We Were Humans by Etido David Umoh - HTML preview

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Since I was born, I’ve always heard that salvation is free. Well I beg to differ, it is in fact the most expensive thing mankind’s ever faced.

“They say nothing good comes easy, and

salvation is the best thing to ever happen to man,

you don’t expect it to be free do you?”

-Umoh Etido David

You in fact don’t earn it, it is being offered to you for sale, and you either turn it down or buy it with the only money it is worth, you soul. This means giving up the old you, and everything you stood for in the past; habits, some loved ones, your time and all to follow a new path, a path of righteousness, in which history doesn’t have as one of its favorite. This my dear isn’t cheap, because you paid millions of price to get to where you are. So next time someone tells you salvation is free, tell them no, it is not.


I‘ve always heard, Love endures all, well I beg to differ, love in fact endures nothing, it takes the loved persons mistakes and negativity as a regular attribute, and thus finds them inoffensive.

“Love kills, it makes you feel kind of worthless, like

you are gonna die without that person. But hate?

Hate gives you a reason to survive; it tells you all you

got to do is stay alive if you really want to see that

person out of the way forever.”

-Umoh Etido David.

“Love must be true, for anything other than true love, isn’t love at all.”