Using Technology to Understand Cellular and Molecular Biology by National Institute of Health. - HTML preview

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Implementing the Module

The four lessons in this module are designed

What Are the Science Concepts and How

to be taught in sequence for approximately one

Are They Connected?

week as a replacement for a part of the standard

The lessons are organized into a conceptual

curriculum in high school biology. The follow-

framework that allows students to move from

ing pages offer general suggestions about using

what they already know about technology, some

these materials in the classroom; you will find

of which may be incorrect, to gaining a scien-

specific suggestions in the procedures provided

tific perspective on the nature of technology

for each lesson.

and its importance to science and to their lives.

Students begin learning about technology by

What Are the Goals of the Module?

developing their own definition of it and learn-

Using Technology to Study Cellular and Molecular

ing about scale ( What Is Technology? ). Students

Biology is designed to help students reach these

continue to explore the concept of scale and

major goals associated with scientific literacy:

investigate resolution ( Resolving Issues). An

• to understand a set of basic scientific prin-

investigation of how technologies can be used

ciples related to the nature and role of

to solve scientific problems related to human

technology in biological science and to the

health ( Putting Technology to Work) allows

effects of technology on human health;

students to gain a deeper understanding of

• to experience the process of scientific inquiry

technology’s importance to our lives. The final

and develop an enhanced understanding of the

lesson, Technology: How Much Is Enough? , allows

nature and methods of science;

students to consider the current state of tech-

• to recognize the role of science in society

nology and design new technologies to answer

and the relationship between basic science

questions of relevance to cellular and molecular

and human health; and

biology. The following two tables illustrate the

• to help prepare high school biology students

science content and conceptual flow of the class-

for the technological world they will inherit.

room lessons.

Science Content of the Lessons


Science Content

Lesson 1

Technology; scale

Lesson 2


Lesson 3

Microscopy; X-ray crystallography; using technology to understand and solve health-

related problems

Lesson 4

History of technology development; development of new technologies



Using Technology to Study Cellular and Molecular Biology

Conceptual Flow of the Lessons


Learning Focus*

Major Concept

Lesson 1


Technology is a body of knowledge used to create tools,

What Is


develop skills, and extract or collect materials. It is also the



application of science (the combination of the scientific

method and material) to meet an objective or solve a prob-

lem. Scale is a way to represent the relationship between the

actual size of an object and how that size is characterized,

either numerically or visually.

Lesson 2


It is important to identify the right tool (technology) for the



job. An important consideration is technology’s ability to


resolve structural details of biological objects. Two objects

can be resolved if they are illuminated with radiation (that is,

a probe) of wavelength (that is, size) that is not larger than

the distance separating the objects. Generally, the smaller the

probe used, the greater the structural detail, or resolution,

that results. Detailed structural knowledge about biological

objects requires information obtained in three dimensions,

not just two.

Lesson 3


Technologies differ in their resolving capabilities, thus provid-



ing different information about an object. Solving a problem

Technology to


requires an appropriate technology or series of technologies.


Technology provides valuable tools for solving scientific prob-

lems of relevance to human health.

Lesson 4


New technologies are developed, and old technologies are


improved and refined, continuously. This must be done to

How Much Is

meet the demands created by new and existing problems.


*See How Does the 5E Instructional Model Promote Active, Collaborative, Inquiry-Based Learning? on page 9.

How Does the Module Correlate to the

National Science Education Standards ( NSES).

National Science Education Standards?

The content of the module is explicitly stan-

Using Technology to Study Cellular

dards based. Each time a standard is addressed

and Molecular Biology supports

in a lesson, an icon appears in the margin along

you in your efforts to reform sci-

with the applicable standard. The following

ence education in the spirit of the

chart lists the specific content standards that

National Research Council’s 1996

this module addresses.


Content Standards: High School

Standard A:

Correlation to

As a result of activities in grades 9–12, all students should develop

Using Technology to

Study Cellular and

Molecular Biology

Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry

• Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations.

Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4

• Design and conduct a scientific investigation.

Lesson 3

• Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and

Lessons 2, 3, 4


• Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic

Lesson 3

and evidence.

• Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models.

Lessons 1, 3

• Communicate and defend a scientific argument.

Lessons 3, 4

Understandings about scientific inquiry

• Scientists usually inquire about how physical, living, or designed

Lessons 3, 4

systems function.

• Scientists conduct investigations for a wide variety of reasons, such as Lesson 3

to discover new aspects of the natural world, to explain observed

phenomenon, or to test conclusions of prior investigations or predic-

tions of current theories.

• Scientists rely on technology to enhance gathering and manipulating

Lessons 2, 3, 4


• Mathematics is essential in all aspects of scientific inquiry.

Lessons 1, 4

• Scientific explanations must adhere to criteria.

Lesson 3

• New knowledge and methods emerge from different types of investi-

Lessons 3, 4

gations and public communication among scientists.

Standard B:

As a result of their activities in grades 9–12, all students should

develop understanding of

Structure and properties of matter

• The physical properties of molecules are determined by the structure

Lesson 3

of the molecule.

Standard C:

As a result of their activities in grades 9–12, all students should

develop understanding of

The cell

• Cells have particular structures that underlie their functions.

Lesson 3


Implementing the Module

Using Technology to Study Cellular and Molecular Biology

Standard E:

As a result of their activities in grades 9–12, all students should

develop understanding of

Abilities of technological design

• Identify a problem or design an opportunity.

Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4

• Implement a proposed solution.

Lessons 2, 3

• Evaluate the solution and its consequences.

Lessons 2, 3, 4

• Communicate the problem, process, and solution.

Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4

Understandings about science and technology

• Many scientific investigations require contributions from different

Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4

disciplines, including engineering.

• Science often advances with new technologies.

Lessons 1, 4

• Creativity, imagination, and a good knowledge base are all required in Lessons 1, 4

the work of science and engineering.

• Scientific inquiry is driven by the desire to understand the natural

Lessons 1, 4

world, and technological design is driven by the need to meet human

needs and solve human problems.

Standard F:

As a result of their activities in grades 9–12, all students should

develop understanding of

Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges

• Science and technology are essential social enterprises.

Lessons 1, 4

• Progress in science and technology can be affected by social issues

and challenges.

Standard G:

As a result of their activities in grades 9–12, all students should

develop understanding of

Science as a human endeavor

• Individuals and teams have contributed and will continue to contribute Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4

to the scientific enterprise.

• Scientists have ethical traditions that value peer review, truthful

Lesson 3

reporting about methods and investigations, and making public the

results of work.

• Scientists are influenced by societal, cultural, and personal beliefs.

Lessons 1, 4

Science is a part of society.

Nature of scientific knowledge

• Science distinguishes itself form other ways of knowing and from

Lesson 3

other bodies of knowledge through the use of empirical standards,

logical arguments, and skepticism.


• Scientific explanations must meet certain criteria such as consistency

Lesson 3

and accuracy.

• All scientific knowledge is subject to change as new evidence

Lessons 1, 4

becomes available.

Teaching Standards

these opportunities for assessment and provide

The suggested teaching strategies in all the les-

answers to questions that can help you analyze

sons support you as you work to meet the teach-

student feedback.

ing standards outlined in the National Science

Education Standards. This module helps you plan

How Does the 5E Instructional Model

an inquiry-based science program by provid-

Promote Active, Collaborative, Inquiry-

ing short-term objectives for students. It also

Based Learning?

includes planning tools such as the Conceptual

Because learning does not occur through a pro-

Flow of the Lessons chart and the Suggested

cess of passive absorption, the lessons in this

Timeline for teaching the module. You can

module promote active learning. Students are

use this module to update your curriculum in

involved in more than listening and reading.

response to your students’ interest in this topic.

They are developing skills, analyzing and evalu-

The focus on active, collaborative, and inquiry-

ating evidence, experiencing and discussing, and

based learning in the lessons helps you support

talking to their peers about their own under-

the development of student understanding and

standings. Students work collaboratively with

nurture a community of science learners.

others to solve problems and plan investiga-

tions. Many students find that they learn better

The structure of the lessons in this module

when they work with others in a collaborative

enables you to guide and facilitate learning. All

environment than when they work alone in a

the activities encourage and support student

competitive environment. When all this active,

inquiry, promote discourse among students,

collaborative learning is directed toward inquiry

and challenge students to accept and share

science, students succeed in making their own

responsibility for their learning. Using the 5E

discoveries. They ask questions, observe, analyze,

Instructional Model, combined with active, col-

explain, draw conclusions, and ask new ques-

laborative learning, allows you to respond effec-

tions. These inquiry experiences include both

tively to the diversity of student backgrounds

those that involve students in direct experimenta-

and learning styles. The module is fully anno-

tion and those in which students develop expla-

tated, with suggestions for how you can encour-

nations through critical and logical thinking.

age and model the skills of scientific inquiry,

as well as foster the curiosity, openness to new

This view of students as active thinkers who

ideas and data, and skepticism that characterize

construct their own understanding out of inter-

successful study of science.

actions with phenomena, the environment, and

other individuals is based on the theory of con-

Assessment Standards

structivism. A constructivist view of learning

You can engage in ongoing assessment of your

recognizes that students need time to

teaching and of student learning using the vari-

• express their current thinking;

ety of assessment components embedded within

• interact with objects, organisms, substances,

the module’s structure. The assessment tasks are

and equipment to develop a range of experi-

authentic; they are similar to tasks that students

ences on which to base their thinking;

will engage in outside the classroom or in which

• reflect on their thinking by writing and

scientists participate. Annotations guide you to

expressing themselves and comparing what


Implementing the Module

Using Technology to Study Cellular and Molecular Biology

they think with what others think; and

• interact with materials and ideas through

• make connections between their learning

classroom and Web activities;

experiences and the real world.

• consider different ways to solve a problem or

answer a question;

This module provides a built-in structure for

• acquire a common set of experiences with

creating a constructivist classroom: the 5E

their classmates so they can compare results

Instructional Model. This model sequences the

and ideas;

learning experiences so that students have the

• observe, describe, record, compare, and

opportunity to construct their understanding of

share their ideas and experiences; and

a concept over time. The model takes students

• express their developing understanding of

through five phases of learning that are easily

technology by analyzing and interpreting

described using five words that begin with the

data and by answering questions.

letter E: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate,

and Evaluate. The following paragraphs illus-


trate how the 5Es are implemented across the

The Explain lessons provide opportunities for

lessons in this module.

students to connect their previous experiences

and to begin to make conceptual sense of the


main ideas of the module. This stage also allows

Students come to learning situations with prior

for the introduction of formal language, scien-

knowledge. This knowledge may or may not

tific terms, and content information that might

be congruent with the concepts presented in

make students’ previous experiences easier to

this module. Engage lessons provide the oppor-

describe and explain.

tunity for teachers to find out what students

already know or think they know about the

In the Explain lessons in this module, Lesson 1:

topic and concepts to be covered.

What Is Technology? , Lesson 2: Resolving Issues,

and Lesson 3: Putting Technology to Work, students

The Engage lesson in this module, Lesson 1:

• explain concepts and ideas about technology

What Is Technology? , is designed to

(in their own words);

• pique students’ curiosity and generate interest;

• listen to and compare others’ explanations of

• determine students’ current understanding

their results with their own;

about technology;

• become involved in student-to-student dis-

• invite students to raise their own questions

course in which they explain their thinking

about technology;

to others and debate their ideas;

• encourage students to compare their ideas

• revise their ideas;

with the ideas of others; and

• record their ideas and current understanding;

• enable teachers to assess what students do

• use labels, terminology, and formal language;

or do not understand about the stated out-


comes of the lesson.

• compare their current thinking with what

they previously thought.


In the Explore portions of the module, Lesson


1: How Low Can You Go? (Activity 2), Les-

In the Elaborate lesson, Lesson 3: Putting Tech-

son 2: Resolving Issues, and Lesson 3: Putting

nology to Work, students apply or extend impor-

Technology to Work, students investigate scale,

tant concepts in new situations and relate their

resolution, and the utility of technology to solve

previous experiences to new ones. Students

scientific problems, including those relevant to

make conceptual connections between new and

human health. These lessons require students to

former experiences. In this lesson, students

make observations, evaluate and interpret data,

• connect ideas, solve problems, and apply

and draw conclusions. Students

their understanding in a new situation;


• use scientific terms and descriptions;

• demonstrate what they understand about

• draw reasonable conclusions from evidence

technology and how well they can apply

and data;

their knowledge to solve a problem;

• add depth to their understanding of con-

• share their current thinking with others;

cepts and processes; and

• assess their own progress by comparing

• communicate their understanding to others.

their current understanding with their prior

knowledge; and


• ask questions that take them deeper into a

The Evaluate lesson is the final stage of the


instructional model, but it only provides a

“snapshot” of what the students understand

To review the relationship of the 5E Instruc-

and how far they have come from where they

tional Model to the concepts presented in the

began. In reality, the evaluation of students’

module, see the Conceptual Flow of the Lessons

conceptual understanding and ability to use

chart, on page 6.

skills begins with the Engage lesson and contin-

ues throughout each stage of the instructional

When a teacher uses the 5E Instructional Model,

model, as described in the following section.

he or she engages in practices that are very dif-

Combined with the students’ written work and

ferent from those of a traditional teacher. In

performance of tasks throughout the module,

response, students also participate in their learn-

however, the Evaluate lesson can serve as a

ing in ways that are different from those experi-

summative assessment of what students know

enced in a traditional classroom. The following

and can do.

charts, What the Teacher Does and What the

Students Do, outline these differences.

The Evaluate lesson in this module, Lesson 4:

Technology: How Much Is Enough? , provides an

opportunity for students to

What the Teacher Does


That is consistent with

That is inconsistent with

the 5E Instructional Model

the 5E Instructional Model


• Piques students’ curiosity and <