Tiger's Law by Tiger Joo - HTML preview

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Chapter 1: A Seminar

Every Saturday afternoon I meet with my client D, who is currently studying for his MCAT to get into medical school. When I first met D, he only sought help from me to lose weight. D is currently 25 years old, and throughout his life he was struggling with weight-loss. In fact, he was obese since he was little. D told me many stories of how losing weight was always a battle for him. The constant struggle of having to run the weight off, the dieting, the stress of watching how slowly his weight would go down, etc. always impacted him. However, when D and I first met, his body fat was only at 20.5%. Although it was relatively high compared to the healthy body fat range, D was able to get below the obesity level on his ownwhich was a huge feat. So now, his goal was to get into the fit range.

D and I began training around September of 2013. And the guy trained very diligently. He never canceled. He always showed up on time, in spite of the fact that he would sometimes travel to my location in Koreatown Los Angeles all the way from Walnut, CA. And he showed improvements very quickly. He started to do pull-ups which he couldnt do before. His bench-press weight increased every week. He started leg-squats with me, which he never did before. And eventually, after week after week of training, and after putting forth sheer determination and will-power, D finally hit 17% body fat, which is the maximum level of being in the fit range. For the first time since he was a child, D hit the healthy range of body fat. The pride I had as his trainer was of course enormous. And such stories always keep me motivated to train more people. I have a limitless passion for what I do. Personal training is my life.

However, there is more to the story of D. Like I said, we meet every Saturday afternoon, but on Saturdays we dont do personal training; instead, we do seminars and verbal testing for his MCAT. If anyone has ever taken the MCAT, or at least the MCAT practice exam, he or she will tell you that this test is probably one of the most difficult things to ever accomplish in the entire world. And this is not an exaggerated statement. The MCAT tests your ability to not only understand the sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology, but it also requires the use of logic and reasoning in order to solve extremely difficult questions. In fact, D always had a very difficult time with the Verbal Section, which tests a persons logic and reasoning under immense demands with the most complex questions. But again, D is not the type of guy to give up so easily. Not only did we physically train twice a week, but we also kept working on his Verbal test-taking skills to raise his score higher. Moreover, to help with the science sections, I suggested that D should teach me the fields of physics, chemistry, and biology so that he can memorize important facts by explaining such topics to me.

One Saturday afternoon in December 2013, D presented and explained to me different equations of physics that will apply to his MCAT. He showed me how we can calculate the distance of certain places by knowing the velocity of a mass. He also showed me that when we calculate kinetic energy, the velocity of that mass becomes squared (mv²). This topic led me to an interesting question. Why do we square the speed of light in Einsteins formula: E=mc²? D did not know how to answer that question. So I decided to answer it myself by researching the formula E=mc². After starting my research, it led me to more questions, and more questions that ultimately led me to a very fascinating discovery about us as humans, where our future is heading, and the existence of a universal being we know as God.

The discoveries I made come from sound judgment and logic. As a matter of fact, the more I see the world from my new discoveries, the more sense everything makes about us, and why we exist. The science I use to prove my research also comes from the most basic principles of physics. Nothing is exaggerated nor is any science misrepresented. As you read my discoveries yourself, you will clearly see that the answers I claim make perfect logical sense, as anyone who can simply read can follow my logic. Most importantly, if you apply everything you learn from this book, your entire future will change its course for the better.

So now, let us begin our story by reading how I started my research on a blog with Einsteins famous formula: E=mc².