Stories for Children by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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Balloon                                                       Copy-write P. Audcent 2014

Willy Jordan had a birthday and his Uncle Joe bought him a very special present. Uncle Joe worked in the Climate Department and they used huge balloons to send into the high sky to check on the atmosphere. So Uncle Joe asked his boss if he could buy one of those balloons to give to his special nephew. Now Willy was one of those boys who always saved his pocket money and job about the house money that his parents paid him. So he had a good collection of toys that he bought himself and one special toy was an army parachutist.

When Willy unpacked Uncle  Joes parcel and found the massive skin of the balloon he was amazed, but inside was a little note inviting Willy to come to the Climate station and bring his balloon with him and they would fly it for him. Willy thought long and hard and went to his toy box and picked out the two army toy dolls he had, they were both parachutists, one he had bought himself and the other was a Christmas present from his Granny. So he selected the one he had bought and then sat down to write a little note which he packed into a small plastic envelope bag and attached this with strong tape to the doll.

Uncle Joe picked him up a week later and when he saw the note in the envelope he asked what is was, so Willy explained he would like his balloon back again so its a note to tell the person, hopefully it would be a child, to return the balloon and receive the doll for its trouble.

When they got to the Weather field Uncle Joe explained all this to the team assembled so it was decided to only half fill the balloon, for when the weather instruments were sent up in the sky the balloon would pop and the equipment would parachute to the ground.

So Willy's toy was strapped to the balloon, half filled with special gas and Willy was handed it to release it into the air. They all held onto him tightly so he wouldn't fly off with the balloon! They counted down from ten backwards and Willy released the huge balloon and it went souring up into the sky. Someone took a photograph so Willy would remember his special day.

Two weeks later Willy got a parcel and inside was his balloon plus a lovely printed note from the Parachute Brigade. This was also in a big plastic bag plus three of their own army dolls, and a big surprise, his original one which he had bought himself.

His father and Uncle Joe said it was such a coincidence that the balloon had fallen from the sky into the very people who parachuted. So Willy sent a real letter to the kind people who had sent his balloon back thanking them for their gifts. Now if you have been counting he now have five to play with plus the deflated baloon which he and Father blew up with a cycle pump so he could keep it in his bedroom.