Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Drivers of De-Motivation

Have you ever noticed that for a small minority of individuals no matter what, they appear to be driven by, even thriving on de-motivation? They are the portrayers of doom and gloom, the spreaders of pessimism and the prophets of future failures. Sadly, and is often the case; for these highly de-motivated individuals, everything in life is viewed as a negative.

However, these individuals are not intently negative people, but are those who have grown up operating from negative core roots. For de-motivated individuals, a bad day at work, or even a de-motivating job is rarely the cause of their de-motivation. What looks like de-motivation on the surface is often found to be a trigger. It’s a little like the finger on the trigger of a gun, its not the bullet that does the damage; it’s simply a trigger to a mechanism that inflicts more damage.

De-motivation can be thought of in the same way. That is, while the surface event will indeed be a real de-motivating factor, like the finger on the trigger of a gun, once past the surface trigger there will be another mechanism leading back to a core root.

Now cast your mind back to earlier where it was outlined that the average brain houses approximately 80-100 billion cells? Then imagine one of these single cells communicating to, and then influencing tens of thousands of others, “because, that’s exactly what they are doing”. As our mind is housed in a brain, and the brain encased in a bone skull, rarely do we give the very thing that thinks for us any real thought. Yet the reality is that our tiny neurological brain cells are all busy at work communicating and influencing each other.

That means for a de-motivated individual, whether aware or not, they are automatically driven to be influenced by, respond, and react from their core energy. If their core has unintentionally but somehow become negatively charged, then their brain cells have no other choice but to accept and pass on this negativity.

It’s a little like having a contaminated millpond and then popping one clean fish into that dirty pond. Leave it for a year and then pull out the fish to re assess it. You already know the outcome. Contaminated pond = contaminated fish.

Though what’s very exciting about this discovery is that unlike the fish who when subject to contamination, is doomed to an existence of toxicity. Human energy can be manipulated into change. It has been discovered that negative human energies such as de-motivation can be reversed and flipped into their positive form and then used positively for daily inspiration, desire, and ultimately positive self-motivation.

It can do this because human energy has no preference what it is used for. In other words, de-motivation or self-motivation, it’s the same energy of motivation. What it is being used for differs, but the energy is the same. 

Have you ever noticed that de-motivated people tend to be the most defensive, reactive, resistant, and the least likely to embrace changes moving forward?

From long-term studies and with detailed analysis, very simple human dynamics were found to be the propellant behind these negative drivers.

However, these discoveries are not so new as since as far back as science and metaphysics go, it was said that there are only two core drivers that dominate human beings - love and fear.

Though before we get too bogged down with the love and fear words, lets go over a brief example of de-motivation and where these two root drivers may come into play:

On the outside, Michelle is a smart office girl, successful in herself. On the inside she finds motivation, though she termed it “change”, difficult to apply. In fact, whether personal or professional, she knew that any prospective changes were met with inner pain. A strange as this sounds, motivation by way of pain is extremely common. However, this is not referring to the pain of losing one’s job, or the fear through loss of a financial incentive. The pain being talked of is “pain by way of physical experience”.

For a portion of individuals, there is “personal pain” where certain people tend to self-judge themselves for not feeling good enough. Above and beyond their role of duty, when worthiness or self-esteem lack, pain sets in. While this might appear insignificant, often pain feels more natural, and when uncovered, a portion of individuals have been found to be using this system.

Nevertheless, and regardless of the above, root core driving energies exist. Most likely these are rooted, and connected to early life experiences, and as we have already briefly covered, rarely are they the consequence of present day occurrences.

Now please brace yourself, for it is only when we tackle the deep can we understand the ripples on the surface.

Think of daily events in life acting as triggers to de-motivation. That is, when a person feels de-motivated, the roots and fuel of this de-motivation also influence new neurons, which, when you get to know your own neurons, it’s like putting clean fish into a dirty pond. In other words, when existing neurons are already contaminated then the new will also become tainted. However, there is a slight spanner in the works but it’s not meant to confuse. In addition to taking direction from already contaminated or existing neurons, there is an overall influence and direction from the root. Because the core of a person, that’s their root. Is far stronger than any surface feelings, therefore the root plays an important part. Though just bear in mind for now that the root, and any it’s influences, are likely to be hidden, or in other words, “unaware of”.

It's a natural cycle of growth, yet if the core is a founded upon a fear, then the cycle is a vicious one. In brief, the more fearful one’s past, the more likelihood of present day de-motivation. Yet here’s the really surprising part. When asked, most individuals cannot think of, recall, or even perceive a time where they felt a fear that would then go onto drive them, but as this happens mostly from birth to adulthood, the conscious part of the self naturally no longer uses it. This is so and will be explained later because if the original formed neuron was negatively influenced, then away from your own understanding and awareness, something else was going on. Electromagnetically it became negatively charged, which is then “set in stone”, which then goes on to be used by the unconscious aspect of self.

For future - all of life’s new experiences (which if already negatively charged) become unfavorably influenced, and soon enough anything and everything is viewed and experienced in a negative light. The outcome is that de-motivated people become more sensitive than others, connect to low self-esteem, lack confidence, feel lethargic, sad, and all things negative.

Nevertheless, there is genuinely good news, because although de-motivation has a negative core and is hidden from the surface. De-motivation is nothing more than an effect from a cause. Paradoxically, and it will be explained later. The negative cause that creates the effect of de-motivation also possesses equal amounts of positive motivation, which makes the whole transformational process possible.