Travel like a Foodie; The Experiences of a Socially Awkward Foodie Travelling Europe by Alex Sumray - HTML preview

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So, shall we start.

Actually, before we do, I just wish to point something out quickly. This book wasn’t written just so you could pass some time on the toilet or skim read with the telly on in the background. No, this is a serious read, only to be partaken whilst wearing reading glasses pushed down to the bridge of your nose (whether you need them or not) and sitting in a hardback chair with your full, undivided attention. Right, are we clear? Good, now we can start.

Before I start my culinary tale, I think it would probably be best to give a little background about myself; not (just) because I’m very possibly a little self-obsessed, but more to help put this book into some sort of context.


So; at the time of writing I’m a twenty year old student who spends their student loan on a well planned weekly food shop and enjoys nothing more than a neatly organized spice drawer (see below) - conforming to all the student stereotype then.

I spend my spare time looking up the best restaurants, scouring menus and planning what I shall cook for the week. I also write a small, food based blog, imaginatively titled, ‘Alex’s food’. Here I bare my foodie soul, reviewing restaurants I’ve been to and discuss the latest grain that I’ve become excited about... I’m cracking to go for a pint with.*

* Saying that I’m not much of a drinker, so it will have to be a tap water for me. I also like to get my eight hours of shut eye, so will probably make my excuses around 23:30.

So I know the question on the nation’s lips; ‘if you love food so much Alex, why didn’t you become a chef?’ Well, Britain/World, let me tell you and we can all get on with our lives again.

I gave it a go, albeit a small, slightly pathetic go. On my blog, I posted about my Catering College experience, which really tells the story of a boy with too much of a sensitive disposition to make it in the harsh world that is catering.

Anyone who has read this on my blog, feel free to scroll through this section... Mum, that means you!