Never Give Up by Jason Navallo - HTML preview

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It’s easy to give up. It’s easy to throw in the towel when life throws us a big punch. People let us down, things don't always go according to plan, and we may feel as if we will never achieve what we set out for; as if things won't get better. Sometimes, life's ups and downs can seem too tough to handle.


I refuse to give up on my dreams. My vision for the future is stronger than any struggles or setbacks I face in the present because I know the surest way to succeed lies in never giving up. No matter how long it takes or how hard I have to work, I will not stop until I've achieved what I set out for, even if I have to fall flat on my face in order to improve and learn a valuable lesson.


I write books that I would like to read; books that I would look to for inspiration when times get tough. Some people love my work, and some people don't. This is something I have accepted, as an author, for having a writing style that's extraordinary. It's never easy having your work judged and reviewed. However, I'll accept a few negative reviews in order to reach my core audience: the visionaries, from all walks of life, who are driven to become successful. To them, my work is fuel for the hustle, which is exactly what I intend for it to be.


I've learned never to compare myself to others. Everyone has their own path; their own journey. And success takes longer for some than others. That's why I look straight ahead towards my goals, and try to always surround myself around the right people who will help me succeed because it's a team effort. You truly cannot make it on your own.


Aim for greatness. You may go through hell to get there, but nothing will stop you if you keep a determined mindset; if you keep moving. This book would've never come into existence had I given up; had I gave into my fear of failure. I pushed myself to great lengths, sacrificing my time and energy to chase perfection, in order to achieve excellence, even if no one reads.


A continuation of Success: 30 Interviews with Entrepreneurs & Executives, this book, features 20 inspirational interviews I've conducted with the leaders from some of America's fastest-growing private companies. It's a short book that serves as a commitment to my readers, and to myself, that I will keep writing, even when times get tough. Never give up.