The 9 Strategy Factors for Being a Super Desirable Guy by C. R. James - HTML preview

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Level 1: Approaching Women

Factor #1 Knowing Women Exist

I know it's obvious, but you'll see why it's important.


The first factor is about knowing that there are millions of women out there.


Intellectually, every guy on earth knows that the planet is loaded with "female humans".


So you have two stages.


1 - Awareness that there are "female humans" all over the planet. 2 - Awareness that there are AVAILABLE "female humans" all over the planet.

If you ever hear about complain that it's hard to find AVAILABLE women (especially in the internet age - where there are MILLIONS and MILLIONS and MILLIONS and MILLIONS of single women out there) then you know that he's stuck at the very first level.

He will NEVER improve until he adjusts his mental strategy by simply acknowledging that there are MILLIONS of single women out there.

If you are just an overall down-to-earth guy, then by default (whether you realize it or not) there are thousands and thousands and thousands of SINGLE women who would LOVE to learn more about you and to see what you're all about.

Keep in mind, it seems silly to mention this, but I wanted to start from the VERY beginning and then progressively move forward. Everyone should be a master at this factor. This is kind of like certain tests in school where they give you a certain amount of points just for writing down your name.

However, as silly as it may seem, there are lots of guys who don't realize that there are plenty of single women out there. Their perception is skewed. In their minds, IT FEELS LIKE all women are currently in a relationship - which leads to a scarcity mindset.

In other words, they FINALLY meet an ultra-rare single woman and they are paranoid about screwing things up.
To graduate from this factor,the guy just simply has to acknowledge that there are single women out there.

He may have to constantly tell himself :

There are millions of single women out there . There are millions of single women out there. There are millions of single women out there.

So if you're one of these guys who say things like:

· A good woman is hard to find.
· There are no women I'm compatible with in [your city/town] · Etc.

Then, you are stuck at the very first phase.


Your perceptual filters are all screwed up.


And even if you were to run across the right girl, you would mess things up because you would over-value her.


When you believe something is rare, you assign more value to it.


This is the reason why guys project a Goddess Image onto women and they end up creeping them out.


(Maybe this has happened to you before.)


Some guys are like chicks. They'll get off the phone and start daydreaming.


Wow! She's amazing!


She's attractive. She's nice. She's into me. The reality: They don't know her.


Let's move on.


The good news it there are only 9 factors and it's easy to graduate from the first one.

All you have to do is realize that there are millions of single women out there that would love to meet you, because of the unique person that you are (along with other things that are in your favor).
If you like comic books, baseball cards and watching reality TV shows, then understand that there are thousands and thousands and thousands of women who also like comic books, collecting things and watching reality shows (or at a minimum, they appreciate & like guys who enjoy those things).

It's not about finding women who like everything you like, it's more about understanding that the single 'compatible-with-you' are out there.


The concept of compatibility often screws people up. It makes people think there is super small number of Magical People hidden all over the planet.


The truth is most people are "more than happy" to be in a relationship with someone who cares about their needs. She doesn't have to read comic books, too.


She doesn't have to listen to the same type of music as you.


As long as she was attractive to you - has respect for herself - and cares about your happiness - and basic stuff like that - then most guys would be "beyond happy".


The truth is - if you're single and struggling with Factor #1 - there are LOTS of single women who are capable of being that for you.


So once you know that there are plenty of fish in the sea then you can graduate to the next factor.

Factor #2 Finding Women

This will be short. Once you know that women are everywhere, the next things to do is know exactly where they are.

If this factor is an issue for you -- in other words, you constantly say things like 'How do I find women?' or 'Where are they?', then you're in luck, because this is one of the easiest factors to graduate from.

It could take less than 6 minutes!


And you'll never (for the rest of you life) have to be one of guys out there who struggle with the curse of thinking 'Where do I find women?'


Here's how to solve the problem - TODAY!

All you have to do is create a list of all the possible place that you can find women. For example:

1. Gym
2. Bookstore
3. Club
4. Bar
5. Festival
6. Party
7. Gas station
8. Trade Show
9. Grocery store
10. Parking Lot
11. Jogging outside
12. Retail store
13. Park
14. Convenient store
15. Car shop (in the waiting area)
16. Any place that has a waiting area

(Hint: Women are everywhere. Some are available. Some are not available.) Keep in mind, in Super Approach Power [], I list 36! If you took the time, you could come up with 106...
So the next time some guy tells you ' I don't know where to find women', I want you to just stare at him for 30 seconds as if he just said one of the dumbest things you've ever heard...

And then whisper to him: Women are everywhere!


And then walk away... If you don't struggle in this area, then pat yourself on the back.


If you do, it's no big deal...


All you have to do (right now) is make a list (you can create a list of 100 if you wanted)(you could use the 16 from the previous page)


Just write down those 16 things on a sheet of paper (or print that page).


Read over the list 3-10 times until you get that 'Duh Feeling'. If you have a reasonably healthy brain, then it will pretty fast.


At this point, it would be very hard to believe it's hard to find women after looking at this long ass list of tons and tons of places to find women.


Two factors down. Seven to go... Now let's look at the final factor of Level 1.

Factor #3 Meeting Women

Now, we're going to start getting into some interest stuff.


Now, the report officially begins. Let's talk about meeting new women. A lot of people make approaching women seem like it's a hard thing to do.


It's not hard.


It's not only easy, it's fun -- but only if you have a good strategy and you have a superior perspective.


In fact, the ONLY WAY the idea of meeting women can appear hard is if:


You have a weak perspective and/or a weak game strategy.


If you struggle with either one - just relax - everything is about to change.


First of all, your perspective is like computer software. Every once in awhile, it's time for an upgrade! And not only is like an operating system. It IS your operating system.

And if your perspective is outdated or has viruses - in other words, it seems like it's getting harder and harder to do simple things (that so many other people are doing with ease), then you're in luck.

It's time for an upgrade!


The people who struggle the most (with anything) are the ones without a game plan.


It's kind of like seeing someone get upset with himself because he can't drive to an unknown location (Point A to Point B), yet he doesn't have a map.


When it comes to approaching women, you need a simple map. The idea is to break it up into three simple parts.


Before we get to the three things, I want you to DELETE what you currently know about approaching women. We're going to take a simple approach (pun intended). Your success will be based on:


Your beliefs about women + Your strategy + Your overall perspective


The three things that we're about to cover will represent your strategy.


As far as you beliefs about women, if they're not working for you, DELETE them.

If you believe women are stuck up, DELETE that belief.
If you believe women are mean and love to turn guys down, DELETE that belief. If you believe women like jerks, DELETE that belief.

Replace it with something like:


Most women are tender, emotionally-sensitive, good-natured and LOVE to meet new guys who are down to earth & knows how to treat her like a person.


Just by upgrading your beliefs about women, you can make massive progress - before you actually do anything!!!


Before we get to the three things, let's talk about having the right perspective.


Here's an example...

If Larry approaches a girl, and she tells him she's in a relationship. And he assumes she's lying. This is going to lead to him feeling rejected. He may even start feeling depressed.

He'll end up associated the ACTION with FAILURE. All because he had a weak perspective.


So what. She's in a relationship.

Let's say Dave approaches a girl, and she tells him she's in a relationship. And he understands that statistically some women are in loyal relationships (which is a good thing) and 'pats himself on the back' for at least trying.

He later associates the ACTION with SUCCESS.

You see, Larry (on the other hand) is different - even if he had a good strategy for approaching women, his perspective is garbage (and out-dated). And as a result, everything else crumbles.
Much of your success has to do with how you deal with things when they don't go your way.

In other words:


Much of your success has to do with your perspective.

If Larry's wife says she's not in the mood (and she is legitimately tired) and he gets angry because he assumes that it means that she doesn't like having sex with him. Then let me ask you this: Is his outdated perspective conditioning his wife to NOT want sex in the future?

He could have used this experience as a brilliant way to set things up in the future, but people with WEAK PERSPECTIVES aren't capable of thinking beyond the present moment.

The also have the Dangerous Habit of incorrectly labeling their experiences.


In other words, Larry could end up incorrectly believing that he used a BAD TECHNIQUE or he'll think his wife never wants to have sex with him anymore. ...or she hates having sex. ...or she's not attracted to him.


It's bad enough that this happens, but the DANGEROUS part is it sends him down a nasty path that ends up destroying his confidence even more.


Having a superior perspective means you're think on levels that is beyond what 99% of people think.


You can evaluate things more reasonably. You're more concerned about the truth.


You'll never take things personally because you have a concept of improving. (So if something doesn't work. Big deal. You'll just figure out how to improve it.)


It takes a millisecond to decide how you're going to react in a situation.


It's a decision. So even if you have a HABIT of 'saying weird weak stuff' after something doesn't go your way, you can decide in the future to react differently.


And as a bonus: You put yourself in the best position to get incredible results.


Does Larry's updated perspective need to be upgraded? (Kind of a loaded question, right?)


The answer is YES,


Because your perspective (along with your strategy + views about women) determine YOUR SUCCESS with women.


Period. (read that again if you need to) Isn't that a very simple and refreshing way of looking at things?


Back to approaching women: Remember, in order to have a clear map, you need to break it down into simple parts.


Part One: The things that you do before you approach her.


Part Two: How you approach her -- in other words, how to start the conversation.


Part Three: What to say after you start the conversation

Once those three parts are crystal-clear in your brain, the only thing that you need to do is remember that there are lots of women are already interested in you - even if you have a horrible game plan for introducing yourself to her - even though you don't even know these women's names.

It's almost like imagining a map of your country.


And there are lots of these little red dots all over the map representing these women. Some will be attractive. Some will be average. Some will be not-so attractive.

I'm not saying that every woman on the planet will think you're the most amazing guy, but there will be some (more than you could ever handle) that are scattered throughout the country (and even OTHER COUNTRIES!)

And when your perspective is upgraded, these red dots began to multiply like crazy with the slightest adjustment.


When your strategy (game plan) is upgraded, these red dots began to multiply like crazy (even more) with the slightest adjustment.


Some women are not going to be interested in you whether you like it or not. Some women are going to be interested in you whether you like it or not.


When you see a woman out somewhere, she could be a Red Dot! The idea is to walk over to her and at a minimum say "Hi".


If you want to be a little more natural, there are two easy ways to start the conversation:


Way #1. Make a statement about the situation. Way #2. Ask a question about the situation. Remember the list of 16 places you could meet a new girl. Well, let's say she's in the library and she just grabbed a book. You could make a statement about the situation:

You: I heard that's a really good book.

(Notice how that seems very easy to do. And if she's a Red Dot, then you're going to be glad you did.)


Let's look at Way #2: Ask a question about the situation.

Here's a real life example: I met my wife with this method before I knew it existed (as a method). We both were in college at the time. I was just going to the fish store (in Glen Burnie, Maryland) to get feeder fish for my piranhas.

The first words I ever said to her was:

Me: Do you have feeder fish?

That was tough! Actually, it was easy. I didn't say anything slick. It wasn't a pickup line. I just started the interaction.


I wasn't trying to be a jerk. I wasn't trying to be a nice guy.


I didn't say: Me: Can you demonstrate to me what the kissing fish do to each other?


or Me: If you play your cards right, I'll be taken you home, too.


or Me: You want me because I'm so awesome. Give me your number now and I'll try to get around to calling you.


Nope! My opening line implied the utter destruction of weeping goldfish! We had a brief conversation and I ended up asking for her phone number?


She said Yes.


No big deal.

I knew it was a possibility that she could have said I'm sorry I have a boyfriend. I knew it was a possibility that she could have said No.
I knew it was a possibility that she could have said I'm sorry I'm not interested in you like that.
I knew it was a possibility that she could have said Yes.

And guess what, the world wouldn't have exploded if she said No. I wouldn't experience any pain. I wouldn't even experience any emotion pain.


Fortunate for me, she was a Red Dot.

So I hope this helps. This is just scratching the surface by the way. This is not a report on How To Approach Women. If you think you need WAY MORE help in this area I would recommend that you check out: Super Approach Power.

It covers 24 ways to smoothly start the conversation. If you want more information that explains what it's about (to determine if it would help you) go to:

The biggest illusion out there for guys struggling with approaching women is that it's going to be a long drawn out process before you really get good at it.




That's not true.


Remember, this (just like getting her turned on) is largely based on mindset. It's not like trying to get a black belt in Kung Fu.


Here's the cool thing.


There are women out there that are desperately hoping for a good-natured guy to respectfully approached them.


This are your Hyper Red Dots! ((gasp))

Can you imagine being out somewhere and there's this attractive woman who just quickly glanced at you. You don't realize this, but four of her closest friends have been talking endlessly about new guys they just met - and she's the ONLY ONE who doesn't have a story to tell. Not only is she your Red Dot, but she's your HYPER Red Dot - meaning there's a situation going on right now that is increasing her urge to meet a new guy who is down to earth (you).

How many Red Dots have you ignored in your lifetime?


128,332? I'm at about 200,349. But I'm in a relationship, so that's ok. I'm actually going to throw a party when I reach the quarter of a million mark, though.




On the inside, hyper red dots are pleading for a down-to-earth guy to just introduce himself to her.

Here's the thing with Red Dots. There are not just a Red Dot for YOU. Sorry to break the news, but it doesn't work like that.
If you let them slip away (especially a good one), then next week another guy (who she is also a Red Dot for, could snatch her up).

She could be a Red Dot today, and a NO DOT (for you) tomorrow. You see a lot of guys who don't approach women (the ones who struggle at this factor) have bad brain habits.

Their pattern is: seeing the attractive girl ==> then saying to themselves 'She definitely has a boyfriend' ==> and then NOT approaching.


OR.... Their pattern is: seeing the attractive girl ==> then saying to themselves "I don't feel like myself today" ==> and then NOT approaching.




Their pattern is: seeing the attractive girl ==> then saying to themselves "I'm not dressed the right way" ==> and then NOT approaching.


OR.... Their pattern is: seeing the attractive girl ==> then saying to themselves [Fill in the excuse] ==> and then NOT approaching.


Then they keep repeating the cycle.


(Ask me how I know this.)


If they ever get to the point where they are thinking about approaching, they get confused about what to say.

Even if you just walked up to a woman in the bookstore and said Hi. I noticed that you looking at that book. The author also created a book before that and I think you would like that -- something as simple as that, you would be doing better than 97% of the

guys who approached her in the past 10 years!!


Think about how simple it is.


All you have to do is comment on what's she's doing.

They're guys who will approach her and the first thing that they'll say is something like: You want to go back to my place and screw around.
Believe it or not, some guys are still taking the Pickup Line Approach. In fact there are
some guys who are teaching guys to take the Pickup Line Approach. LOL.

They don't call them Pick Up Lines anymore, though. Here's the idea with the pick up line: The idea is if you say the right thing she's going to be impressed and think you're an interesting guy. It breaks the ice. And I'm not here to say they don't work on some women. Anything could work as long as you're saying

something-- and you're interacting with her.


My question is: Would you really want a woman who would respond to a pickup line?


You see the pickup line approach has a huge flaw -- it indirectly communicates that you're very interested in her from the very beginning.


That's using a weak outdated perspective.


You want to approach her as if you are subtly curious, because you should be?


You want to approach her as if she needs to meet your approval before you decide to be interested in her.

And you don't do this because it's a psychological technique (even though it could be described as that), You do it because you're a man with confidence and her being physically attractive is not enough for a guy like you.

She has to prove to you that there is more to her.


Meeting new women is easy and fun if you have the (1) right game plan + (2) the right understanding about women + (3) an upgraded perspective.

Once you understand that you have lots of Red Dots floating around right now and you can remember the 3 things above...and you can remember the 2 simple ways to start a conversation, then should realize that's it's easy.

Right now as we speak, you have Red Dots who are pumping gas, putting on deodorant, driving their cars, buying soda, singing on the toilet, forgetting to put on deodorant, blowing their noses, buying radio friendly garbage music on iTunes, falling down stairs, crying, laughing, getting out of relationships (fresh red dots! cool!), searching online for ways to meet new men, buying new panties at Target and looking in the mirror.

Now that we have gone through the first three factors, you can now graduate to the next level.


As a recap, the First Level is all about:

[1] Knowing that there are millions of available women out there
[2] Finding them (and realizing they are everywhere)
[3] Meeting them (realizing that they are silently begging for a down-to-earth guy to just say 'Hello' (at a minimum)

Now it's time for Level 2: Attracting Women (Factor #4, Factor #5 and Factor #6)


This is about being a Super Desirable Guy (and there are 3 major factors and we'll discuss them all)


You want to be able to at least know what it takes to increase your desirability.


Success with anything comes down to:


The Right Strategy (Action Steps) + The Right Mindset (Upgraded Perspective) We'll cover the 3 Factors to give you The Right Strategy for Attracting Women.


If you need The Right Mindset, check out The 10 Distinctions Between Super Desirable Guys and Average Guys™ at: (It's self-explanatory) 00003.jpg