Tiger's Law by Tiger Joo - HTML preview

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Chapter 3: Human Potential Energy, Human Kinetic Energy

If I pick up a small sized rock from the sidewalk and carry it to the roof of my 14-floor building, I am giving that rock a certain amount of potential energy it didn't have before if I intend to drop that rock back down towards the street. If I aim and release this rock on top of someone's head, as he/she is walking down the same street, I will be transferring the rock's energy onto that person, rather than the sidewalk, and that person will absorb the energy of the rock. The energy that person will absorb will definitely cause injury, if not kill the person, depending on the size of the rock.

When a person enters my workplace I am essentially doing the same work as I did with that rock. I am taking human mass and releasing its potential energy so that the human mass will move about and perform work and transfer his/her energy onto the various areas and objects of our training room. But human mass is not as simple as a rock. Humans have a great variety of ways which they can both store and release energy.

From my observation of humans, we are in a state of perpetual kinetic energy. We are constantly releasing and absorbing energy. Even if we lie completely still on the floor and hold our breath for as long as we can, energy is always being released from us--from the blood that circulates within our body, to even the electrical signals that pulse in our brain. Until life completely exits our body, we are in a state of perpetual kinetic energy. We are always moving, contracting, pulsing, releasing bodily heat etc. and transferring such energy that surrounds us. And we constantly absorb that transfer of energy from other humans, even from something as simple as a conversation. When someone speaks to us, we listen to that released form of kinetic energy and absorb that energy, which can definitely affect how we choose to release further energy for the rest of the day. If it was a bad conversation, for instance, we may choose to reserve our energy as our mood was affected negatively. If it was an inspiring conversation, we may choose to become more active and expend more energy since the words we absorbed uplifted our sense of morale.

From my observation of human potential energy, I can only conclude that it is infinite. There are no limits to human potential energy. Certainly, we cannot hold enough potential energy and release its energy to fly through the air or run through a brick wall. But humans have created other forms of mass to hold the potential energy that can accomplish these works for us. We have airplanes, automobiles, trucks, power-drills, spaceships, etc. that can give humans kinetic forms of energy that were beyond impossible to imagine hundreds of years ago. Humans can now travel safely down the road at over 100mph. Humans can now fly. Humans can project their image onto screens all over the Earth. Humans can also break down massive size walls and even travel safely to space. If they can't travel to space, they can send a different type of mass to space to do the work for them. Furthermore, if humans have the desire (which I surely believe they do), they certainly don't have to stop here. They can find more ways to release their potential energy if they continue to build upon the work that they currently have.

Lastly, from my analysis of the formula E=mc² (post prior), I know that humans are themselves a living form of energy. Energy and mass are the same. Humans are not only mass that releases energy, but they are themselves intelligent forms of energy. In fact, according to E=mc², the amount of energy that is in human mass is god-like. If we convert all the different matter found in human mass into pure energy, the energy that will be released will be in biblical proportions. To consider all this god-like energy is stored in human-mass does not seem believable. Yet, we saw the evidence of this power in the two atom bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The mass that was converted into energy from those two bombs can be replicated from human mass, as mass are all essentially the same. Mass cannot be created nor destroyed. Human mass and bomb mass are the same mass. They just hold different properties of mass.  Moreover, human mass is given unlimited forms of potential energy which other forms of mass on Earth do not possess. And if humans can continually move forward to unleash their potential energy as positive forces of energy, the entire future of human kinetic energy can be absolutely unimaginable.

I, as a personal trainer, have a duty to move my clients forward to important, personal goals. Mostly, my clients would like to lose fat. They also wish to shape their bodies in aesthetically pleasing ways. I also have certain clients who wish to excel in their sport. So they need to get stronger. However, how much understanding do these clients truly have of their own human potential energy? As a trainer, who sees infinite amounts of human potential energy and the ubiquitous existence of "god-like" energy, I wish to manifest more of our power. Of course, I do not seek unrealistic goals and expect to see some of my clients lift cars from their bare hands and fly through the air, but to manifest the power I speak of, I believe it can be achieved by setting our marks and aims just a little higher than what was expected. Moreover, when I speak of goals, I include all forms of goals--our fitness goals, our life-style goals, our goals for financial success, our relationships, loved ones, etc.  We must set all our marks high and we must all achieve. Then slowly, our chain of human kinetic energy can continually fuel the energy of success into others, and as they absorb that energy, they too can affect others, then unquestionably, we can all move towards the future that I seek.