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Please note that this book needs to be read carefully and studied if one seeks to fully understand and harness the words within. Also, please read with an open mind – an open mind is vital to all understanding.

This is not a religious book, but it is a spiritual book. By spiritual, I strictly mean: that which concerns one’s own spirit, therefore one’s own inner spiritual state, and God. It must be clarified at the beginning that this is not the ‘happy hippie’ sort of spirituality, and nor is it the Ouija board, spirit contacting sort of spirituality. This is the kind of spirituality that will internally change you.

Be warned before you read: This is a challenging book with challenging information. Reading it the first time may drain you somewhat, owing to the complexity of some of the topics - and also, you may find that the directness of delivery may hurt at times. If you love this book, you will really love it, and if you hate it, you will really hate it.

Know that love or hate is not in the book, for this book contains only words, but instead it is in you. Either way, in no form will you be on the fence about this book after reading it.

As the author, I recommend that this book is read in the following manner:

From beginning to end the first time - and then allow the information it contains to settle in the mind. Then the second reading should be done one chapter at a time. After two readings of the book in this manner, you may begin the study of it sentence by sentence, in order to gain a deeper understanding, if you still wish to do so. Only then, should you begin to apply what you have learned in to your life. Also, you will find that I have numerously repeated certain sentences or points; this has been done intentionally, and I encourage you to pay extra attention whenever you find this.

I wish you only the best.

- Roshan