Traffic Conversion Secrets by Traffic Conversion Secrets - HTML preview

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This concise ebook will show you 12 simple things that you can do RIGHT now to improve your conversion rates.

I believe traffic conversion to be MORE important than traffic. Yes, it is the “chicken before the egg” idea. If you don’t have traffic you can’t convert it, but if your site doesn’t convert that traffic into buyers or subscribers, why send people to it?

This is a lot of information to absorb, so get something to drink and get comfortable. I’ve got a load of valuable information for you…
My first tip is how to get more subscribers to opt-in to your list. Most of us have the standard opt-in form on our site, and although it may work for you, wouldn’t you like to get MORE people to opt-in to your list? Of course you would. Here in the south we have an expression that goes like this… “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” Meaning there is more than one way to do something. So if there is more than one way to ask your visitors to opt-in to your list, then why are you just using ONE way? Why not use a few ways on your page? Here are a few ways you can use an opt-in form.

· A standard opt-in form


· A pop up, pop under, fly in pop, or exit pop (see our special offer for the brand new Phoenix Popups)


· Offer a special offer for subscribing.

You can use a few of these on the same page. Don’t over do it, but you can use two-three of them on the same page. By asking people to opt-in to your list in different ways, you have more chances of getting them to opt-in. Try different methods to see how each one works.