The Legend of the Ring 3 by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Angela was happy beyond words. She couldn’t believe she was the Queen although more than a year had passed since her coronation and her wedding to the love of her life, Daniel. She was extremely grateful for having Rose by her side, too. She was her only friend and she had been her only friend back at the orphanage, too. They were so close that one could pass them for sisters, that’s how close they were. She gave Rose access to every room of the castle except her private chamber, of course, which was her refuge, the one that she only shared with her husband. Daniel also liked her and had nothing against Angela’s close friendship with Rose. And Rose appreciated her new life at the castle. There was no comparison with the poor life she used to live at the orphanage, where there was never enough food or clothes or warmth.

Since she first came to the castle, her life changed completely. She had the chance to see another side of life, a better side. Something she would have never even dreamed of, let alone imagine she could have. She was grateful to both Angela and Daniel for letting her live under their roof, for taking her along. And she was loyal to them, to both of them. She hoped that maybe someday she could make it up, that she could maybe repay them somehow, repay their kindness. She had no idea how she was going to do that but she thought that perhaps one day she would have the opportunity to show her gratitude for their hospitality.

Rose followed Angela everywhere since they moved to the castle. Which was an obvious improvement compared to her secluded life from the orphanage. This way she got out more, enjoyed life more than before when she spent most of her time indoors. Now whenever Angela and Daniel would go hunting or visiting the surrounding estates, they would also take Rose along. And she got used to it, to accompanying them everywhere. Now, one year later, Rose was wondering how she had lived most ofher life in the tiny orphanage room, barely going out. But it was all in the past now. Once with Angela’s new life, a new, better and more interesting chapter in her own life also started. And she wanted to make the best of it.

So one day when Angela asked her to accompany her to the nearby woods to hunt some deer, Rose immediately said yes. But then when she realized that Daniel wasn’t going to accompany them, she began having doubts as danger could be lurking even in the most friendly places. She tried to persuade Angela that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to go without Daniel’s protection, but it seemed that Daniel had gone alone this time as he had some important business in a nearby county. He was supposed to name the lords for that county and he considered it was no place for Angela and that it was boring, but it was one of his duties so he had to go. He had assured Angela it wouldn’t take him more than 3 or 4 days till his return. Meanwhile, she was supposed to spend her time with Rose taking long strolls in the large garden of the castle or reading or doing whatever pleased her. But if he had known her better, he would have known that nothing pleased Angela more than spending her time in nature, among the trees, with the wind playing in her hair and the sun shining above her. Yeah, she could have just strolled in the garden, but that didn’t give her the feeling of freedom that she was yearning for.

She was in the mood to hunt and enjoy a day in the woods without Daniel by her side to nag her. She still had Rose for that, however.

“What are you afraid of, Rose? I know these woods like the back of my hands. Come, it will be fun, just the two of us…. “, Angela was saying trying to ease Rose's nerves.

“That’s what I'm afraid of! Just us… what if something happens? What if someone attacks us? What will Daniel say? He is relying on me to advise you and to keep you safe. How can I do that when you won't listen to me? “ exclaimed Rose, knowing in her heart that if Angela had set her mind on something, then there was no turning back.

“Who would dare attack the Queen of Green Valley?” Angela went on with a smug look on her face.

“Exactly, Angela, just think about it. You’d make a great prize for ransom. Or maybe not all boors from Green Valley know who you are and they could just attack and try to kill us for what we have on us, for our supplies and money… “

“Let them try, Rose. Haven’t you learned anything during all these years you've known me? Don’t you know I can take care of myself and you? And let’s not forget I still have my magic ring…. “

“I still think it's a bad idea. What if a bear attacks us? Do you think it will bow before you because you are the Queen!? Danger may come from beats too, not only from people”, said Rose still trying to make her case.

“I’ve never seen beasts more dangerous than people. Anyway, I’ve never seen any bears in these woods, so I think we are safe. “ and Angela laughed at Rose for being such a coward.

“Ok, but do you promise we'll be back before dinner? Before the other servants notice we are missing? I really don’t want to explain myself to Daniel when he returns” uttered Rose in a low pleading voice.

“What do you mean with {other servants?} You are my friend, Rose, not a servant. I hoped you knew that by now, although I never really said the words. But you must have felt it. You are like a sister, Rose….. “, a large tear in the corner of her right eye almost rolled on her cheek. “And yeah, ok, sounds fair, we'll be back before dinner, is that good for you, Rose? “ she asked while examining her childhood friend.

“Alright, Angela. Hope nothing bad happens or I'll never forgive myself. I can’t explain it, I just have a bad feeling about this” Rose said in a final try to convince Angela out of it.

“Where’s your sense of adventure, Rose? When you grow old, don’t you want to have some stories to tell your grandchildren? “ and Angela giggled, winking at her, as to make her think that maybe she could also find someone and marry.

“If we grow old…. If anything bad happens, we might not grow old at all, Ange…. “

“Oh shut up already and be ready in five. I'll meet you at the stables” said Angela as she stormed out of the room not wanting to hear any more complaints. Before closing the door behind her, she turned to Rose and added in the most earnest way she could muster: “and put a smile on that face Rose, or you're not going anywhere! “ and then she left for the stables.

“If it could only be that easy….. “ thought Rose still unsure about this trip in the woods.