No Man has the Right by Ross Jackson - HTML preview

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This book is written for the millions of women throughout the world who deserve the right to go anywhere, at any time, without fear or favour.

NO MAN HAS THE RIGHT, to touch any woman (Unless she so desires). That is a statement of fact, and unfortunately in this world today it is a shame that it should have to be said. It is because of the fear women in the world have felt that it is justified this book be written.

The information given in this book is just that, information. None of the techniques described require practice to achieve the ultimate in self defence, - to make safe.


All previous books on self defence, including those that specialise in female self defence, depend on continuous instruction, coupled closely with a repetition of movements to attain a high standard of expertise. In other words - ‘training’. The techniques shown had to be practised by repetition before they became effective.

What those books say is not wrong, in fact, the best way to attain any standard of proficiency is to train. However, the majority of people throughout the world want to be ‘instant’ black belts without any practical work.

There is also the fact that there are so many techniques displayed in the other books that the normal person reading is unable to assimilate the information. They have no wish to train, to be an expert. They just want it to work.

You may think that the only way to beat a black belt at his or her own game, is to become a black belt yourself. This book shows what can be achieved without practice, but with a little knowledge.


All you need do is read on...