Psycho vs Scientists by Man H - HTML preview

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The Supernatural Man

Author: Manoj S Hosmath


Genre: Sci-Fi | Supernatural | Crime

Warning: No one is supposed to steal this story and re-publish in your name.



                    The story is all about a person having Psychic powers which he used for the good but turned into evil when people started neglecting him when he was in need. This story also uses some poetic devices.


                   Back into the decades, there lived a couple of Farmers. This couple gave birth to a baby who was named Sid later. All the three lived in a small hut in a village. They lived happily with what they earned and satisfied almost every need of the baby Sid. But a few months after Sid was born, the father had died because of severe blood cancer.

                   One eve, Sid’s mother saw the shadow of the sauce pan moving up and down. She also noticed her child hadn’t been to sleep yet. She was also noticed his eyes moving up and down. She was scared of seeing it. When she called Sid, he immediately responded to stimuli of his mother’s voice. At the same time sauce pan fell onto the ground. She then came to know that it was Sid who was making it to jump.

                   The next day, in the morning, she took her child to a priest to ask whether God had been in Sid’s body. Hearing the question, Priest was confused and replied, it’s nothing like that and it may be a co-incidence.

On getting answer from the priest, she wasn’t satisfied. So she turned herself to a Psychiatrist. And then she got an exact answer for her doubts. Psychiatrist had said, “The incident that Sid made pan to move up and down is a fact indeed. It’s nothing to worry. Sid has got Psychic powers and he has to be developed into a good person or else he may misuse his powers.” On hearing suggestions given by Psychiatrist, Sid’s mother started growing her child into a good person.

One bad day, when Sid was 13, her mother died because of severe heart attack. With the death of his mother, Sid was disturbed and couldn’t concentrate in School. One day, his teacher gave a punishment to Sid without caring his grief of death of his mother. This made Sid very angry and he threw his teacher to the roof using his Psychic powers.

But Sid was not rude to all people. He used to help people who were in trouble using his Psychic powers. He used to help old people to transport from one village to another making them to sit on a cart. Then using his Psychic powers he used to move the wheels. And after reaching their destination he used to leave them there and come back to his village. Sometimes, he would even stay whole day with the passengers and bring them back safely.

One fine day, Sid’s friend came for asking help to extract gold mines and promised to pay half amount what his master would give. Then he was helping miners to extract gold easily with his Psychic powers. Later when he approached his friend for the reward, his friend neglected to pay him. This made Sid very angry. But before he could do anything, his cunning friend had made arrangement of making Sid unconscious with his gang so that he could be saved from his Psychic powers.

The next day, he and his friends took Sid completely packed to the court and produced wrong evidences in front of the court declaring that Sid used his Psychic powers for bad intention. On hearing all the evidences on the side of Sid’s cunning friend, Court sentenced 2years imprisonment to Sid as punishment for using his Psychic powers with bad intention.

On understanding how the society had been changing, Sid finally thought to be evil forever. He escaped from the prison using his Psychic powers. Later on, he killed all the people who neglected him to offer free food, clothes and almost everything. He used to firstly, give an electric shock to the attackers using his Psychic powers. Secondly he used to throw them high up in the sky. And when they would come back to ground, Sid used to tear his body with his teeth and take out attacker’s heart. He also used to defense successfully against who attacked him with sharp weapons. He had become a sort of immortal.

But this would not continue for many years because there are people who challenge Psychic powers. They are none other than our beloved Scientists. To get rid of Sid, Scientists thought that chemical forces would be more better than physical forces to attack Sid. So they prepared a type of chemical named “I.K.C.”. It’s full form is, “Immortality Killing Chemical”. They named it so because of immortality actions taken by Sid.

It had been the time for Sid to lose his life. 3 scientists came to the place where Sid was residing. They were very alert so that Sid would not know presence of them or else he would take their hearts out too. But unfortunately, Sid saw the intruders in his house. Before Sid could use his powers, 3 scientists got divided and started running towards Sid. All the 3 had 3 test tubes of I.K.C. The first scientist was given an electric shock. The second was thrown to the roof. And within third one approached to Sid, Sid jumped back and tried using his powers. But he couldn’t. Because, the Scientist who had been thrown to the roof  by Sid, had thrown I.K.C. on Sid. The chemical started working. It took all his Psychic powers. Then it started slowly to burn Sid’s skin. After some time he was no more.

All people around Sid’s resident were happy. The three Scientists had done their job perfectly taking utmost risk. Finally, it proved that Scientists are real heroes of life.

Thank You


The Supernatural Man

Author: Manoj S Hosmath


Genre: Sci-Fi | Supernatural | Crime

Warning: No one is supposed to steal this story and re-publish in your name.



                    The story is all about a person having Psychic powers which he used for the good but turned into evil when people started neglecting him when he was in need. This story also uses some poetic devices.


                   Back into the decades, there lived a couple of Farmers. This couple gave birth to a baby who was named Sid later. All the three lived in a small hut in a village. They lived happily with what they earned and satisfied almost every need of the baby Sid. But a few months after Sid was born, the father had died because of severe blood cancer.

                   One eve, Sid’s mother saw the shadow of the sauce pan moving up and down. She also noticed her child hadn’t been to sleep yet. She was also noticed his eyes moving up and down. She was scared of seeing it. When she called Sid, he immediately responded to stimuli of his mother’s voice. At the same time sauce pan fell onto the ground. She then came to know that it was Sid who was making it to jump.

                   The next day, in the morning, she took her child to a priest to ask whether God had been in Sid’s body. Hearing the question, Priest was confused and replied, it’s nothing like that and it may be a co-incidence.

On getting answer from the priest, she wasn’t satisfied. So she turned herself to a Psychiatrist. And then she got an exact answer for her doubts. Psychiatrist had said, “The incident that Sid made pan to move up and down is a fact indeed. It’s nothing to worry. Sid has got Psychic powers and he has to be developed into a good person or else he may misuse his powers.” On hearing suggestions given by Psychiatrist, Sid’s mother started growing her child into a good person.

One bad day, when Sid was 13, her mother died because of severe heart attack. With the death of his mother, Sid was disturbed and couldn’t concentrate in School. One day, his teacher gave a punishment to Sid without caring his grief of death of his mother. This made Sid very angry and he threw his teacher to the roof using his Psychic powers.

But Sid was not rude to all people. He used to help people who were in trouble using his Psychic powers. He used to help old people to transport from one village to another making them to sit on a cart. Then using his Psychic powers he used to move the wheels. And after reaching their destination he used to leave them there and come back to his village. Sometimes, he would even stay whole day with the passengers and bring them back safely.

One fine day, Sid’s friend came for asking help to extract gold mines and promised to pay half amount what his master would give. Then he was helping miners to extract gold easily with his Psychic powers. Later when he approached his friend for the reward, his friend neglected to pay him. This made Sid very angry. But before he could do anything, his cunning friend had made arrangement of making Sid unconscious with his gang so that he could be saved from his Psychic powers.

The next day, he and his friends took Sid completely packed to the court and produced wrong evidences in front of the court declaring that Sid used his Psychic powers for bad intention. On hearing all the evidences on the side of Sid’s cunning friend, Court sentenced 2years imprisonment to Sid as punishment for using his Psychic powers with bad intention.

On understanding how the society had been changing, Sid finally thought to be evil forever. He escaped from the prison using his Psychic powers. Later on, he killed all the people who neglected him to offer free food, clothes and almost everything. He used to firstly, give an electric shock to the attackers using his Psychic powers. Secondly he used to throw them high up in the sky. And when they would come back to ground, Sid used to tear his body with his teeth and take out attacker’s heart. He also used to defense successfully against who attacked him with sharp weapons. He had become a sort of immortal.

But this would not continue for many years because there are people who challenge Psychic powers. They are none other than our beloved Scientists. To get rid of Sid, Scientists thought that chemical forces would be more better than physical forces to attack Sid. So they prepared a type of chemical named “I.K.C.”. It’s full form is, “Immortality Killing Chemical”. They named it so because of immortality actions taken by Sid.

It had been the time for Sid to lose his life. 3 scientists came to the place where Sid was residing. They were very alert so that Sid would not know presence of them or else he would take their hearts out too. But unfortunately, Sid saw the intruders in his house. Before Sid could use his powers, 3 scientists got divided and started running towards Sid. All the 3 had 3 test tubes of I.K.C. The first scientist was given an electric shock. The second was thrown to the roof. And within third one approached to Sid, Sid jumped back and tried using his powers. But he couldn’t. Because, the Scientist who had been thrown to the roof  by Sid, had thrown I.K.C. on Sid. The chemical started working. It took all his Psychic powers. Then it started slowly to burn Sid’s skin. After some time he was no more.

All people around Sid’s resident were happy. The three Scientists had done their job perfectly taking utmost risk. Finally, it proved that Scientists are real heroes of life.

Thank You


The Supernatural Man

Author: Manoj S Hosmath


Genre: Sci-Fi | Supernatural | Crime

Warning: No one is supposed to steal this story and re-publish in your name.



                    The story is all about a person having Psychic powers which he used for the good but turned into evil when people started neglecting him when he was in need. This story also uses some poetic devices.


                   Back into the decades, there lived a couple of Farmers. This couple gave birth to a baby who was named Sid later. All the three lived in a small hut in a village. They lived happily with what they earned and satisfied almost every need of the baby Sid. But a few months after Sid was born, the father had died because of severe blood cancer.

                   One eve, Sid’s mother saw the shadow of the sauce pan moving up and down. She also noticed her child hadn’t been to sleep yet. She was also noticed his eyes moving up and down. She was scared of seeing it. When she called Sid, he immediately responded to stimuli of his mother’s voice. At the same time sauce pan fell onto the ground. She then came to know that it was Sid who was making it to jump.

                   The next day, in the morning, she took her child to a priest to ask whether God had been in Sid’s body. Hearing the question, Priest was confused and replied, it’s nothing like that and it may be a co-incidence.

On getting answer from the priest, she wasn’t satisfied. So she turned herself to a Psychiatrist. And then she got an exact answer for her doubts. Psychiatrist had said, “The incident that Sid made pan to move up and down is a fact indeed. It’s nothing to worry. Sid has got Psychic powers and he has to be developed into a good person or else he may misuse his powers.” On hearing suggestions given by Psychiatrist, Sid’s mother started growing her child into a good person.

One bad day, when Sid was 13, her mother died because of severe heart attack. With the death of his mother, Sid was disturbed and couldn’t concentrate in School. One day, his teacher gave a punishment to Sid without caring his grief of death of his mother. This made Sid very angry and he threw his teacher to the roof using his Psychic powers.

But Sid was not rude to all people. He used to help people who were in trouble using his Psychic powers. He used to help old people to transport from one village to another making them to sit on a cart. Then using his Psychic powers he used to move the wheels. And after reaching their destination he used to leave them there and come back to his village. Sometimes, he would even stay whole day with the passengers and bring them back safely.

One fine day, Sid’s friend came for asking help to extract gold mines and promised to pay half amount what his master would give. Then he was helping miners to extract gold easily with his Psychic powers. Later when he approached his friend for the reward, his friend neglected to pay him. This made Sid very angry. But before he could do anything, his cunning friend had made arrangement of making Sid unconscious with his gang so that he could be saved from his Psychic powers.

The next day, he and his friends took Sid completely packed to the court and produced wrong evidences in front of the court declaring that Sid used his Psychic powers for bad intention. On hearing all the evidences on the side of Sid’s cunning friend, Court sentenced 2years imprisonment to Sid as punishment for using his Psychic powers with bad intention.

On understanding how the society had been changing, Sid finally thought to be evil forever. He escaped from the prison using his Psychic powers. Later on, he killed all the people who neglected him to offer free food, clothes and almost everything. He used to firstly, give an electric shock to the attackers using his Psychic powers. Secondly he used to throw them high up in the sky. And when they would come back to ground, Sid used to tear his body with his teeth and take out attacker’s heart. He also used to defense successfully against who attacked him with sharp weapons. He had become a sort of immortal.

But this would not continue for many years because there are people who challenge Psychic powers. They are none other than our beloved Scientists. To get rid of Sid, Scientists thought that chemical forces would be more better than physical forces to attack Sid. So they prepared a type of chemical named “I.K.C.”. It’s full form is, “Immortality Killing Chemical”. They named it so because of immortality actions taken by Sid.

It had been the time for Sid to lose his life. 3 scientists came to the place where Sid was residing. They were very alert so that Sid would not know presence of them or else he would take their hearts out too. But unfortunately, Sid saw the intruders in his house. Before Sid could use his powers, 3 scientists got divided and started running towards Sid. All the 3 had 3 test tubes of I.K.C. The first scientist was given an electric shock. The second was thrown to the roof. And within third one approached to Sid, Sid jumped back and tried using his powers. But he couldn’t. Because, the Scientist who had been thrown to the roof  by Sid, had thrown I.K.C. on Sid. The chemical started working. It took all his Psychic powers. Then it started slowly to burn Sid’s skin. After some time he was no more.

All people around Sid’s resident were happy. The three Scientists had done their job perfectly taking utmost risk. Finally, it proved that Scientists are real heroes of life.

Thank You


The Supernatural Man

Author: Manoj S Hosmath


Genre: Sci-Fi | Supernatural | Crime

Warning: No one is supposed to steal this story and re-publish in your name.



                    The story is all about a person having Psychic powers which he used for the good but turned into evil when people started neglecting him when he was in need. This story also uses some poetic devices.


                   Back into the decades, there lived a couple of Farmers. This couple gave birth to a baby who was named Sid later. All the three lived in a small hut in a village. They lived happily with what they earned and satisfied almost every need of the baby Sid. But a few months after Sid was born, the father had died because of severe blood cancer.

                   One eve, Sid’s mother saw the shadow of the sauce pan moving up and down. She also noticed her child hadn’t been to sleep yet. She was also noticed his eyes moving up and down. She was scared of seeing it. When she called Sid, he immediately responded to stimuli of his mother’s voice. At the same time sauce pan fell onto the ground. She then came to know that it was Sid who was making it to jump.

                   The next day, in the morning, she took her child to a priest to ask whether God had been in Sid’s body. Hearing the question, Priest was confused and replied, it’s nothing like that and it may be a co-incidence.

On getting answer from the priest, she wasn’t satisfied. So she turned herself to a Psychiatrist. And then she got an exact answer for her doubts. Psychiatrist had said, “The incident that Sid made pan to move up and down is a fact indeed. It’s nothing to worry. Sid has got Psychic powers and he has to be developed into a good person or else he may misuse his powers.” On hearing suggestions given by Psychiatrist, Sid’s mother started growing her child into a good person.

One bad day, when Sid was 13, her mother died because of severe heart attack. With the death of his mother, Sid was disturbed and couldn’t concentrate in School. One day, his teacher gave a punishment to Sid without caring his grief of death of his mother. This made Sid very angry and he threw his teacher to the roof using his Psychic powers.

But Sid was not rude to all people. He used to help people who were in trouble using his Psychic powers. He used to help old people to transport from one village to another making them to sit on a cart. Then using his Psychic powers he used to move the wheels. And after reaching their destination he used to leave them there and come back to his village. Sometimes, he would even stay whole day with the passengers and bring them back safely.

One fine day, Sid’s friend came for asking help to extract gold mines and promised to pay half amount what his master would give. Then he was helping miners to extract gold easily with his Psychic powers. Later when he approached his friend for the reward, his friend neglected to pay him. This made Sid very angry. But before he could do anything, his cunning friend had made arrangement of making Sid unconscious with his gang so that he could be saved from his Psychic powers.

The next day, he and his friends took Sid completely packed to the court and produced wrong evidences in front of the court declaring that Sid used his Psychic powers for bad intention. On hearing all the evidences on the side of Sid’s cunning friend, Court sentenced 2years imprisonment to Sid as punishment for using his Psychic powers with bad intention.

On understanding how the society had been changing, Sid finally thought to be evil forever. He escaped from the prison using his Psychic powers. Later on, he killed all the people who neglected him to offer free food, clothes and almost everything. He used to firstly, give an electric shock to the attackers using his Psychic powers. Secondly he used to throw them high up in the sky. And when they would come back to ground, Sid used to tear his body with his teeth and take out attacker’s heart. He also used to defense successfully against who attacked him with sharp weapons. He had become a sort of immortal.

But this would not continue for many years because there are people who challenge Psychic powers. They are none other than our beloved Scientists. To get rid of Sid, Scientists thought that chemical forces would be more better than physical forces to attack Sid. So they prepared a type of chemical named “I.K.C.”. It’s full form is, “Immortality Killing Chemical”. They named it so because of immortality actions taken by Sid.

It had been the time for Sid to lose his life. 3 scientists came to the place where Sid was residing. They were very alert so that Sid would not know presence of them or else he would take their hearts out too. But unfortunately, Sid saw the intruders in his house. Before Sid could use his powers, 3 scientists got divided and started running towards Sid. All the 3 had 3 test tubes of I.K.C. The first scientist was given an electric shock. The second was thrown to the roof. And within third one approached to Sid, Sid jumped back and tried using his powers. But he couldn’t. Because, the Scientist who had been thrown to the roof  by Sid, had thrown I.K.C. on Sid. The chemical started working. It took all his Psychic powers. Then it started slowly to burn Sid’s skin. After some time he was no more.

All people around Sid’s resident were happy. The three Scientists had done their job perfectly taking utmost risk. Finally, it proved that Scientists are real heroes of life.

Thank You


The Supernatural Man

Author: Manoj S Hosmath


Genre: Sci-Fi | Supernatural | Crime

Warning: No one is supposed to steal this story and re-publish in your name.



                    The story is all about a person having Psychic powers which he used for the good but turned into evil when people started neglecting him when he was in need. This story also uses some poetic devices.


                   Back into the decades, there lived a couple of Farmers. This couple gave birth to a baby who was named Sid later. All the three lived in a small hut in a village. They lived happily with what they earned and satisfied almost every need of the baby Sid. But a few months after Sid was born, the father had died because of severe blood cancer.

                   One eve, Sid’s mother saw the shadow of the sauce pan moving up and down. She also noticed her child hadn’t been to sleep yet. She was also noticed his eyes moving up and down. She was scared of seeing it. When she called Sid, he immediately responded to stimuli of his mother’s voice. At the same time sauce pan fell onto the ground. She then came to know that it was Sid who was making it to jump.

                   The next day, in the morning, she took her child to a priest to ask whether God had been in Sid’s body. Hearing the question, Priest was confuse

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