A Sun Rose by GB Kinna - HTML preview

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(United Nations Space Association)

Hanna York                Ship’s Captain

Ray Stevens                First Mate

George Pittsworth     Engineer

Androssan’s Nordic Caucasian Human (Netlanders)

Arno                          Youngest brother

Icno                           Eldest brother

Kernewek       Chairman of people’s council

Kooringal                  Keeper of the books

Moonta                      Traveller/psychic

Pirie                           Dark Valley Guard

Rickaby                     Dark Valley Guard

Tooligie                     Mother of

Tunot                         Balladeer

Urno                          Middle brother

Weeroone                  The father

Yurla                         Captain at Arms

Cedunan’s                        ‘The Chosen’ (Pure Human)

Bute                          Rebel youth

Cleve                         Rebel leader

Cowell                       Cleve’s sister

Curwie                      Rogue Cedunan

Elliston                     Rebel youth

Grundrie                   Rogue Cedunan

Pillana                      Rogue Woman

Rudell                       Rebel youth

Wanilla                     Hybrid High Priest

Wirrulla                     Rogue Cedunan

Wudinna                   Rogue Cedunan leader

Kiana       Aryan Caucasian Human   (Netlanders)

Yaiata               Kiana Trade Master

Kimba  Australopithecus Sediba (Evolved hybrid)

Perlumblie   Homo Neanderthalensis (Netlanders)

Hasian          Captain of the Imperial guard

Kyancutta              Games weapons Master

Moorila                  Sergeant

Penong                   Politician

Taila                Afro Capoid Human   (Netlanders)

Poochera                   Group Leader

Turton                     Hunter

Wangary          Avian Human (Hybrid Netlanders)

Bookabee               Guard

Carappee                Guardian of the Well’s

Coulea                    Female

Moorowie              Male

The Village     Australoid Human (Netlanders)

Barunga                 Hunter/Gatherer

Curramulka            Village Elder

Kadina                   Village Girl

Kielpa                    Hunter/Gatherer

Koonaida               Hunter/Gatherer

Minlaton                Youth

Unow                     Hunter/Gatherer

Warooka                Hunter/Gatherer

Yaninie                  Hunter/Gatherer
