Chosen Book 1: Chosen Angels by Kathryn Tracy - HTML preview

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 Chapter 2


 Early in the morning I was startled from a restless sleep  by the sound of banging. It instantly made me jump. After  regaining my senses I realized it must be my dad and older brother Tim.


 “Emma, open the door! I can’t find the spare key,”  called my dad from the other side of the door.


 The clock on my bedside table displayed 9:00 a.m. It  was a Sunday. I had tried to get some sleep after last night’s events but to no avail. I rushed toward the banging to let in my dad and Tim. I looked through the peep hole first to make sure it was them. My dad and Tim must have just gotten back from his girlfriend’s house. That’s where the rest of my brothers were. We were in the process of moving. I had stayed behind to help get things organized and ready to move, at least I was supposed to when I must have fallen asleep and then those  creeps showed up.


 “Hey Emma, sorry I must have left the house key at  Tarrasa’s. Did we wake you? How’d you sleep?” asked dad,  these questions flying past me as they walked in the door.


 I decided to go for truth; because I had a feeling I looked it.


 “No, you didn’t wake me, I didn’t sleep too well.”


 “Oh, well I’m sorry to hear that, Hun, how ‘bout I make  you some eggs while you get dressed?” Dad said helpfully.


 “Yeah that would be great.” I answered with a smile,  suddenly realizing I was starving.  He had already pulled out a pan for the eggs when he  asked me, “Did you finish packing up the rest of your boxes?”


 “Yes,” I lied, already on my way down the hall.


 “Dad?” I asked, once done getting dressed. “I was  wondering, since I’m already packed if you guys could head on over to Tarrasa’s house and I could meet you back there later.” I proposed.


 Dad, known to others as Phil, was a fairly tall man in his forties. He had fluffy brown hair, peppered gray; revealing his age. It was obvious that his hair and beard needed a trim, but other than that he was a pretty decent looking guy. Phil had known for some time now I was not happy with this move and he was not sure I was ok with Tarrasa either. Therefore Phil, seeing that I was in no mood to help with moving and figuring this to be the reason behind it, granted me permission to skip out on today. Good for him for if he hadn’t I had a feeling he would have lost me forever. For at the moment I just really needed some space and was in no mood to deal with my family and Dad’s new girlfriend.


 Finishing my eggs I told my dad and Tim that I would  meet them later and headed out the door. Outside I found that the streets were wet from last night’s rain, the smell of rain still lingered in the air. The sky was gray and just as the thought of more rain appeared in my head it began to sprinkle. Not  wanting to get my hair wet I threw my hood over my head and headed out into the spray.