost double-digits! I cannot believe it. OMG! But it is sad. Yes, I will no longer be a nine-year-old or a little boy.

But I will always be Mommy’s Baby no matter how old I get.

Okay, now I must take a nap. Yawn! Oh, boy, I am getting sleepy-sleepy.

* * *

Oh, boy, yawn! My rest was plentiful, and I enjoyed it. As I am looking at my watch: 1:25 pm. I can have lunch five minutes earlier than usual.

Of course, I can ask my Mommy to make me or get me lunch.

Oh, boy, my tummy is aching, and I am ready to eat some delicious lunch that I will get from my Mommy.

I came and asked my Mommy, “Hey, Mommy. My tummy’s aching. May I please have lunch?”

“Sure, Hunny,” my Mommy says, “what would you like for lunch, Baby?”

I say while rubbing my tummy ache, “I am not sure, Mommy.

What would you suggest?”

“Well, anything you want, Baby.” my Mommy tells me.

“Okay, Mommy,” I am still rubbing my tummy ache. “But I am not sure still.”

Then, curiously, my Mommy says, “What is wrong, Baby?”

“Nothing, I am fine,” I tell my Mommy, “it is just my tummy aching that is bothering me.”

“Aw, poor Baby,” my Mommy frowns. “Well, let us get you something to eat, Hunny. Okay, Baby?”



And I say, still rubbing my tummy ache, “Sure, Mommy.

Thanks, I love you.”

“Mommy loves you, too, Baby,” my Mommy smiles. “So, let us get you something to eat, then. What would you like, Hunny?”

“Hmm, let us see, Mommy—,” I say, then pause.

“Yes, what is it, Hunny?”

“Well, there is that—” I say, then pause again.

“Spill it, Baby. Yes, what is it?”

“Okay, I have decided.”

“And that is what, Hunny?”

“I will have—” I say, then pause. “May I please have a slice of sausage pizza with cheese fries from Lo Speranzoso, Mommy?”

“Sure, you may, Baby,” my Mommy says, “please allow me to do that for you, Hunny. I will do that shortly after I get done filing these papers. They are important. Okay, Baby?”

“Yes, Mommy, I know,” with a half-smile, I say. “Please take your time.”

“Okay, Baby. I will.” my Mommy says. “What is wrong, Hunny?”

I say, with a frown, “Nothing, but I am hungry, Mommy.”

“Yes, I know, Baby. But Mommy’s a little busy, okay?”

“Okay, Mommy. I will respect it.” I say, frowning. “But I am hungry, Mommy.”

“I know that, Hunny. But you have to be patient, Baby. Okay?”

I frowned. “Yes, madam. I know, Mommy. But I am sorry.”

“Hey, chin-up, Baby. You will eat eventually, okay?”

“Yes, I know, Mommy. Okay.”

Then, I left to let my Mommy do filing until she let me eat lunch. Until then, I did not know what to do.

So, I texted Jax on my phone. Our conversation went okay and a little awkward. But I am guessing it is okay. Right?



* * *

Okay, now that I texted Jax and ate, I am satisfied. My lunch went well, and it was so tasty. Very delicious!

I thanked my Mommy for allowing me to have and eat the sausage pizza slice and cheese fries from Lo Speranzoso. I could not have had it any tastier than I ever dreamed.

So delicious! Now, I am getting sleepy-sleepy. But I am guessing that I have to take a nap. So, I am taking my nap. And I will fall asleep until it is dinnertime.

And for tonight’s dinner, it is cheeseburgers, and hot dogs, with a side of potato chips with sour cream and onion dip.

Oh, boy, that dinner tonight will be a great one. Thanks, Daddy, for cooking it! But first, it is nap time. Then, dinner.

Yawn! I hope I have good dreams.

* * *

Yawn! Oh, boy, that nap went pretty okay. I had good dreams, for sure. It is now 5:41 pm, according to the time on my watch.

And now, there are only four minutes until dinner.

So, I better use the bathroom quickly, then head to set up our dinner table, with the scent of cheeseburgers and hot dogs lingering in the air.

First, use the bathroom, then set up our dinner table. I repeat that to myself until I do it in that order.



* * *

And then, after dinner got cooked and served, it was our turn as the children to thank our parents for making dinner. So, thanks, Daddy, thanks, Mommy.

And we ate after that. And oh, boy, dinner was delicious.

Then, after dinner, it was time for beddy-bye for my brother and me.

So, we got into our jammies, brushed our teeth, used the bathroom, and then my Mommy kissed our foreheads. Good night. And then she read me a bedtime story.

Then the lights were out, swoosh! And then, I say to my Mommy, Good night, Mommy, I love you. Sweet dreams, Mommy.

And then, yawn! Oh, boy, good night, world!

I am getting tired, I guess. So, this means I have to go to bed now. Yawn! Well, until tomorrow, sweet dreams, world! Yawn!

Sleep well. Lights out again, swoosh!


Chapter Eight

Y awn! Okay,nowIamup. Ithasbeenaweeklater, according to my Mommy. Today is July 29th, and it is also Sunday.

Also, my Mommy says it is five more days until my tenth birthday. So, yeah, I am excited, yippee!

Also, it is still sad that I will no longer be a nine-year-old, but I am looking forward to being double-digits. It is also the year 2007 and also the Summer.

So, yeah, I am enjoying the Summer with my family. And my Daddy has a surprise for me on my birthday.

I do not know what it will be. But I heard it would be something like a family vacation to someplace special.

Hopefully, my Daddy will take us to Myrtle Beach, a thirteen-hour and one-minute drive from our place. According to my Mommy, it is a long drive of 673.49 miles.

We live in New York, NY, from our address of 52 E. Fairview St., New York, NY 10124, to Myrtle Beach. That is how long it would take us.

But the long drive will be worth it because it will be a birthday present from my Daddy. So, I hope to get that as a birthday gift from Mommy and Daddy.

It would be me, Jamison, Mommy, and Daddy on a long trip 47


to Myrtle Beach from New York, NY.

And yet, as I turn ten, I am sad, also happy. It is weird.

However, turning double-digits is a big deal in my family. Well, I mean, it was when my brother turned ten.

My brother made it a big deal, I am guessing. But I was not old enough to realize it. He did, so I think. And yes, I cannot wait to turn ten and head to Myrtle Beach with my family.

Oh, boy, yawn! I am guessing this means nap time. So, allow me to rest, skip breakfast just this once, and wake up once lunchtime arrives.

Yawn! I am getting sleepy-sleepy. It is nap time, then lunchtime. I repeat that over and over until I cannot think straight.

* * *

Boy, was not that sleep well or what? Yawn! I am guessing that it is time to eat lunch now. And according to the time on my watch, it is 1:30 pm, and my tummy’s aching for me.

So, it is time to ask my Mommy to give me lunch. So, what do I want for lunch? Maybe I could go for a nice juicy bacon cheeseburger with ketchup and mayo with some salty fries.

But where would my Mommy get this? Other than whatever, I do not know. But all I know is that it will be tasty, so tasty!

As I come to my Mommy, I ask her, “Hey, Mommy. May I please have lunch? My tummy’s aching.”

“Sure, Hunny.” my Mommy says. “What would you like, Baby?”

“This is what I want, Mommy,” I say.



“Yes, name it, Baby.”

“May I please have a bacon cheeseburger with ketchup and mayo and fries?”

“Sure, Hunny. Yes, you may.”

“Okay, Mommy,” I say, smiling, “thanks. I love you.”

“Anytime, Baby,” my Mommy says. “Hey, Mommy loves you too.”

“No, Mommy,” I shout, “I love you more!”

“Okay, okay, you win, Hunny. I give up!”

“Yippee, I win!” I teased, blowing raspberries.

My Mommy laughs. “You are so silly, Westley!”

“Yes, I know, Mommy,” I giggled. “Thanks.”

“Okay, Hunny,” my Mommy says, “let me get you that burger.

It will take me some time, but I will do it, okay?”

I say, “Yes, Mommy. Okay, I know, thanks.”

“Anytime, Baby,” my Mommy smiled, “Hey, Mommy loves you. Remember that, okay?”

I smiled. “Okay, Mommy. I love you, too.”

Then, my Mommy left to get me my bacon cheeseburger with ketchup and mayo and with fries. And yes, it took some time to get it.

But after I had it, and once Mommy brought it home, I ate it.

And boy, was not it delicious? The answer is yes! And I cannot wait until dinner.

For dinner, we are dining out tonight. So, it means we will be heading to some restaurant. I believe that the restaurant would be Ristorante Bellincioni.

An Italian restaurant that my Mommy says my brother and I would love. I cannot wait to eat at Ristorante Bellincioni and get on my Italian.



* * *

Okay, that Italian food went lovely, and I ate it right up, tasty!

And now, I am full of eating dinner. But it is now the end of the day.

And it is time for my brother and me to go to bed. So, we both get into our jammies, brush our teeth, and I use the bathroom.

Then, my Mommy kisses my brother’s and my foreheads and reads me a bedtime story. “I love you, Mommy. Good night.”

Then, the lights are out swoosh.

But first, yawn! The lights are back on, swoosh. Okay, good night, world! So, until tomorrow and the many, many, many, many great days after that.

I hope to have even greater days in the future. Also, I turn double-digits in five more days. I cannot wait. But until then, sleep well!

* * *

Five days later.

I cannot believe this, yawn! Yep, today is my tenth birthday! It is now August 3rd, 2007. And according to my Mommy, today is a Friday.

And right now, the time on my watch is 9:32 am, and I must bother my brother, telling him I am ten today.

But it is strange to me to go to my brother and bother him.

Yawn! Oops, sorry for yawning. Yawn! I cannot help it. My bad.



“Hey, bro. Today is my birthday!” I enter my brother’s room and shake him awake. “That is right, today, I turned ten. I am double-digits. Can’t you believe it, bro?”

My brother snorts. “Huh, Westley, do not you know I am trying to sleep? Go back to bed now, and leave me be. Please!”

I frowned. “Okay, okay, I will leave now. Sorry to bother you, bro.”

“Psst, it is okay, bro.” my brother whispered. “No worries, Westley. Now, leave!”

“Yeah, yeah, yadda, yadda,” I roll my eyes, “Okay, I am leaving!”

“Leave, bro!” my brother yelled, covering his face with his pillow. “Please do it, then.”

“I am going! I am going!” I roll my eyes again. “Sorry to bother you, bro.”

My brother says, snorting, “No worries, Westley. Now, please leave!”

Then, I left my brother’s room and went to bed for a nap. But before I napped, I remembered what my Mommy and Daddy told me on my last birthday.

I will not turn a ten-year-old until 4:14 pm today. So, I am still a nine-year-old until 4:14 pm. After that time, I will be ten and double-digits finally!

But first, sleepy-sleepy time, then wake up for lunchtime. I repeat that sentence until I cannot say it anymore.

* * *

Man, oh, man, I am tired from waking up, yawn! And now, the time is 2:10 pm, according to my watch. And now, that means I 51


have overslept a little during my nap.

But I came downstairs and asked my Mommy to make my lunch. And once I asked her how long I overslept, she told me forty minutes.

I usually have lunch at 1:30 pm, so yeah. I overslept for forty minutes past my usual lunchtime.

Also, my Mommy says it was two hours and four minutes until 4:14 pm when I was born. So, I am still a nine-year-old, sadly.

But my Mommy tells me to chin up, and I feel better. And now, I am hungry for lunch since my tummy’s aching.

So, my Mommy made me my lunch, a ham and cheese sandwich with mayo and a side of chips. Boy, it sure was tasty!

So, after I ate lunch, I went to play with Jax until it was time for dinner, then my birthday party. After all, turning ten and double-digits is a BIG deal.

I cannot wait! But for now, I have got to let my Mommy know that I am headed to Mrs. Blakeman’s to play with Jax until dinner. And I know the rules, be home before dinner and dark.

* * *

I went and headed to Mrs. Blakeman’s, knocked on her door, and waited for an answer. Then, I asked to play with Jax.

I knocked on Mrs. Blakeman’s door, “Hello, Mrs. Blakeman.

It is me, Westley. Is Jax home to play with me?”

I waited for Mrs. Blakeman’s response.

After five minutes, I get an answer.



“Why, hello there, Westley,” says Mrs. Blakeman as she opens her door. “And how are you doing today, kiddo?”

“Hey, there, Mrs. Blakeman,” I say, smiling. “I am doing well.

And what about you?”

“Yes, I am doing well,” Mrs. Blakeman smiles. “Are you here to play with Jax, Westley?”

“I am, Mrs. Blakeman,” I say. “Is Jax here?”

And Mrs. Blakeman says, “Yes, he is up in his room. Allow me to get him, okay?”

“Sure,” I nodded. “Thanks, Mrs. Blakeman.”

Mrs. Blakeman went to get Jax, and we played together.

Finally, after two or three minutes, Jax came downstairs, got his socks and shoes on, and then we left to head to the park.

On our way there, Jax and I had a brief conversation.

* * *

Once Jax and I left his house, we talked about stuff. As we chatted, we both asked questions about our parents.

As in their ages, names, and when they were born. Yeah, stuff like that. But we knew to giggle about how old our mommies and daddies were.

As we walked, I asked Jax, “So, what is your Mommy’s age, name, and when was she born?”

Jax says, “My Mommy’s age is thirty-two, her name is Angelina Blakeman, and she was born in 1975.”

“Okay, and what about your Daddy?” I ask. “What is his age, name, and when was he born?”

And Jax tells me, “My Daddy’s age is thirty-four, his name is 53


Branson Blakeman, and he was born in 1973.”

“Wow, okay,” I am amazed. “And do you want to know about my Mommy and Daddy?”

“Yes, please tell me, bro,” Jax says. “Come on, lay it on me, Westley.”

“Okay, here it is, Jax,” I tell him. “My Mommy’s age is thirty-four, her name is Henrietta McConahay, and she was born in 1973.”

“Uh-huh, okay,” Jax says, rubbing his chin. “And what about Mr. McConahay? What is his age, name, and when was he born?”

And I tell Jax, “My Daddy’s age is thirty-seven, his name is Jamison McConahay Sr., and he was born in 1969.”

“Uh-huh, okay,” says Jax, rubbing his chin again. “So, your brother is Junior, ay?”

“Yes, but he does not go by J.J.,” I say. “He only goes by Jamison, like Daddy.”

“Okay, well, we are at the park now,” Jax says while we stand at the park’s entrance. “Do you want to play hoops with me until dark and dinnertime?”

“Sure. Okay, let us shoot some hoops, bro.”

“Okay, but first,” Jax says, pausing. “Hey, is not today your birthday? What are you, ten?”

I laughed. “Yes, you know that I am ten, bro. We were born the same year, 1997.”

“Oh, yeah, that is right, doh,” Jax remembered, whacking his forehead. “You were born on August 3rd, and I was born on April 5th.”

I laughed as I winked, “It is cool, do not sweat it, Jax.”

And then, Jax says, “Now, let us play some hoops, Birthday Boy.”



Then Jax and I played and shot hoops until dark and dinnertime. And then, as time passes, and I oversee the time on my watch, it says it was 5:13 pm.

And that also means that it passed the time of my birth.

Yippee, I am ten and no longer nine, and happy birthday to me, the now ten-year-old and double-digit Birthday Boy.

* * *

Okay, I now have to head home. It was about 5:20 pm, and Jax and I left the park to head home. And once I got home, it was 5:28 pm.

Happy birthday, Baby, ” my Mommy says, and when I ask her how much time until dinner, she tells me I have seventeen minutes.

So, I took that time to wash up and use the bathroom, and then my brother and I set up our dinner table and finally ate.

For dinner, we had sandwiches. The sandwiches were tasty!

And so, after dinner, it was my birthday party.

And as my party happened, our house was filled with friends who all wished me a Happy birthday! However, this birthday party was not a surprise like last year.

So, after a long while of partying, my parents got everyone to sing me Happy birthday. And then we had cake, and I blew out the candles and opened my gifts.

And finally, the party ended with everyone going home and my family heading to bed for the rest of the night.

Both my brother and I got into our jammies, brushed our teeth, used the bathroom, and got into bed while my Mommy 55


kissed our foreheads. Good night.

My Mommy read me a bedtime story. So, good night , Mommy.

I love you. And yet, I enjoyed my tenth birthday. Today went well.

Yawn! Oh, boy, I guess this means good night, world! I enjoyed it today. And until tomorrow and the many, many, many, many great days after.

And I hope to have even greater days in the future. Yawn! Oh, well, then. Sleep well! Okay, the lights are out now, swoosh!


Chapter Nine

Itistimeformetowakeup,andwhattimeisit? Oh, according to my watch: 9:32 am. So it is now morning. I also realized that today is October 21st in the year 2007.

And that means that tomorrow is Daddy’s birthday. I do not remember what my Mommy told me about how old he turns, but we will soon find out.

So, my tummy’s aching for me. And that means that I must eat breakfast. Now, it is breakfast. I can ask my Mommy to make me breakfast.

But what do I want for breakfast today? Hmm, I do not know.

How about a breakfast burger well done?

As I came downstairs, I went to my Mommy to ask her, “Hey, Mommy. My tummy’s aching. May I please have breakfast?”

And my Mommy says, “Sure, Hunny. What would you like for breakfast, Baby?”

“How about a breakfast burger, Mommy?” I ask her, rubbing my tummy ache. “May I please have one for breakfast?”

“Yes, you may, Baby,” my Mommy says, “how would you like it done, Hunny?”

“Well done, please,” I tell her, still rubbing my tummy ache.

My Mommy then tells me, “Okay, Baby. Just let Mommy do something first, please.”



“Sure, Mommy. Okay, you can do that.” sadly, I say. “And what about my breakfast burger?”

“Do not worry, Westley,” my Mommy says. “You will get your breakfast burger. Please, let Mommy do something first, okay?”

I frowned. “Yes, Mommy, okay.”

“Now, please leave Mommy be.” my Mommy tells me, motioning me out of the room. “Mommy’s busy, okay?”

“Okay, Mommy. Yes, I know.” I say, leaving the room.

“Goodbye, and please do not forget about my breakfast burger.

Well done, please. Okay, Mommy?”

“Yes, I know, Baby,” my Mommy says, “well-done, I got you, Hunny. Now, please leave.”

“I am going! I am going!” I say as I leave the room. “Please do not rush me, Mommy.”

“Mommy’s not rushing you, Hunny.” my Mommy reminds me. “And Mommy loves you, Baby.”

“Okay, Mommy. I love you, too.”

Then, I left my Mommy to do whatever “something” was. So, to pass the time, I texted Jax until my Mommy gave me my breakfast burger.

And boy, was it ever so delicious?

The answer is yes!

It was so.

* * *

Okay, after eating my breakfast burger, I can take a nap. So, I slept until it was just a little later. Then, after I woke up shortly after my nap, I went to play with Jax.



So, I went to head to Mrs. Blakeman’s to play with Jax. Our mommies knew what we were doing with what we played together.

But first, it is nap time, then play with Jax, ” I repeat to myself over and over until I fall asleep for my nap. Yawn! Oh, boy.

* * *

Then, my Mommy agreed to let me. I headed down to Mrs.

Blakeman’s and asked if I could play with Jax. It took about seven minutes for an answer.

So, I waited until I got an answer from Mrs. Blakeman.

I knocked on Mrs. Blakeman’s door, “Hello, Mrs. Blakeman.

It is me, Westley. Is Jax there so we can both play together?”

I waited about five minutes, no answer.

Then, shortly after, I waited two minutes after the five minutes. I got an answer.

Mrs. Blakeman answered her door, “Why, hello, Westley.

How are you doing today, kiddo?”

“Hello, Mrs. Blakeman,” politely, I say. “I am doing well. And what about you, Miss?”

“I am doing well, Westley,” Mrs. Blakeman giggles. “Well, are you here to play with Jax, kiddo?”

“Yes, I am, Mrs. Blakeman. Is he here right now?”

“Yes, he is,” Mrs. Blakeman says. “He is just up in his room.

Shall I get him, kiddo?”

“Yes, please. Thanks, Mrs. Blakeman.”

“Of course, kiddo,” says Mrs. Blakeman. “Okay, I am going to get him now. Please wait like two minutes, Westley.”



“Sure, Mrs. Blakeman. Thanks again.”

Then Mrs. Blakeman left to get Jax. So we could play together.

It took like two minutes, as she said.

Hey, Jax, Westley is here to play with you, Hunny. Come downstairs, please was shouted a few times by Jax’s family.

Jax finally came downstairs and got on his socks and shoes.

And after he got done, we headed to the park and shot hoops until it was dark and dinnertime.

* * *

As I am overlooking my watch, the time passes, and it is 5:29

pm. According to Jax, I had sixteen minutes until I had to get home for dinner.

Then Jax and I left the park, headed home, and left each other to be home just in time for dinner.

And by the time I left Jax and went home, it was 5:41 pm, and I had four minutes to spare. So, I went to wash up, set the dinner table, then eat before my brother. And I had to go to bed.

Okay, for dinner tonight, it was steak and mashed potatoes with a little side dish of mac and cheese.

And boy, oh, boy, my family and I ate that dinner right up, deliciously. It was so tasty, and I enjoyed it. After we finished dinner, it was time to clean up before bedtime.

Then, after, it meant it was time for my brother and me to get into our jammies, brush our teeth, and use the bathroom if needed.

And finally, my Mommy kissed our foreheads good night, 60


and she read me a bedtime story. “Good night, Mommy. I love you, sweet dreams.”

Yawn! And then the lights went out. Swoosh! But they got turned on again. Oh, boy, yawn! Good night, world! Sweet dreams!

And before I sleep tonight. I want to wish for many, many, many great days like the one I had today. So, thankfully, today was a great day.

Yawn! Oh, well, until tomorrow and the many, many, many great days. Sleep well! Okay, now the lights turned out again.


* * *

The next day.

Boy, was that sleep good or what? Yawn! It is October 22nd, and now it is Daddy’s birthday. However, how old is my Daddy?

That I do not know, but we will find out eventually. So, now my tummy’s aching, and it is now 9:32 am. It means it is breakfast time for me.

And so I went to ask my Mommy if I could have breakfast.

Of course, she lets me because I have to eat and she loves me.

I went to tell my Mommy, “Mommy, my tummy’s aching.

May I please have breakfast?”

And my Mommy says, “Okay, Hunny. What would you like Mommy to make, Baby?”

“I am not sure, Mommy.” I rub my tummy ache, saying. “What do you think I could have?”



“Whatever you want, Hunny,” Mommy says. “How about your normal ham and cheese sandwich with mayo and chips, Baby?”

I agreed. “Yeah, I would love that, Mommy. Thanks, I love you.”

“Anytime, Baby. Mommy loves you, too, Hunny.”

“Okay, Mommy,” I say, still rubbing my tummy ache. “No, I love you more!”

“Fine, Baby, you win. Mommy gives up!”

“I know, Mommy,” I say, blowing raspberries, “haha, I win! I win!”

“Yep, you have won, Hunny,” my Mommy says, “but you do not have to rub it in, Westley, okay?”

“Okay, Mommy. I am sorry,” I apologized. “I will stop rubbing it in. You got it, Mommy.”

“Well, let us get to making your sandwich, Baby,” Mommy says while getting up from her chair. “Allow me to make it.

Please give me a minute or two, okay?”

“Okay, Mommy. Thanks, I love you.”

“And Mommy loves you, too, Baby.”

“I know that, Mommy. Okay, you win this time.”

“Very well,” my Mommy says. “Yay, I won!”

“Yep, congrats, Mommy,” I say, smiling. “You have won this time. But there will not be a next time, okay?”

My Mommy says, “Oh, is that so, Westley?”

“Yes, it is so, Mommy,” I tell my Mommy. “But I am not making threats, okay?”

And Mommy tells me, “Okay, Hunny. I will make your sandwich now. Please wait, Baby. Okay?”

“Okay, Mommy. Thanks for making my sandwich. I love you.”



My Mommy smiled. “Anytime, Hunny. Mommy loves you, too, Baby.”

Then my Mommy went to make my sandwich. And I waited for a minute or two, just as she told me.

And finally, after waiting all this time, my Mommy finished making my sandwich, and I ate it right up.

Boy, was not it delicious? The answer is yes! It was so delicious! Yummy in my tummy, for sure! After breakfast, I was a little tired, so I took a nap until lunch.

Then, after that, I ate my lunch until I played with Jax or my brother and his friends. But I want to shoot hoops. But with who? My brother or Jax, my best friend? Which to decide?

Oh, I know. If I play with Jax, there is no teasing. And if my brother promises, the teasing will not happen with him and his friends.

This one is a toughie, but I will choose eventually. However, I have to take a nap first. Then, with who do I want to play hoops?

I repeat it until I finally fall asleep for my nap. But which do I decide to shoot hoops with, my brother or Jax? My brother or Jax?

* * *

Aha! I have decided. I will play hoops with my brother and his friends. But I will shoot hoops with Jax another time.

Besides, I rarely get to be around my brother and his friends to shoot hoops. So, I have to go with my brother and his friends this time.

But sorry, Jax. I choose my brother and his friends over you, 63


pal. And hopefully, Jax will understand, even if I do not tell him so. Haha!

But before I shoot hoops, I have to eat lunch because my tummy aches. So, I will tell my Mommy I am hungry and my tummy’s aching.

So she will give me lunch before I shoot hoops with my brother and his friends at the park before dark and dinnertime.

But first, it is lunch, then shooting hoops with Jamison and his friends. I repeat that to myself until I get some lunch in my tummy.

I came in and told my Mommy, “Hey, Mommy. May I please have lunch? My tummy’s aching.”

“Sure, you can, Hunny,” my Mommy says, smiling. “What would you like for lunch, Baby?”

I smiled, rubbing my tummy ache. “I do not know. What would you suggest, Mommy?”

“I am not sure, Baby,” my Mommy replied. “What do you want, Hunny?”

“Again, I do not know, Mommy.”

“Very well,” Mommy says, breathing out. “How about a slice of sausage pizza with cheese fries from Lo Speranzoso, Baby?”

“Sure, that will be great,” I say, still rubbing my tummy ache.

“Thanks. I love you, Mommy.”

“Okay, just let me do something first,” Mommy says, motioning me out the door. “Then I will order that slice of sausage pizza with cheese fries. Okay, Hunny?”

“Yes, Mommy,” while I leave out the door, I say. “Okay, you have fun now, bye.”

“Sure, Baby,” my Mommy says, smiling. “Yes, I will have fun.

Thanks, I love you, Hunny.”

I am close to the door, leaving, “Okay, I love you, too, Mommy.



Goodbye now.”

Then I left my Mommy alone, so she could finish doing whatever that “something” was.

And once she finished that, she ordered my slice of sausage pizza with a side of cheese fries from Lo Speranzoso.

Boy, was not it delicious? The answer is yes! It sure was. And I ate it right up, you know? Uh-huh, right?

And then, I went to get my brother, so he, his friends, and I could shoot hoops at the park. And by the time this happened, it was from 2:34 pm until 5:37 pm.

And then we headed home after it got dark and before my brother and I had to eat dinner. For dinner, we ate out since Daddy wanted us to.

But this time, I cannot tell the name of the restaurant. And finally, we celebrated my Daddy’s birthday with cake, presents, and beer.

Also, I forgot. Before the Summer ended, we took our family trip to Myrtle Beach. It went pretty well.

After all, that was my birthday present from mostly Daddy, but Mommy got involved too. So, while we were there, we did a lot, too much for the details of me explaining them.

But I had fun with my family. And there, I told you about our family trip to Myrtle Beach since I forgot to tell somebody.

Okay, I do not owe anyone this explanation, do I? Phew, I feel better now that I have told someone!

* * *

The time is now 5:37 pm, as I have mentioned before. It was 65


now dark and almost dinnertime, and I enjoyed shooting hoops with my brother and his friends.

Now that it was dark and almost dinnertime, my brother said goodbye to his friends, then he and I headed home before it was just about dinnertime.

And so, my brother and I washed up for dinner, then I used the bathroom before we left, and finally, my family and I headed to that restaurant I mentioned for dinner.

And after we left that restaurant, it meant it was sleepy-sleepy time. So my brother and I got into our jammies, brushed our teeth, and used the bathroom.

Then we got into our beds, and Mommy kissed our foreheads.

Good night. And then my Mommy read me a bedtime story.

Yawn! My Mommy turned out the lights, swoosh! Then the lights got turned on again, swoosh! Okay, I guess this means.

Good night, world!

I had a great day today. I am also thankful for my day today.

Yawn! And for the many, many, many, many great days yet to come, yippee!

Until tomorrow and many, many, many great days in the future, I turned off the lights again. Swoosh! Sleep well, world!

I love you all!


Chapter Ten

Y awn! Itisnow9:32am.Iawokefrommysleep.Soitis the first day of Summer in the new year of 2008, June 21st, Saturday.

But I am a little sleepy, so I may go back to sleep until I feel like getting up again. “But for now, I must sleep, then get up.”

I repeat that to myself repeatedly until I fall back asleep. So, I fell back asleep until I woke up again.

* * *

Okay, yawn! I am awake again. Now, the time is 10:19 am, and things look a little black. So, I got up and turned on the lights, swoosh.

Okay, now that made everything much brighter. And now, I feel like going downstairs and asking my Mommy to give me lunch because of my tummy ache.

And so I went downstairs, came to my Mommy, and wanted breakfast. Of course, she loved me. So, she gave me breakfast without asking first.

I went to go ask my Mommy, “Hey, Mommy. I am hungry, 67


and my tummy’s aching. May I please have some breakfast?”

And my Mommy says, “Sure, Hunny. What would you like, Baby?”

“I do not know, Mommy,” I say, rubbing my tummy ache.

“What do you think I should have?”

Mommy breathed in, then out. “How about you eat a breakfast burrito?”

I am still rubbing my tummy ache. “What is a breakfast burrito?”

“It is got cheese, bacon, and potatoes, Baby.”

“Oh, I see. Yeah, let us have a breakfast burrito, Mommy.”

“Okay, I will get you a breakfast burrito, Hunny.”

Still, I am rubbing my tummy ache. “Where from, Mommy?”

“I am not sure, Baby,” my Mommy says. “But do not worry, Hunny. Mommy will get it, okay?”

I am crying a little since my tummy’s aching. “Okay, Mommy.

Thanks, I love you.”

“And Mommy loves you, too, Baby,” Mommy says. “Hey, do not cry, Westley. Mommy’s going to get you that breakfast burrito, okay?”

I wipe away the tears from my face. “Yes, Mommy. Thanks.”

“There, Baby,” my Mommy says, wiping my tears away. “Now, let us go get you that breakfast burrito.”

“Okay, thanks, Mommy,” I say, sniffling. “Hey, I love you, Mommy.”

“Hey, Mommy loves you, too,” my Mommy says. “You are welcome, Baby.”

Then my Mommy went to get me that breakfast burrito. I do not know where from, though. But when she got back, I ate that burrito right up.

Boy, was not it delicious? The answer is yes! Of course, so 68


delicious! I love my Mommy. She is just the best Mommy in the world!

And then I was a bit tired. So, I took a nap until I wanted to get up to play with Jax.

* * *

Okay, I am up, yawn! Now, I feel like playing with Jax. So, I went to tell my Mommy I wanted to head to Mrs. Blakeman’s.

So I can play with Jax.

Of course, she allowed it to happen. Well, like yeah, because Jax and I have been friends since Kindergarten. That is when we were both five-year-olds if you have not noticed.

I knocked on Mrs. Blakeman’s door, “Hey, Mrs. Blakeman. It is me, Westley. Is Jax there to play with me?”

Then I waited for three minutes, no answer. And then, after another minute, Mrs. Blakeman answered.

Mrs. Blakeman answered her door. “Hello, Westley. And how are you doing today?”

“Hello, Mrs. Blakeman,” I say, smiling. “I am doing well. How about you, Miss?”

Mrs. Blakeman smiled. “I am doing well, Westley. Thanks for asking.”

“Okay, Mrs. Blakeman,” I say, “is Jax here to play with me?”

Then, Mrs. Blakeman says, “Sure, he is, Westley. He is just up in his room. Shall I go get him for you, kiddo?”

“Yes, that would be great,” I say, nodding. “Thanks, Mrs.


“Okay, Westley. I will get him now,” says Mrs. Blakeman.



“Anytime, kiddo. Jax will be down shortly, okay?”

“Yes, Mrs. Blakeman,” I say, smiling. “Okay, I will be waiting for him here.”

Then, Mrs. Blakeman closed the door and went to get Jax for me. As I waited, it took about thirty seconds to two minutes before Jax finally came down to put his socks and shoes on.

And I could not wait to play with Jax. Then, after two minutes, Jax was finally ready, and we left his house to shoot hoops with him until it got dark and it was dinnertime.

* * *

Okay, it is now dark enough outside, and it is dinnertime, and according to my watch: 5:30 pm. And I have fifteen minutes, according to Jax.

However, that gives us enough time to get home and eat dinner with our family. And within those fifteen minutes, I got home before being grounded.

Ugh, being punished for being late is painful! After Jax and I went home, he left and went inside, and so did I.

Then, I walked into my house. I washed up, used the bathroom, and then my brother and I set up the dinner table.

And then we ate dinner as a family. It was pasta with tomato sauce and a little side salad. Then, after dinner, it meant that it was beddy-bye time.

So, then, I got ready for bed. And before I finally got into bed, I used the bathroom, and after, my Mommy kissed my brother and my forehead. Good night as she read me a bedtime story.

And then, swoosh, the lights went out. But then, I turned the 70


lights back on, swoosh! Yawn! Oh, well, I guess this means that it is sleepy-sleepy time. So, good night, world!

Boy, I am so thankful that today was another great, great, great, great day, and there are many great days to come! Oh, brother! Yawn!

But I do not want to go to bed! I guess I have to. So, yawn! I must go to bed and sleep, for tomorrow will be great! Poor me, right? Oh, well, yawn!

Until tomorrow, with the many, many, many, great days yet to come, sleep well! Good night everybody! Okay, now, I turned off the lights again. Swoosh!

* * *

The next day.

Yawn! It is now 9:32 am. And now it is also June 22nd, Sunday.

Also, I do feel still sleepy. However, I will not be falling back to sleep.

Because I got a little hungry, my tummy started aching, and I went downstairs and went to my Mommy to ask her if I could have breakfast.

Of course, she would stop everything and feed her Little Chickadees. Ah, what a Mommy she is, hmm? Also, it is the second day of Summer 2008.

And I am enjoying being a ten-year-old kiddo in the Summer that would turn me from a ten-year-old to an eleven-year-old.

However, it would be perfect if I could stay as little as possible because my Mommy and Daddy miss the youngster days from 71


Jamison and me.

But my parents have to face the cold hard fact that their Little Chickadees are growing up before their very eyes.

Then, I went to my Mommy and said, “Mommy, I am hungry.

May I please have something to soothe my tummy ache?”

And my Mommy says, “Sure, Hunny. What would you like to eat for breakfast, Baby?”

“I am not sure, Mommy,” I say, rubbing my tummy ache, “what would you suggest, Mommy?”

“I do not know, Baby,” my Mommy says, rubbing her chin,

“how about this, Hunny? How about you eat a breakfast burrito?”

“That sounds yummy, Mommy. Yes, I will have that. Thanks, I love you.”

“Okay, Hunny. Mommy loves you too, Baby.”

“Ay, I love my Mommy more!” I say, giggling. “Say, Mommy, do I win or not?”

“Okay, okay, Baby,” my Mommy says, giggling, “I give up. You win, Hunny!”

I say, blowing raspberries, “Yay, I win! Hehe!”

My Mommy snorted with laughter, “You are so funny, Westley!”

“Okay, Mommy,” I sighed, rubbing my tummy ache, “please may I have that breakfast burrito?”

“Sure, Baby,” my Mommy says. “Yes, you may.”

Then my Mommy left to go and get me that breakfast burrito and returned five to eight minutes later to give me my burrito.

And it turns out it was this long line for breakfast before my Mommy got my breakfast burrito.

So, my Mommy apologized for being so late to deliver my burrito, and then I told her that it was not a big deal, and I ate 72


the burrito right up.

It was so yummy in my tummy, and I thanked my Mommy for getting me the burrito, and she told me it was no problem, Hunny.

Then my Mommy says, I love you, Baby. And I told her that I loved her, too. And then, after I ate my burrito right up, it was time for me to take a nap because I was getting a little sleepy.

So, I went to my room and took my nap until it was around lunchtime. But first, nap time, then lunchtime.

I repeat that over and over until I fall asleep for my nap. Oh, boy, am I getting very sleepy, snort!

* * *

Yawn! Oh, boy, I have taken my nap, and it sure was a great one.

So, now it is 1:30 pm. And now, it is lunchtime. My tummy is starting to ache me. So, I must go to the bathroom.

First, I needed to go to my Mommy and ask her to feed me lunch. But first, go to the bathroom, then it is lunch. I repeat that to myself until I do it in that order.

* * *

Okay, now that I have used the bathroom and washed my hands, it is time to eat lunch because my tummy aches are getting a little vicious.

So, I am heading downstairs to ask my Mommy what she 73


thinks I should have for lunch today. Also, the time is 1:48 pm, and I have been goofing around, I like to say.

I went downstairs and told my Mommy, “Hey, Mommy. My tummy is aching. May I please have some lunch?”

My Mommy responds, “Sure, Hunny. What would you like to eat, Baby?”

“I do not know, Mommy,” I say, rubbing my tummy ache,

“what do you think I should eat for lunch, Mommy?”

And my Mommy says, “How about you eat a bacon cheeseburger with BBQ sauce, Baby?”

“Sure, Mommy. That sounds yummy,” I say, smiling. “I would love that, thanks. I love you, Mommy.”

Now, Mommy says, “Okay, Baby. I will get you that cheeseburger. How do you want it done, Hunny?”

And I replied, “I want my cheeseburger well done, Mommy.

Thanks, I love you.”

“Sure thing, Hunny,” my Mommy says, smiling. “Anytime, and Mommy loves you, too, Baby.”

“Okay, Mommy. And ay, I love my Mommy more!”

“Okay, Baby. I give up. You are the winner!”

I blew raspberries, “Yay, I win!”

Then, my Mommy left to get me that bacon cheeseburger with BBQ sauce. Then three and a half minutes later, my Mommy returned home to give me that burger.

And oh boy, was not that burger delicious? The answer is yes!

And now, I have to either a nap, play with my brother, or go and play with Jax.

So, which of the three do I want to do? Oh, I know! Let’s play with my older brother since we have not played lately.

So I went upstairs and went into Jamison’s room to ask him if he wanted to play with me until dinner or nightfall.



And boy, was he not too pleased. But it is whatever, though.

He needs to be with me until he moves out once he turns eighteen.

However, it is only five years away until Jamison turns eighteen on his birthday in March 2013.

And by the time it turned August in 2013, I would be a sixteen-year-old. However, it is only 2008. I am ten, and Jamison is thirteen.

Also, according to my Mommy, my eleventh birthday is only a month, a week, and five days away. Or six more weeks away, or forty-two more days away.

And I am so excited to turn into an eleven-year-old kid. Also, when I am eleven, I will no longer be an elementary school student, as I will start the sixth grade in middle school.

And I will have to kiss recess goodbye because I have over-heard that there is no recess in middle school.

Sadly, it is because you are too old for recess. Okay, I must play with Jamison now, even if he does not like it.

Yes, he has to suck it up and do it because he is not old enough to move out of Mommy and Daddy’s house.

So, here comes the torture for my older brother. Boy, oh, boy!

I am such a pain, hehe! But it is whatever, though.

* * *

According to my watch, the time reads 5:37 pm. And Jamison tells me that we have been outside and playing since 2:19 pm, so he says that is three hours and eighteen minutes.

Then, my brother and I came home, washed up for dinner, 75


and I used the bathroom. Then, my brother and I set up the dinner table before eating tonight’s dinner.

A surprise dinner. Steak, mashed potatoes, and a side of either green beans or peas. Tonight’s dinner was yummy in my tummy.

Then, after dinner, that meant it was nighttime and beddy-bye time. So, then, my brother and I washed up from dinner and cleaned our plates.

And then we got into our jammies, and after we got into our jammies, my Mommy came to kiss our foreheads. Good night.

So, “good night, Mommy. I love you very much.”

Yawn! Oh, boy, this means. Good night, world! And so, my Mommy turned out the lights, swoosh! But I turned my lights back on, swoosh!

Oh, brother! Yawn! I am guessing I have to go to sleep now.

However, I do not want to. But I had a great day.

And until the many, many, many, many great days yet to come!

Yawn! Good night and sleep well. I love everybody very much!

Boy, oh, boy! Yawn! Good night, you all!


Chapter Eleven

Oh,boy,itisnowJuly22nd,2008,aTuesday.Ithas been exactly a month since June 22nd, and yawn!

I am now awake in my bed, in my tighty-whities.

And it is now 9:25 am, and I have woken up seven minutes earlier than usual.

However, I am tired, and I have tummy aches. So, now I must get dressed, head downstairs, and ask my Mommy to feed me breakfast.

Ooh, I bet she will make me smiley-faced pancakes with maple syrup. Ooh, yummy in my tummy!

Since I am now awake, I can head downstairs and talk to my Mommy about feeding me breakfast.

However, I have a dilemma. I am no longer a little kid. So, I must stop talking like a Baby and start acting like a big boy.

Because once middle school starts in the sixth grade, there is no baby-talking. So, I will say stomach ache and either Ma instead of Mommy.

And for my Daddy, I will stop calling him Daddy and start calling him either Pops. Okay, okay, I must act like a big boy.

Since I will be going into middle school and starting my days as a sixth grader, it means it is goodbye to talking like a baby and hello to talking like a big boy.



Again, that means I will no longer refer to my parents as Mommy and Daddy, so they will be referred to as Ma and Pops.

So, I went downstairs and came to my Ma, saying, “Hey, Ma, may I please have breakfast? My stomach is aching me now.”

My Ma looks at me funny, saying, “Where is my baby boy, Westley? And what have you done to him, Mister?”

“Ma, it is me, Westley,” I say with a cheesy grin, “I just stopped the baby-talking. So, since I will be in middle school starting in the sixth grade, I decided to quit talking like a baby. I will not talk like a big boy. Also, I am going to be an eleven-year-old soon.”

My Ma says with a half-smile, “Oh, I see, Hunny. You are a big boy now, ay?”

“Yes, Ma. I am no longer a baby,” I tell my Ma. “What is something wrong with being a big boy now?”

My Ma sobbed, “I want to have my baby boy back. I do not want my baby boy to become a big boy!”

“Ma, stop it, please. You are embarrassing me!” I started to get red cheeks, “you have to face that I am no longer a baby now.

Sorry to disappoint you, Ma.”

My Ma started sniffling, “Okay, you win, Westley. I am sorry, I will stop.”

I say disappointingly, “You promise me, Ma?”

“Yes, I promise, Baby. I will stop.” my Ma says with a frown.

“I guess you are growing up. You are not a baby anymore. Gee, I wish you were my baby boy again!”

I felt embarrassed, “Stop it, Ma. PLEASE!”

“Okay, fine, I will stop,” my Ma says. “Now, do you want for breakfast, Baby?”

I rubbed my stomach ache, “How about some smiley-faced pancakes with maple syrup, Ma?”



“But I thought you were a big boy now, Westley?” my Ma says, rubbing her chin. “Smiley-faced pancakes are for little kids. You do know that, right, Baby?”

“Okay, but… Oh, alright,” I say with a frown. “I guess I will just have regular pancakes then, Ma.”

“It is okay, Baby,” my Ma says. “I will make you the smiley-faced pancakes this last time, Hunny. Do not worry, you can have it this time, but that is it, Baby, okay?”

I say, sniffling, “Okay, Ma. Thanks, I love you.”

“Ay, Mommy loves you, too, Baby,” my Ma winked. “Okay, now let me make you those smiley-faced pancakes with maple syrup just this last time, Hunny.”

And I say with a wink, “Sure, Ma. Again, thanks.”

“You are welcome. Anytime. Okay, Baby?” my Ma told me.

“Just allow me to take the time to make you those smiley-faced pancakes, okay?”

I say with a wink, “Yes, Ma. I understand.”

Then, my Ma went to make me those smiley-faced pancakes with maple syrup just this last time. As I waited for them, I finally got to eat my pancakes.

Yep, my Ma took her time making it for me. Then, I took a nap before lunch. After lunch, I went to play with Jax.

* * *

Okay, now I woke up from my nap. My watch reads 1:30 pm.

Now my stomach is starting to ache. So, I must go as my Ma if she will feed me lunch.

However, I believe she will feed me because she will never 79


let her Little Chickadees go hungry. Aw, is not my Ma just the best? Well, I think so. I do not know about you all.

I went downstairs and came to my Ma, saying, “Hey, Ma, may I please have lunch? Not only that, but I am getting stomach aches, Ma.”

And my Ma says, “Sure, Hunny. What would you like for lunch, Baby?”

“I do not know, Ma,” I tell my Ma. “What would you prefer me to have? A sandwich, a burger, or a slice of pizza with cheese fries?”

“Ooh, that is a toughie, Baby,” my Ma says, “how about you have a slice of pizza and cheese fries from Lo Speranzoso? I will order it for you after I finish cleaning from work. Okay, Hunny?”

I say, rubbing my stomach ache, “Sure, I will have that from Lo Speranzoso, thanks. I love you, Ma.”

“Okay, Hunny. I love you, too,” my Ma says. “Now let me get back to work, and I will clean up, and then I will order your stuff from Lo Speranzoso. Okay, Baby?”

I start to walk away from my Ma, “Yes, Ma. I cannot wait for that slice of pizza with cheese fries. Likewise, I will be waiting, Ma. And I love you, Ma.”

Then, I left to let my Ma work and then clean up before she ordered me the slice of pizza and cheese fries from Lo Speranzoso.

And I waited and waited, eventually, before my Ma finally got done and got me my lunch. And oh boy, I ate that lunch right up.

Yummy in my stomach, for sure! After lunch, I went to play with Jax until it was dinnertime, just before it reached 5:40 pm.

Before I had enough time to walk home before I got into 80


trouble, I must wash up and use the bathroom because I had to pee. Sorry, TMI.

* * *

Okay, it is now almost dinnertime for my family and me. So, I have been playing with Jax since 2:14 pm. Now it is 5:38 pm.

So according to Jax, he says three hours and twenty-four minutes. And now, Jax left me to go home, and I left to go home to wash up and set the dinner table.

And then my family and I ate dinner. It is cheeseburgers from the grill and french fries for dinner tonight.

* * *

Boy, oh, boy, I ate my dinner. It was tasty. And now, I am guessing this means it is bedtime for my brother and me.

So, now I must go wash up from dinner, use the bathroom, and get my jammies on. However, since I do not feel like sleeping in my jammies, I must sleep in tighty-whities.

So, I am guessing it means I have to brush my teeth and get to bed because my Ma will be kissing my forehead good night, plus Jamison’s forehead, too.

Okay, now the lights are switched out. Swoosh! But I turn them back on. Swoosh! Yawn! Now my Ma kissed my forehead.

Good night. I love you, Ma. Sleep well, and sweet dreams!

Oh well, yawn! I am guessing this means good night, world!



Also, I had a great day today. And thank God for even greater days yet to come.

Yawn! I am so excited for the many, many, many, many great days yet to come. Okay, yawn! I am getting sleepy-sleepy. Good night again, world! Sleep well!


Chapter Twelve

Boy,ithasbeenfivedayspastJuly22nd,andnowitis July 27th, 2008. Also, according to my Ma, my eleventh birthday is only a week away.

So, I am very excited to celebrate my eleventh birthday with my family and friends. Surprise, surprise, the day is about me only. That is right. It is about m-e o-n-l-y!

But for now, I must celebrate this Summer with my family.

So, my Pops told the family we would go on vacation for my birthday present.

So, it is a surprise, sort of, from my father. Yet, it is up to me where I want to go for vacation. Also, we will be spending six days there.

Only just to be home before we celebrate my eleventh birthday. And yes, we will be on vacation from July 27th, 2008, until August 2nd, 2008.

Yep, that is six days of our vacation. Yet, I have chosen to go to Virginia Beach in Virginia, a drive of seven hours and thirty-five minutes.

It is also 354.36 miles to get to Virginia Beach from New York, NY, and I am very excited to go to Virginia Beach.

Because there’s an aquarium and the Virginia Beach Boardwalk, the aquarium in Virginia Beach is called Virginia Aquar-83


ium & Marine Science. And there are many other sights to see.

So, now we have got to get packed and head right out the door and into the car ride from New York, NY, to Virginia Beach.

And yet, we are not even remotely ready to go just yet.

No, we are not lazy. But things get hectic in long-ass car rides, especially when I have to share the back seat with my fucking brother, not that I hate him or anything, though. Hehe!

Oops, did I curse out loud? My bad. I did not think when I said those sentences out loud. So, may you please forgive me for cursing?

I do not deserve to get pity for cursing. It is much needed if I get in trouble in front of my Pops.

Hell, I would get my butt beat by my Pops until it was very red for cursing, leaving my butt sore and a bit bruised. Okay, now it is time for my family and me to pack for Virginia Beach.

So, now is not a good time for me to converse. Until I am packed and ready, we will talk. Understood? Gee, thanks for understanding. I appreciate it!

* * *

Okay, now that I have packed. I am ready to go and get into the car for the long car ride to Virginia Beach. I can have more conversations with you all.

Yippee, we are headed to Virginia Beach for a six-day vacation! So, what is there to talk about, you all?

Gee, let me think—um, I do not know. How about I get into the car for my long journey from New York, NY, to Virginia 84


Beach? Yep, let us do that, okay?

Okay, now I must go and sleep in the car with my family because the car ride with my older brother is a bit of a pain sometimes.

However, I am used to Jamison being a pain to me. Hell, I am even a pain to him sometimes. So, I am guessing all is fair in brotherly love and war.

* * *

Six hours later.

Yawn! Okay, now that I have taken a nap here and there in the long car ride to Virginia Beach, even though I have woken up to go pee or poop, sorry, TMI again.

And now that I am well-rested, I can bear being in the car with Jamison for the eighteen minutes left of our drive.

Boy, oh, boy! What a long car ride. We are now in Virginia Beach, and the sights are breathtakingly stunning. I would’ve said beautiful, but you know.

Hehe, I am on vacation for six days here in Virginia, and I am about to live it all, and it is all worth it!

However, what shall we do for the six days we are in Virginia Beach? As I have mentioned, there’s an aquarium and a boardwalk.

And do not let me miss out on the beach, hehe! Ooh, how amazing is the salty air smell of Virginia Beach? The answer is yes. Indeed!

We drove the seven hours and thirty-five minutes from New 85


York, NY, to Virginia Beach. And yet, this is a six-day vacation from my Ma and Pops.

Even if it kills him, Jamison has to get used to being up earlier to do stuff with his family while vacationing here in Virginia Beach.

Oh boy, what breathtakingly stunning views we have here in Virginia. Boy, I cannot blame Virginians for these views!

So, now we will be checking into our hotel and booking a five-night stay before leaving on August 2nd, a day before my eleventh birthday, and do not forget it!

However, this vacation is not all about Westley McConahay.

No, no. It is about spending time with each other as one big happy family.

Boy, would I be glad to go swimming in the hotel pool?

However, my Ma says we will swim once we get something for lunch. However, where are the places to eat?

My Pops said he would look online for a place to eat lunch.

My Pops chose El Sabor Colombiano, a Spanish restaurant that is not too far from our hotel.

El Sabor Colombiano means The Colombian Taste in English.

Jhon Mosquera, a forty-seven-year-old Colombian-American from Cali, Colombia, owns the place.

According to his site, he and his family moved to America when he was just sixteen, in 1977, after he started working for his father’s restaurant before opening El Sabor Colombiano in 1984.

El Sabor Colombiano has been running for twenty-four years now since 2008. Also, it does say that Francesco worked for his father for seven years before he opened El Sabor Colombiano.

So now, my family and I will enjoy eating at El Sabor Colombiano. Ooh, I believe I will get nachos, and of course, 86


Jamison will get tacos.

However, it is uncertain what my Ma and Pops will get. My Ma could go for a Chicken Enchilada, and my Pop could go for Albóndigas en Salsa with veal.

However, I am not sure what Albóndigas en Salsa is. It is something with veal as a Spanish dish from Spain.

From what I have read by looking this up, “Albóndigas en Salsa” means “Meatballs in Sauce” in Spanish. So, I am guessing it is some Spanish meatball dish with a red sauce.

However, according to what I have read, Albóndigas en Salsa comes with these ingredients: beef, pork, veal, tomatoes, red wine, stock, breadcrumbs, and onion.

* * *

Oh boy, were not those nachos great, or what? The answer is yes! Indeed, they were delicious, and I wish I could eat them again and again, over and over.

However, I cannot, or I will have to pay for them with my own money. But I will not because I want to spend my money on souvenirs.

My stomach is aching so much from being too full. However, it was worth it for those delicious nachos from El Sabor Colombiano.

He may be a Colombian, but his Spanish food is too freaking good! And I wish I could meet Señor Jhon Mosquera to thank him for such delicious nachos.

However, I could meet Francesco someday or before we leave to head back to New York because I want to go to El Sabor 87


Colombiano again and eat those freaking nachos again.

But this time, I will ask our waiter/waitress if I could thank Señor Jhon Mosquera in person for these freaking delicious nachos.

However, my family and I will rest for the night before tomorrow. Nevertheless, I want to go swimming in the hotel pool before bedtime.

So, good night, world! Sleep well and until my birthday, see you all then!

* * *

A week later.

Yippee, today is my eleventh birthday, you all! And I am so excited and fully awake from that seven-hour and thirty-five-minute drive back from Virginia Beach.

Also, we did a lot of stuff while we stayed the five-night stay at our hotel. We went to the aquarium and did the other sight-seeings there.

However, that is not that important. What is important is that today, Sunday, August 3rd, 2008, at 4:14 pm, I will no longer be a ten-year-old kid. No, no.

I will be an eleven-year-old kid who will say goodbye to the fifth-grade year of elementary school. And his hellos to the sixth grade and middle school.

Yippee, I am now almost an eleven-year-old! Well, well, well.

I am now saying goodbye to being ten and hello to becoming eleven.



And now, I must tell everybody in my family that today is my eleventh birthday! I am very excited, you all!

But I have to do it quietly. I do not want to wake up my parents just yet. I need a sneak attack before they realize, hehe!

Let me start by going into Jamison’s room, waking him up, and telling him that today is my eleventh birthday.

After all, I have been on this Earth for almost eleven years now. Hehe, I must go and sneak into Jamison’s room and wake him up. But I tip-toe quietly.

* * *

I entered Jamison’s room quietly, and after knocking first, my brother did not hear me, but that did not stop me from being there. And then—

“Wake up, bro!” I shout, “today is my eleventh birthday, Jamison!”

Jamison is half-asleep and snorts, “Huh, who is there? Is that you, Westley? Do not you know what time it is, bro?”

Then, I shout out loud, “Sure, I do. It is my birthday time, bro!”

“Ugh!” Jamison sat up and rolled his eyes, “is not your birthday time 4:14 pm or something?”

“Well, that was when I was born, right?” I roll my eyes. “Yes, I was born at 4:14 pm. But today is my eleventh birthday, bro!”

Jamison rudely says, “Ugh, there’s no need to have an attitude, Westley!”

“Okay, okay,” I say, rolling my eyes again. “Fine, but I want to tell you that today, I turned from a ten-year-old to an eleven-89


year-old. I will be starting middle school in September, bro.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jamison says, “wait, you are going to be a sixth grader?”

“Yes, I am going to be a sixth grader,” I say. Then, I ask, “Why do you ask, Jamison?”

“Hehe, no worries,” Jamison giggled. “No reason. But have fun being a middle schooler, bro.”

“Ay, what is that supposed to mean?” I start blushing. “Why do you laugh when you say that sentence, bro?”

“Oh, it is nothing, Westley,” Jamison tells me. “However, I hated my sixth-grade year. I was always teased and bullied by Micky Ardiccioni. His real name is Michael. Hehe, funny story about him, though.”

“How so, bro?” I asked. “And who is this Micky guy anyway?”

“Okay, let me tell you, Westley.” Jamison begins to tell me a story. “Micky Ardiccioni was my bully throughout middle school.”

“He would always do what bullies typically do to their victims.

However, I have soon come to find out that Micky Ardiccioni got bullied himself,” he continued.

“He would always get teased and bullied for his nickname of Micky, where which nickname is similar to Walt Disney’s 1928

character named Mickey Mouse,” he ended.

“Yeah, I have heard of Mickey Mouse before,” I said, breathing in and exhaling. “And that is funny how Micky Ardiccioni got bullied himself before he bullied you, bro. Right?”

“Yes, I know, right? So, good luck in middle school, Westley.”

Jamison tells me confidently. “You will need good luck with the bullying.”

“But I do not want to be bullied!” I start whining softly. “But it is whatever, bro. I am not too scared of any freaking bully!”



“Ay, okay. It is whatever you say, bro,” Jamison chuckled.

“However, I hope you will enjoy middle school, besides any mean old bully. But have fun, stay safe, and do your damn schoolwork! Okay?”

“Ooh, you have cursed!” I start teasing Jamison. “I am going to tell Ma on you, bro!”

“Ay, please do not tell Ma!” Jamison starts getting worried.

“I will give you money to keep things hush-hush. Would $10

work, Westley?”

I grabbed the $10 from Jamison and quietly yelled, “Sure, but next time it will cost you $15!”

“Okay, bro. Whatever!” Jamison rolled his eyes. “Now, could you leave me to go back to sleep, bro? Please?”

“Sure, bro,” I say, with my head down. “Ay, what time is it, Jamison?”

“It is 10:15 am, bro,” Jamison tells me. “Why do you ask, Westley?”

I smirked and replied, “Oh, nothing. I want to surprise Ma and Pops and tell them that today is my eleventh birthday. That is all.”

“Okay, whatever, Westley,” Jamison yawned. “Now, could you leave my room and let me sleep peacefully? Please!”

“Indeed, I will, bro,” I say, going to leave and shut Jamison’s bedroom door. “Goodbye for now, and I will see you later.

Hehe, today is going to be great, Jamison!”

And then, I left Jamison’s room after closing the door behind me and went into my parent’s room to tell them that today was their Little Chickadee’s eleventh birthday.

Yippee, today is my eleventh birthday, you all!



* * *

I went into my parents’ room, knocked, and entered. Then, I went to their bed and shook them awake, while my Ma did not want me to wake up my Pops. And then—

“Wake up, Ma and Pops!” I shouted quietly and shook my parents awake. “Today is my eleventh birthday, you guys!”

“Please be quiet, Westley!” my Ma whispered. “We are trying to get some shuteye. It is not your eleventh birthday until 4:14

pm. So please go back to sleep.”

“Okay, Ma. I will leave,” I whispered. “But, Ma, today is my eleventh birthday!”

My Pops gets rudely awoken, “Westley, you need to go back to bed right now, Mister! And leave us be until we are fully awake!”

“Yes, Pops!” I gulped. “Sorry, I want to tell you that today is my eleventh birthday. That is all, guys!”

Then, I left my parents’ room, shut their bedroom door, and went to my room to take a long nap before being rudely awakened by my family. Oh boy, here’s payback!

And now, repeating to myself, “Happy birthday to Westley!

Happy birthday to Westley! Happy birthday to Westley! ” before I go back to sleep.

* * *

Boy, it is now 11:48 am. And I am rudely awakened by somebody or somebodies in my room. Gee, I wonder who 92


they could be.

Let me guess, is it my family getting payback from me waking them up too early? Hmm, gee, I wonder!

And then, I am surrounded in my room by my family. “Happy eleventh birthday to you, Westley!”

Gee, I was right. It was my family getting payback from earlier.

“Ay, thanks, family!” I sat up in my tighty-whities on the side of my bed. “I appreciate it. Ay, this is payback, hmm?”

Then, Jamison says, “Yeah, this is payback from earlier. Happy eleventh birthday to my dorky little brother!”

“Ay, I am not dorky!” I felt embarrassed. “You are dorky, Jamison!”

My Ma hugs me tightly and kisses my left cheek, “Well, how does it feel to be almost eleven, Baby?”

“It feels no other like when I have turned ten, Ma,” I rubbed the kiss from my left cheek. “But I am guessing the feeling is great, thanks.”

My Ma says, “You are welcome, Hunny.”

My Pops fist-bumped my right hand, “Ay, Westley. I cannot believe you are going to be eleven, Sonny!”

“Gee, I know, Pops,” I say, smiling big. “I am finally going to be an eleven-year-old. An eleven-year-old that will say goodbye to the fifth grade and hello to the sixth grade in September.”

“Ay, do not remind us, Baby!” my Ma says, frowning. “Daddy and I already faced that our two Little Chickadees are growing up.”

I felt a little embarrassed. “Gee, thanks, Ma!”

“No, no, Sonny.” my Pops tells me. “It is so great that our two wonderful sons are growing up. And yes, it is sad that you both are. However, Mommy and I already faced the fact.”



Confidently, I say, “Well, okay, Pops. I am guessing that is a good thing, ay?”

And then, my Ma starts saying, “How about you get dressed, and we will go out and get a great breakfast, ay?”

“Okay, Ma, I will,” I nodded my head. “Please, could you all leave? So, I can do this? Thanks.”

After I said that sentence, my family left me alone to get dressed peacefully. And then, we all went out to eat breakfast together.

While I had the workers of the place we ate at sang me happy birthday. And once we got home from eating breakfast, I took another nap until lunch.

After waking up, I texted Jax and told him it was my eleventh birthday. It stoked him that today was my birthday.

* * *

Oh, brother! That nap was peaceful. And now it is 3:47 pm.

And I have got to text Jax that today is my eleventh birthday.

Here’s how our text messages went: I texted Jax this: “Hey, Jax. It is me, Westley. Today is my eleventh birthday, buddy.”

The text got sent, and I waited and waited—

And this was Jax’s reply: “Oh, cool. Happy bday, bud! How does it feel to be an eleven-year-old? Are you excited to start the sixth grade with me, bro?”

And then, I replied: “Gee, thanks, bro. Yeah. I am excited to be in the sixth grade with you in September.”

The text got sent. And I waited and waited—



Jax’s reply was this: “Oh, okay, bro. I am excited about you!

Ay, are not you afraid of beginning middle school, Westley?”

I replied: “Well, sorta. Jamison told me about the bullies I would face in middle school. He even told me about his bully in middle school named Micky Ardiccioni. Ain’t it funny that Jamison’s bully is named Micky, as in Mickey Mouse?”

After the text got sent, I waited and waited and waited—

And this was Jax’s reply: “Very well, then. I will protect you.

And yes, that is a funny name for Jamison’s bully. Lol, his name’s compared to Mickey Mouse! How funny is that, Westley?”

Then, I replied: “Lol, that is so freaking funny, Jax! And thanks for protectin’ me. U R so cool, bro.”

And it sent the text. And I have waited and waited for the final text back from Jax—

Jax’s reply was this back: “Yeah, Ikr? Isn’t that funny! And U R welkom. I will always protect you! And sorry to cut this convo short, but my Mama wants me to clean my room now.

Goodbye, I will C U l8er, Westley!”

Then, I sent my final text back: “K, bro. I will C U l8er, too.

Goodbye, and do not let your Mama yell at you for not cleanin’

Ur room, K?”

I sent the message. I have gotten no more replies from Jax.

So, I went back to grab lunch. Then, I took a nap until dinner.

Then, after dinner, it was time to celebrate m-e o-n-l-y!

Because after I wake up from my nap, it should be after 4:14


And you all know what that means, right? That is right. I will no longer be ten, and finally, I will be an eleven-year-old!




* * *

Yawn! I have now woken up from my nap after getting lunch, and now the time is 5:41 pm, and it is now dinnertime for my family and me.

Then, after that, it is my birthday party with my family and friends. And for tonight’s dinner, we will have meatloaf, mashed potatoes with gravy, peas, and carrots.

Yuck! I hate peas and carrots! Okay, now that I am awake, I can go wash up for dinner and use the bathroom because I have got to go poop.

Sorry, TMI. But for now, before pooping, I must wash up for dinner. However, I will poop first. Then wash up for dinner.

Lol, sorry, TMI.

* * *

Now that I have pooped. Again, TMI, sorry, I can go downstairs and set up the dinner table with Jamison. And do not let me forget my birthday, you all. Okay?

And I will have meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy, without any peas or carrots. Yuck, I hate peas and carrots! Yes, it is now dinnertime with my family.

So, it is dinner first, then we will celebrate my birthday with a party and presents for the Birthday Boy, I repeat that in my mind.

If you have not noticed already, that is all about me! So, I will not be surprised with a party this year, family!



* * *

Now, I got stuffed with meatloaf and mashed potatoes. It is my birthday party with my family and friends.

It is freaking time to celebrate m-e o-n-l-y! So, sorry that I cannot be surprised by my family. Better luck next year, ay?

And then, everybody yells: “Happy birthday, Westley!”

And ay, now begins the birthday party!

Yippee, it is all about the eleven-year-old Birthday Boy! So, let us boogie. Later, it will be cake and presents!

Yay, I am loving being eleven and the Birthday Boy! But first, I must go dancing with a girl. Oh, girl! Where are you? Westley is coming pretty thang!

* * *

Finally, at the end of the birthday party, it is time for cake, ice cream, or both, and then, I will open my presents from people.

Once it is over and everybody leaves, it will be time for bedtime. So, let us get to the chocolate cake with fudge brownie ice cream and open some presents!

But first, I have to blow out the Number eleven candle, and everybody will sing Happy Birthday to me. So, the lights go out, swoosh!

And quiet time, and then, everybody sings to me. Then, we will eat the cake and ice cream, and I will open the presents.



* * *

Yawn! Oh boy, I am pooped. And what a wild party it was. So, I am guessing this means it is bedtime for the Birthday Boy.

So, everybody leaves. I used the bathroom. And I will change into my jammies while my Ma kisses my forehead. Good night.

However, I would not get bedtime stories anymore since I am eleven and no longer a little kid. And then, the lights go out.


Then, I turned the lights back on. Swoosh! Oh, boy! Yawn! I am guessing this means good night, world!

Yawn! I cannot believe that I am an eleven-year-old now.

Thank God for the many, many, many, many great days yet to come!

Yawn! Oh, boy, I am getting sleepy! Good night, world! Sleep well, you all! Yawn! I cannot stop yawning! Oops, my bad. I am sorry!

Goodbye, you all! Yawn! Sleep well, sweet dreams, and do not forget that I love you all! And I hope that you have enjoyed reading my story.

I know this was long, but thanks for taking the time and patience to read my story! Yawn! Okay, the lights are back off.



Book Description

“Growing Up as a Little Brother” is a heartwarming tale of sibling relationships, family dynamics, and childhood adven-tures. Follow the story of eight-year-old Westley McConahay, the younger brother of Jamison, who always manages to find himself in trouble with his older brother. Set in the bustling city of New York, Westley navigates life with his annoying tendencies, mischievous spirit, and love for his family and friends. This delightful story is perfect for children, parents, and siblings who can relate to the joys and challenges of growing up with a little brother.


Self-Publishing Date Growing Up as a Little Brother was self-published originally on October 20th, 2021.