Take Two by Brian Otachi Nyakundi - HTML preview

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Chapter 1


If I asked you to write one or two sentences describing yourself, what would you write? Would you describe yourself by your name, how you look like and to which tribe, family or clan you belong to? Would you tell me how far and wide you have studied?

If given a machine that is so precious and very expensive yet you don't know how much it is worth, or what its meant for, what will you do with it? Some might trash it, some will think of an alternative way to put it into use. If it looks like a seat they'll turn it into one or if it has some space that can store something, they'll use it for storage. What then happens? You fail to make good use of this priceless machine and hence it will never accomplish the manufacturers purpose for it.

Unfortunately, this is what we are doing with our lives. We don't know who we are, how much we are worth, yet this is the beginning of every great manifestation, accomplishments and happiness. This is the first step to take if you want to live your full potential and reach for anything you want to achieve in life. Many people are no longer happy because they have learnt to define their lives or rather a good life by other peoples standards. They fail to realize that we are just like different fields in different areas just like some crops can do well in the highlands and cant do well in the lowlands and when they try to make it work that way, they end up disappointed & unhappy when it doesn't work out the way it worked for somebody else. If you find yourself unhappy about a situation right now, why don't you first stop comparing it to the way somebody else did it, only then will you enjoy what you do. I don't mean that we shouldn't look at what others have done and shouldn't compare, instead let us, by seeing what they have done, challenge ourselves to know that we can still do better or there are better ways to do it. Only don't try to make what they have done to be your governing idea that its the way it should be done or that those are the standards that govern your decisions. This will make you miserable and unhappy.

You are like a field or farm. You were created in a unique way and for a purpose. You are the one with the potential and your ability is different from that of others. Some fields have soils that can do well in Tea farming yet others can do well with cashew nuts or sisal.

Everyone is unique. This shows clearly that each person should have a different way of doing something. If we can do all we can do and not compare ourselves to other peoples “all they can do” well realize that we will be doing our best. Well be the best in our area. Being different then don't do it like someone else does it, you can do what they are doing but you shouldn't do it how they do it. If you do it the way someone else is doing it, your success will depend on their success; if they fail, you'll definitely fail. Again you wont move at your pace because you are not using your potential but their. Its only when you are doing it with your own creativity, your own way that you receive the grace to do even better. You will tap your potential only when you are doing things your way. Create your own standards and let them be the definition of your success.

You were not created to be somebody elses photocopy. You were created for a far better reason than to imitate. Choose to live your life the best way you can, to use all the resources God put inside of you. You are a unique being, never to be compared to anyone else. We all have great deposits in us but many a times we don't exploit them till we go to the grave with them. Refuse to be dormant and tap into your potential.

Before you were created, your creator had this great plan for you, a great purpose for you. I even believe that he wants us to do something never done before. Did you know the wealthiest people on earth and the people highly profiled and remembered are those who did something that no one else has done before and if someone has already done it, they did it differently.

You are a spirit. A spiritual being sent by the source to come here on earth for a specific purpose. You are on earth for a short while and one day you shall go back to the creator. His main purpose is that we may all live our purpose, to create a difference and once its done he becomes happy. You came from a powerful and mighty source. You are an idea of the source; you are part of the source existing on earth to fulfill a given purpose. He deposited some degree of creativity that aligns with what he wants you to bring to pass here on earth and if you are not doing this then there's a missing link in the chain of creation. That is why we shouldn't complain when we don't like the world we are living in. if you don't like it; change it because you are that change the world needs.

You are a being through which God wants to change the world, to make the world a better place and to fulfill his purpose of creation. He had his own plan to make things beautiful. He wanted something that would make him happy and if anything we do makes him happy we are then worshipping God. He wanted something to show forth his glory and you are special that he chose to use you for this imagine, the flowers worship him by being as beautiful as they can, the trees as tall as they can, the birds by singing and flying as high as they can and all of them prove that by your living your purpose you are worshipping God.

The devil knows something that you may not know; the reason of your creation. I mean, he knows that by you living your best life and happy life you make his enemy happy. No wonder when he lost the first battle and knew that all people have been redeemed he took on the second challenge. He is now keeping people busy about the wrong they do, planting guilt and negative desires. I think he even cares less about how you live so long as you don't know who you are. Any machine brings glory & honor to the manufacturer if it does what it was meant to do; likewise we bring glory to God when we live our reason for creation.

You are a priceless being. You are not your body, you are bigger than that. You have the power to be anything you want to. You have within you deposits of anything you dream of. Just like its easy to dream or just like you can visualize any kind of life that is how its even possible to achieve it in the physical. Because if we can dream/think about it then its prove that it has been given to you and that you have everything to live that life.

The moments you conceive an idea about anything in your mind remember its just like the seed that has been sown in the field. Your spirit is the field where this has been sown. All that you'll require for that idea to come to pass is also given to you at the same time. Just like a maize seed comes with all the necessity to become a maize plant and therefore give more maize in the same way does your dream come to you.


Take time alone to think about you. you'll know more about you if you appreciate yourself & your abilities. Read the word of God to know more about you, have a personal relationship with your creator for him to reveal to you more about your abilities. Protect your mind from wrong seeds. Isolate yourself from negative people, beliefs and words. Words are seeds; if you allow wrong words to be planted in your mind they shall bring the wrong fruits. We shall talk about the mind more in the 2nd chapter.

Confess that you are a victor every morning . Say that you are a powerful being created for a purpose. Confess positive words and the things that you want to achieve. Learn to think. Think; its free to think. That's when you'll realize more of things you would never have known. Open up for opportunities; believe in a new way of life. Choose to be different and original. Decide not to copy. don't fear the devil since you'll be taking his place and selling your right. He is afraid of you. Only fear God. Trust yourself. Read more to widen your knowledge. Choose to shine.

It does not matter what has happened to make you come to this point. Choosing to get back on your feet is the decision that will change your life for good. Now that you know who you are, it is important to sit down and write the words that describe you, your strong points and your abilities. Putting this down helps you realize the great potential in you. Knowing yourself is the beginning of a new life. You can start afresh. A wealthy businessman was once asked during an interview to give out the secret of his success and he said that it is as a result of two words. "Good decisions". Then he was asked how did he learn to make good decisions, he answered again and said that it is from two words, “bad decisions."

Amazed by the answers, it really made a lot of sense later on that it is indeed from the bad choices, wrong moves and the bad steps that we take that we eventually learn to make good decisions. Once bitten twice shy, and therefore it is better to make a move and even though you fall you would have learnt a lesson than to sit there and afraid to move. Whatever you have gone through before was preparing you for a better life ahead. Who you are is the sum total of your strengths and weaknesses, your good and bad sides combined together. Self realization is your first step towards all the success you have longed for.

Take a moment before you move on to the next chapter and ensure that you brainstorm and write down on a notebook everything about who you truly are. Be honest with yourself, be realistic and don't be in a hurry. Once you have exhausted all you can find in your mind about yourself and have also asked any of your close friends who can be trusted to give you an honest opinion about yourself, then you are ready to move to the next chapter. You cannot accomplish anything if you don't first of all know who you truly are.