The Ultimate SWAG of Mind by Ali Ahmad Awan - HTML preview

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room for improvement in life.

Why Swaggy People do Self-accountability?

Self-accountability is a must thing. Unless we do our accountability, we can’t discover our true selves. And if we can’t or choose not to do it, then we can’t achieve big things in life. Imagine how Picasso would have ended up if he never tried painting or set goals for himself? This is pretty much the same concept.


All people are unique; their experiences, neurology (which pre-determines which skills we are good at), cultures, choices, and so on.

The sad part is that we are so busy criticizing other people that we forget to live our own lives. And we try so hard to impress people with meaningless materialistic aspects that we run out of time. We are often so impatient that we rush to solve every problem when nature tries so hard to teach us that everything happens at a particular time. It is a law of nature that when we are impatient, then life tests us further, and then when we trust in God, we find solutions to our problems very quickly. And if we lose faith, we give up and become ‘depressed.’

It is wise to first become swaggy in our personal lives, with a powerful mind and a resilient heart.

Then you can brag all you want on social media about how cool you are.






he most precious day of our lives is when we find out why we came to this world. Many T people today don’t know what the purpose of their life is. Many individuals today are looking for what they can do and what they can quickly master. We are not meant to do particular things all our lives. Many people could have become great cricketers if they had played cricket, but today they are working in a bank. People don’t ‘experiment’ or take risks. They simply either walk on the ‘ default’ path (graduating, then getting a job and then dying) or the ‘simple’ path (the one that seems easiest and within the comfort zone).

These are the people who did not know that they had the talent to play cricket. A lot of people today could have been great actors, but they never tried to become an actor.

Many people could have become great doctors, and after enough research, they could have invented drugs, but they did not because they did not know that they could become great doctors. You probably get the point now.


The bottom line is if we’re still living the way other

people want us to live, then we have not yet discovered

ourselves, and this means that we are completely wasting our lives. These are all people who don't know their ‘Ikigai.’






here is a concept in Japan, which is known as

‘Ikigai,’ and translates as 'a reason for being.'

T Imagine that you are enjoying your working days in the same way that you spend your weekends.

Imagine that you get up on Monday morning and greet your day happily because now you’re living your life to the fullest.

There are four things you need to look for to discover your Ikigai:-

 Are you doing what you are amazing at?

 Are you doing what you love?

 Are you doing what the world needs?

 Are you doing something for which you are getting paid?

Your Ikigai is discovered at the intersection of these four questions, where passion, mission, vocation, and profession meet. If you have managed to find the answer to three of these four questions and you have not yet 6

found the answer to one question, it means that you have not found your Ikigai yet.

To find ikigai, you need to find the answers to all four questions. Today, every person should know that he simply has to discover his Ikigai, and it is incumbent on the government of every country to raise awareness about Ikigai too.








he little child inside us suffers the most. What is our inner child?

T Freud might refer to it as the ‘ID’ side of our subconsciousness. I would like to make it more specific and see it as ‘the infant in us that wants to live or act a certain way but doesn’t due to fear of what society would say.’

Sometimes I wonder about what Neil Armstrong had to face when he started telling people that he wanted to go to the moon. One word comes to mind as an expected reply, ‘crazy’!

People around us teach our inner child that if he laughs more, he will cry one day. People around us teach our inner child not to share anything with others because if he shares, he will have less. People around us shape up the scarcity mindset of the child inside us. As we get older, our inner infant stops complaining about the things that hurt him because now the little child has learned to live 8

like that, and all those things become beliefs. We don’t let him live the way he wants to. And then eventually he gets damaged and weak. It doesn’t have desires or whims anymore. Whenever we make a mistake, we start blaming our inner child, and we don't give him a chance to heal.

We put so much pressure on our inner child that it

puts an end to our inner child being Swaggy

Give your Inner Child a chance to heal and live. Let your inner child make mistakes. Let your Inner express emotions. Listen to your inner child. You will notice that your life will change radically. You will stop worrying about small things. You will stop being overly cautious.

You will begin to enjoy every moment of your life. You will not take everything personally. You will have too much energy to safeguard yourself from any outside negative energies. You will start to ‘create’ more opportunities in life. Just as a small child is free from fear, so will you be free from fear. You will begin to make your life easier.

The child within us is the king of our inner world.

Learn to say good morning and good night to your