This is a sentimental fairy tale written by Marion St. John Webb, in which children undertake an adventure in a somewhat magical ship.
This is a fairy tale about a princess who must live in a tower, guarded by a dragon and a griffin, until her future husband arrives.
The Northern Lights mesmerized George and Jane. Thus, they decided to investigate and meet a beautiful dragon and furry dwarfs.
An orphan Princess with a heart of gold, her evil cousin who rides elephants, and a fire-breathing dragon are featured in a delightful tale.
An old castle is the setting in this tale and it has a dragon in the dungeon. Luckily, Blacksmith John is welcomed to fix the beast’s wing.
This is a fanciful tale of a young boy with an inquiring mind and his amazing encounters with a dragon.
This story features a princess, a gardener’s son, and an elephant. The most charming feature is the tale’s unusually sized animals!
A well-brought-up Prince was expected to kill a Dragon and rescue a Princess. This charming story tells the tale in exquisite detail.
Effie has something in her eye. At first, she thinks it's a spider, but it most certainly is not. A delightful adventure soon follows.
Prince Lionel become King and finds the magical book of his great-great-great-great-great-grandfather's dragon tales.