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Money Can Never  be Enough ,

It’s  time to learn   to Unlearn to RELEARN


The older gentleman   with  the  wine glass  looks on   with awe- full  truth  and life meaning, remembering  Lord Chesterfield’s quote  ,


“Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.”


Many a man develops a fortune by doing his business thoroughly ,while for this case ,  his   unsettled neighbor ,  stays poor in life  because he only  half does it.


His lack of  ambitions, without  the  drive to succeed  , vitality , passion ,nor  intelligence and

wisdom  are  the  lacking   indispensable essentials for success in business.


Will he has the Chance to  Unlearn  to Relearn .?


The older gentleman  remarked  “   Why  Not  ”




There are many people  who never consider what they wish in their lives. They live without this knowledge or premeditation and become  a sorry stage of their own financial condition.

To most salaried individual , work is simply about a job – to make do financially.


Life becomes a series of chores where  every day  one  wakes  up early, the  first things in sight  in their  mind  is watching   how    their  Monies   fly away   even  before they  get  out of bed ,it is very  real in today’s  world   as  loan  or  rental  interest  charges  will  just   make its roll call ,even    while  you are sleeping .

All of us want to be happy and have  enough money ,   it is true  that


           Money isn’t Everything ”  


 but the reality is that many ideas in this world require money to materialize , they may not even guarantee a happy life, but they are a pretty good basis to learn how  to build happiness on ... for  now .

The sad  opinion  is   -  “Happiness that Money  Brings cannot last ” .



          “With Money ,people cannot necessarily materialize everything ,

           however  without money many things  cannot be accomplished.

            quote by  Hongkong  Chinese Tycoon .


Thanks  to new developments  and  advances  in  technology , science , medical  and  other fields  , humans can  now  enjoy  longer life span  with  healthier and wealthier  lives  ,  today  there are  great  opportunities  to explore  to   gain enrichment  in life,  it is possible for  an  individual  to re-model his lifestyle   and  Not only  survive  , but thrive !


The  potential of people  acquiring wealth , health   and well-being is practically unlimited,  many  people has  started to enjoy life a great deal , but there are also  the  downside , a far   wider increasing  number of salaried families   with a modest level of household income   falling through cracks into poverty dues to debts and loans   .


 Imagine  top  executives on six figure incomes  in many countries   still  cannot  resist   to  wealth seduction  .   In today’s money-worshiping society, many people use money to measure a person’s achievement but even so  these  yuppies living  high roller lifestyle    still report  and claim  that they spend more  then  they can earn .


 Its   true  that   there  are  many individuals who  enjoy freedom from financial worries but   yet  a higher    majority  in the community -  do  not . Their  worries     on  Income uncertainty are usually associated  with their mental approach  and realization of their  reduced state of  lifestyle  , the  overwhelming stress   felt by  being


             “ Not having enough  money ”


is sometime  more distressing   which  leads lead to serious mental and physical health problems


 This shows  that  how every  individual  thinks   has a huge  effect on  their  success  in life  and their financial position .  Many can become richer ,live longer  and have more choices  to make than ever  but yet many  has  fail to  choose the right  choice  that will make themselves  happy .

Likewise , the  same mental approach that cause such   failure also  will cause these individuals to make wrong  investment   decision  .



 But learning to make a better choice is not really that difficult ,what  we   need to know is to understand  is   ;   What  we really want from life, make a decision . Focus to change the  way  we think  about Money  and  Success .


Remember  this quote from the Alvin Toffler, who has studied the shifts of technology and how it changes and impacts the society at large; 


 He  quotes 


              " The illiterate of the future are not those who can’t read or write but those who cannot learn,  unlearn, and relearn."



What  clearly he meant  is that we need to learn and  unlearn  as we continue to stay updated  with what that works  and those that no longer works .


Much has changed since the baby boomers days ,including the path of  staying ahead in

today's digital age.  To succeed from now , one must learn to accept the  constant change  to  adaptation – continually unlearning old ‘rules’  and relearning new ones.


That requires continually questioning assumptions about how things  has changed , un-valid old paradigms, and  ‘relearning’ what is now relevant  to pursue in acquiring  your wealth.

This book is filled with excellent ideas and concepts of daily  struggle to understand money science.


There is a lot here in this book that can help an individual move toward financial freedom through understanding  money and the mindset required to become wealthy, of which means you  need to know what it is that separates  the wealthy from the  Not-so wealthy.


 What  you need to know and identify  with   is what principles and  what behavior  the rich have , and  that you need to relearn .

 Some of  which , You  have not  taken action to   Unlearn yet ,to stay Current and Get Ahead.


Accumulation of   wealth   with  the  pleasure to  have  comfort , luxuries , reputable status ,  financial influence, freedom  and  popularity are what  money usually  can help to  achieve , its provides  a centralized  role in our lives ,  at a general necessity stage  level  as   it helps to

clothe  and feed us ,to put a nice accommodation for stay  and pay the bills.


Remember   , Money may not be everything, they may not even guarantee a happy life, but they are a pretty good basis to learn how to build happiness on ... for  now


 I highly recommend this book to anyone who'd like to ignore the fluff available on the Internet and take action now.



Now that being said, this book assumes you know about the basics like Cash Flow, budgeting, etc  It doesn't talk about investment mediums like stock market, bond, etc.


And the best part is that unlike many books, this book tells you not to lead a frugal life. 
















Just Released July 2015: Available at  AMAZON  KDP : Kindle


 ""Money " Never Enough" is live in the Kindle Store and is currently enrolled in KDP Select. It is available* for readers  here.


Please enjoy  :  Money Never enough  ;  Unlock  the  wealth  Money Code  Report ,as follows;-


Thank you


Dwayne Anderson