Your Prosperity Paradigm
11 Steps to Creating & Living a Super Successful Life
By Leslie Fieger
Your Prosperity Paradigm
Copyright © 2008 - 2012 by Leslie Fieger
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form nor by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photographic or
phonographic process; nor may it be stored in any
retrieval system, or otherwise copied for public or private
use - other than for “fair use” as brief quotations
embodied in articles or reviews –without prior written
permission of the copyright holder and publisher.
The author of this book does not dispense medical or
psychological advice or suggest the use of any technique
as a form of treatment for physical, emotional or mental
problems without the advice of a licensed physician,
therapist or health care practitioner either directly or
indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer
information of a general nature to assist the reader in the
personal quest for material, physical, emotional, mental
and spiritual well-being. In the event that you, the reader,
choose to exercise your right to use any of the
information in this book, the author and his agents
assume no liability for your actions.
ISBN 978-0-557-47767-8
Notes to this 2012 online edition:
If you have this electronic version of my book, Your
Prosperity Paradigm, you may ignore the copyright
notice on the previous page. In fact, I urge you to share
this with a many people as possible as long as you do
not alter this book in any way whatsoever.
I’ve included throughout this new version of the book’s
text hyperlinks to additional online data that explains or extrapolates on certain information mentioned in this
book and/or provides additional resources that I think
may interest you.
All these external links will open in a new web browser
window. It is possible that, if you have a pop up blocker
in use, these pages will not open. You may temporarily
disable your pop up blocking software or copy and paste
the links into a browser in order to access these websites.
Theses external web resources were all active when this
book revision was made; however, websites come and go
and it may be that some of the links contained here have
become invalid by the time you read this.
You can watch a one hour online presentation from 2008
based on this book at
and at
Enjoy. Prosper.
February, 2012
Other books by Leslie Fieger include:
All are available at http://www.lulu.com/lf2
They are also carried by Amazon and
as Nook eBooks through Barnes & Noble
Leslie’s books are also available for your iPad at the
Also see page 175 of this book for more information on
each of the above mentioned books.
A print version of this book is also sold at Lulu and
This book is dedicated to my parents, Audrey and Al
Fieger, who brought me into this world, gave me so great
a head start on the adventure, were there to support me
when I stumbled, celebrated my successes and are still
my cheerleaders. My parents are my heroes.
They grew up during the great depression and were able
to come out of that difficult time, forge a path for
themselves and build a life of substance, plus create an
attitude of open ended possibilities for their nine
Amongst the hundreds of books in my house, as I was
growing up, were such success classics as Napoleon
Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, Dale Carnegie’s How to
Win Friends and Influence People and even that great LP
recording from Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret.
I also grew up listening to Harry Belafonte sing The
Banana Boat Song “Come Mr. Tally man, tally me banana…” and other calypso songs.
It is no wonder I now live in the Caribbean and write
books about creating success.
Thanks Al and Audrey for everything.
This book is also dedicated to you, the reader. I hope it
serves you.
SVG 2008
Your Prosperity Paradigm
11 Steps to Creating & Living a Super Successful Life
Introduction: A Masterpiece