Misguided Wanderings in America by JOHN LEE KIRN - HTML preview

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This book is a work on nonfiction. Yes, it all really happened.

Names, characters, places, businesses and incidents actually do exist,

and are not the product of the author’s imagination.

He could not make up any of the following even if he tried.

Any similarity to events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely meant to be.

Copyright © 2021 by JOHN LEE KIRN

All rights reserved.

Cover design a collaboration between the author and Word-2-Kindle.com

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted,

in whole or in part in any form,

or by any mechanical means whatsoever (electronic, mechanical, etc.)

without prior written permission and consent of the author.

Although doing so would be a great form of flattery.

Lastly, I apologize for the typographical errors. I know they are there, despite the fact I’ve gone through this manuscript numerous times. When you edit your own work you deal with your mind undoing what your eyes are seeing and thus making corrections or filling in the blanks.