Mom Can I be Fixed? 'ADHD' Your Child Needs Your Immediate Attention sd by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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ADHD ~ Resources and Help Recommendation


#1. A Brief History of ADHD

Many people feel that ADHD is a disorder that has come about just recently, but this is simply not the case. It has been around for far longer than people realize. The only difference is that it was not called that name in the past. It has been called various different names over the years.

When a similar condition was first documented back in the early 1900's in Britain, there was a disorder that was called a Defect of Moral Control.  It was related to the impulsivity that comes along with ADHD. The doctors back then felt that some people simply had issues that were beyond their scope of control.

Then, in the 1920's, there was more documentation produced on similar issues. This is when it was called post-encephalitic behavior disorder.  This disorder was very similar to ADHD, with impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness being the most common signs and symptoms.

In the 1930's, a doctor actually decided to use stimulant medications to help treat children that had hyperactive behavior. So why would doctors want to give hyperactive children a stimulant? Well, the medications actually have the reverse effect on children that have ADHD. They would stimulate children and adults that are normal, but they work the other way round on patients with this disorder.


Later on, in the 1960's children were still diagnosed with this hyperactivity disorder. They were taking stimulants more and more. Most doctors called the disorder minimal brain dysfunction or hyperkinetic disorder in childhood. They still had not coined the term ADHD.

By the 1980's, the term "attention deficit disorder" was finally coined.  The children could either have this disorder with hyperactivity or without it. At this time, children were either diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. This is just like how it is to this day, although there have been a lot more studies and a lot more research done in regards to this subject.

As you can see, ADHD is not something that has just recently come to be.  It has been around for many years, but has not always had the same name.  Don't think that it is something that is just now affecting children for some reason or another, because that is simply not the case.

With that being said, ADD and ADHD are commonly misdiagnosed in children.  Some children may have other conditions, such as Asperger's Syndrome, and it may be diagnosed as either one of these two. This is something that parents of children should definitely consider if they have received a diagnosis and still have concerns.


#2. ADHD and the Benefits of Exercise

Children that have ADHD can definitely benefit from exercise. Most children that have the disorder can also benefit from following a special diet. This helps to ensure that their digestive system is working properly.

Eating right is not the only thing that should be done. Exercise is also very important. Here are a few benefits that come along with exercising.

First and foremost, exercising helps to boost the immune system of children. When children are active, they don't have a weak immune system.  They will not have colds as often, they will also not have as many allergies. It can help them recover from illnesses quickly. Exercising leads to an overall feeling of health and wellness.

Next, exercise can help to reduce the level of stress in children.  Children that have ADHD will oftentimes have a lot more stress than the average child. This is due to the fact that they constantly have to change their routines in order to adapt to life around them. Exercise helps to minimize the negative effects of stress on their little body.

Exercise can also help them to use up their abundant energy. It is no secret that children with ADHD are usually hyperactive and have more energy than the average child. With that in mind, it is important for them to release that energy. What better way to do this than getting out there for some exercise?

Children with ADHD will also find that they feel better with exercise. This is because they have more oxygen and nutrients transported to their brain. They have a greater amount of blood flowing through their body.  This means that they are able think faster and they are also able to focus and concentrate better. That means that they will be able to do better in school.

Getting exercise will also help children get a better night's sleep.  They will be more active and this means they will be tired and will be able to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

Finally, you will also see that the endorphins that are released when kids exercise help to improve their overall mood. They will feel better. They will be happier and have more positive emotions.

As you can see, exercise can greatly benefit children with ADHD. If you have a child with this disorder, then you might want to consider getting them to be more active each day, which can help to improve their condition.

#3. Bringing Up a Child with ADHD

When you have a child that has ADHD, it may be difficult for you to cope with day to day life. Peaceful life is not the norm when dealing with a child that has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. While it may be hard to cope with things, it is definitely possible. The key thing is to take some time to learn different ways to parent your child. You will soon discover that it is much easier to manage the youngster.  


First and foremost, you will want to make sure that you stick to a routine. When a child has ADHD, it is oftentimes easy for them to get sidetracked. If you have a routine that you follow each day, you will find that you are able to keep them on track most of the time. Things will become habits for them, and it will make your days go much more smoothly. 


Once you have set a routine, you will also want to consider using behavior charts at home. Many of the schools will have a behavior program that your children follow during the day. They may earn stars for good behavior, etc. When they get a certain number of stars, you can then reward them with a small toy from a “treasure box”. This makes it fun for them, and it also helps to keep them motivated to display their best behavior.


If you have a child with ADHD that likes to throw temper tantrums, the best thing that you can do is simply ignore them. This is only going to work if they are not doing something that will harm them or someone else.  If they are doing something that could be potentially dangerous, then you will want to get them to stop and take time out. Timeouts work great for kids, but only if you use them correctly.

As you are probably well aware, dealing with a child that has ADHD can be very difficult. It is really a good idea for you to get control over the situation early on. Otherwise you could really have your hands full as the kid gets older.

Don't forget that ADHD is not the end of the world. Your child is still able to live a very happy life. They will just have to be taught to deal with certain situations the right way, instead of channeling their energy in the wrong way.

#4. Can ADD or ADHD Actually Give You an Advantage?

Many people that suffer from ADD or ADHD find it to be something that is life altering. The reason for this is that they discover that they are unable to deal with the symptoms. It therefore becomes something that affects their ability to live and function normally.

The truth is that some people that have ADD or ADHD don't see it as suffering at all. Some of them actually feel that they are at an advantage. How is this possible?

First of all, you have to understand that you have ADD or ADHD and you have to actually accept it. If you cannot accept it, then it will not be possible for you to view it as an advantage. So many people view it as a curse, but sometimes you just have to see the silver lining in certain aspects of life.

The best way for you to discover the advantages of your condition is has to do with sitting down and making a list of the things that you do that are very easy for you to do. For instance, some people that have ADD or ADHD may be great problem solvers. If this is the case, then you will find that your condition can actually be a talent enhancer for you.

Next, you will want to make sure that you see which parts of daily tasks are easy for you to do, and which ones needs more work. There may be aspects of the disorder that reduce your quality of life, and if you can pinpoint them, then you can correct them on your own. This is something that adults with ADD or ADHD are beginning to understand a lot better as they get older.

Another thing to consider is the range of positive moments in your life.  If you focus on the positive things that you do in relation to your condition, you may notice that you have a lot of accomplishments that you would not have been able to achieve.

ADHD may be something that you just have to deal with throughout your entire life. The important thing is to understand it and uncover the advantages. Then you will be able to have a much happier and much more productive life. Indeed, the really crucial thing is for you to feel good. Just because you have such a disorder this doesn't mean that you don't have the same chance in life as every one else does.

#5. Can Food Additives Cause ADHD?

According to the latest statistics, around 11 per cent of all school children have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The percentage is certainly alarming especially given the fact that these children require special support in order to fit into their environment and do well in school and in life. Many parents are concerned about the causes of the disorder and want to know whether food additives can be blamed for this. Read on to find out.

Extensive research is carried out to identify the causes of ADHD. So far, there is no solid evidence for either one of the speculated causes of the condition. Food additives have been extensively tested as well. Currently, researchers cannot conclude with any kind of certainty that these chemical compounds can cause the disorder. However, they have found that some of these food ingredients can have an adverse effect on the behavior of kids and cause them to be hyperactive. Given this, it is possible for these compounds to make the symptoms of a child with the disorder worse.

The main food additives which may enhance hyperactive behavior in ADHD sufferers include FD & C yellow number 5 and number 6, FD & Cred number 40,D & C yellow number 10 and sodium benzoate. FD & C yellow number 5 is clearly marked on food labels but there are no requirements for the other coloring agents on the list to be marked as well. This means that a parent may end up giving their child food which has the potential to aggravate the kid's hyperactive behavior.

Given that foods with the additives described above can have a harmful effect on ADHD suffers, they are recommended to avoid all products with yellow and red coloring. This coloring is generally easy to notice in sweets of different types, in yogurt and in juices.

Another method which parents can try is to make a diary describing the child's reaction to different foods. The drawback of this method is that it can be fairly subjective since there are other factors affecting the behavior of people with the disorder. Generally, it will be a good idea for children with the condition to eat a healthy diet with more natural foods like fruits and vegetables and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Overall, it is thought that it is not possible for food additives to cause ADHD. However, they make some of its symptoms worse. That is why parents should watch out for them.

#6. Can Kids Just Grow Out of ADHD?

Some parents wonder if their children will be able to outgrow ADHD. Is this really possible? It is difficult to say for sure whether or not children can just grow out of their condition. Let us take a closer look at the matter to see just how probable a cure really is.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that children with ADHD usually have a different brain than children that don't have this disorder. There are differences in the brain that can cause them to be hyperactive, inattentive and impulsive. These are three of the characteristics of ADHD in children.

What about ADHD in adulthood? Parents worry that this disorder is going to be something that will affect their children throughout their whole life. Well, the truth be told, there are far many more children that suffer from this condition than there are adults. Why is this? Some of it has to do with the fact that it is diagnosed far more often than it used to be. Just how many of these children will actually continue to be affected by the disorder in their adult years?

When children have ADHD, they must first be treated for it. Some children are treated with stimulant medications while others take non-stimulant medications. There are also children who may just go through certain types of behavioral therapy in order to overcome the issues that they face. The key is to make sure that you focus on ways to overcome the issues early. The earlier this is done the better. When children are treated early, they are usually able to do better later in life.

Why do patients with ADHD seem to have more issues when they are younger than they do when they become adolescents and young adults? Most people will find that their children are able to cope better as they become older. This has a lot to do with their maturity level. When they are more mature, even though they may still suffer from the disorder, they will usually not have as many issues with it.

As you can see, ADHD can be something that follows you into adulthood.  The good news is that most children that are affected with it will lead a normal and happy life as they get older. This is due to the increase in their maturity level. Additionally, girls will mature faster than boys and this gives them more of an advantage to try to cope with their condition as they get older.

#7. Can You Control ADHD with a Special Diet?

So many people have tried one method after the other to get control over ADHD symptoms. More people are veering away from medications and looking for a more natural approach to treating this disorder. This is sometimes a great idea. While medication may be necessary for some people, others have found other methods that work great for them. Trying a special diet may be a great idea.

The most common diet used for ADHD is GFCF (gluten free casein free diet). It requires you to cut out all gluten and all case in from your diet. There are more foods out there that contain gluten and casein than you would realize. This can make this a difficult diet to follow. The good news is that there are a lot of support groups out there on the web that are full of great recipes and meal ideas for foods that are free of gluten and casein. After all, there are a lot of people out there that are trying to take a more natural approach to treating the disorder as well. It is worth mentioning the fact that a gluten free casein free diet can be beneficial for almost everyone, not just those that have ADHD.

If you want to give it a try, you may want to consider looking at the food in a health food store. You can find many cereals and other types of food in a gluten free casein free form. When you do this, you will be able to still eat foods that you enjoy, but without the gluten and casein. This also makes it a lot easier for you to get your children used to the diet. For example, most cereals that you find in your local grocery store have gluten, but you can look on the health food aisle and find a brand that is gluten free and casein free. It may taste a bit different, but it is usually still very good.

When you prepare your grocery list, you will want to make sure that you check online to pinpoint all the foods that contain gluten and casein.  It can actually be a bit discouraging at times, because it will cause you to have to mark a lot of your favorite foods off of your diet. Just remember that it will pay off when you see the difference that it can make in both children and adults that suffer from ADHD.

#8. Career Advice for Adults with ADHD

Adults that suffer from ADHD will find themselves having a hard time when it comes to planning and managing their career. Studies have shown that many adults with this disorder find it more difficult to get a job compared to other adults. While this is really not surprising, there are things that can help adults that have ADHD to be more successful with their careers. Here are a few tips to help you out.

First and foremost, you should take a look at your job history. When you look at your past experience, you can determine what you enjoyed about your job and what you didn't. This will help you get a better idea of the type of job that will suit you best. You may have had a job that had a repetitive routine, and that may have worked best for you. You will need to look for a job that you will enjoy. Is there a better way to do this than to determine what you didn't like about past jobs?

Next, you will want to take a look at your strengths and weaknesses. If you know what you do best and what you need to work on, you can find a job that will be well suited for your strengths. The truth is that even adults that do not have ADHD will not be great at every single thing.

Another good idea is to look into your contact network. Most good jobs are going to be found through a network or through word of mouth. Talk to the people that you know and find out what job positions they know of.  If they can put a good word in for you, then you will be at a better advantage than other applicants.

If you already have a job, but you are having a hard time with it, then you may need to make a few adjustments. Some people with ADHD do better when they are able to set their own hours and to be their own boss.  Others may not be as good at this type of job, because they are unable to motivate themselves to stay on track.

Contract work may be a great idea. It is much more flexible than a regular 9-5 job, but it does not require you to be totally self motivated. It may work out for many adults with ADHD. Just remember that there is a job out there that will work great for you.

#9. Children with ADHD Can Have Success in School

So many people think that just because a child has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, they will automatically be a failure in school. This is a stigma that many children with the condition have, but it is based on opinion instead of fact. The truth is that every student, whether they have this disorder or not, has the potential to excel in their studies. While it may take a bit more work for children with the condition and it may be frustrating at times, it is still possible.

The key thing is to always have faith in your child even if they have ADHD. You don't want them to think that you don't believe in them. If you don't believe in them, then they will not believe in themselves. This can prove to be quite a challenge at times, especially if you are at your wits end. Just remember to always believe that they can achieve anything they set their mind to - and they will.

The next thing that you need to do is to make sure that you keep ADHD under control. Some parents will control it with medications, while others take alternative approaches to it. The truth is that the treatment method that works for one child may not work the best for another. With that in mind, it is very important that you seek treatment that will be effective for your child. You don't want to let it get out of hand, or it may be even harder for the youngster to excel in school.

Another great way to keep your ADHD child focused on their studies is by making learning fun. Education does not have to be boring. You can turn studying into a game that they will enjoy. If children are having fun, chances are they will put more focus and attention on the work than they would if they got bored with it. Turn it into a game, and you will see immediate improvements.

If your child is still having issues at school, you may want to consider taking them to see a tutor to help them with their schoolwork. This can help them to grasp concepts that they are having a difficult time understanding. Putting some extra time and effort into their studies will not only be beneficial for the kids, but it will also be beneficial for the parents. It can definitely help to reduce the stress levels and help the child with ADHD learn that they can succeed in school.

#10. Common Behavior Issues in ADHD Children

Most parents of ADHD children will notice that their youngster experiences behavioral issues. This is usually the first indicator that there is a problem. Some children will be hyperactive, not follow directions well and may even be aggressive at times. So how do you overcome these behavior issues so that you can make your life a bit easier? Here are some tips that you can consider.

First and foremost, don't just go straight for ADHD medications. While medication may be necessary for some, it is not necessary for everyone.  Also, you will have to realize that no matter what you do, there will still be some behavioral issues. You may just not have them as often as you would if you didn't treat it.

Many parents will threaten their kids to try to get them to behave. This is usually not the best approach in this situation. Threatening seems easy enough, especially if we are in public and willing to do anything and everything in order to get our child to behave. The problem is that most people yell or shout at their kids while they are threatening them.  This only brings the adults down to the same level their child, and it really does not give the kid the best example to follow.

The best thing to do is try to get your child to calm down before you handle the situation. We can get them out of the public eye and talk to them on their level. We can discuss the issues, and try to find out what caused the meltdown. Then, we are able to find out what we can do next time to try to avoid this type of behavior all together. It is definitely a good approach to take.

ADHD children need a pattern in their lives in order to solve their issues. Using behavioral therapy is not only a great way to get them to have fewer behavioral issues, but it is also a great way to help them be better off in society.

As you can see, behavioral issues are very common in children that suffer from ADHD. The key thing is to make sure that we notice the behavior patterns and try to break them. It won't be an easy task, but it is necessary if we want to see an improvement. Make sure that you focus on ways to promote good behavior rather than poor behavior.

#11. Common School Problems Children with ADHD Have

Many children that suffer from ADHD have issues at school. There are a lot of different issues that these children may experience. Many people feel that there is not really much that you can do in order to help these children succeed in school. This is actually not the case at all.  Firstly, we will take a look at the various different issues that children face and how they can overcome them.

Lack of Focus

Perhaps one of the most common school issues that children with ADHD experience is a lack of focus. Many children with this disorder cannot pay attention for very long periods of time. They find it difficult to stay focused on their school work, and this can really affect their grades. When children with this condition are treated with medication to help them focus, they will often times be more successful in school.  Some children do not take medications, and in this situation it is necessary to have a strict schedule.


Many children with ADHD are hyperactive during the school day. They will sometimes have issues when it comes to sitting still. This can lead to them getting in trouble in the classroom. It can also disrupt other students in the class. With that being said, it is really important to get a control over the hyperactivity before it becomes an even bigger issue.

Behavior Issues

Some of the most frustrating issues that children with ADHD experience are the so called behavioral issues. Some children that suffer from this disorder will have behavior outbursts. Some of them may even get violent when they are having an outburst. This can not only put them in harm's way, but it can also be dangerous for the other children in the classroom.

As you can see, ADHD can cause several issues in school. The key to overcoming the issues at school is to create a schedule and stick to it.  That way, there will be no unexpected events throughout the day that will throw the child off track. With distractions and other unplanned events, it can make it really difficult for a child with this disorder to adapt.

Medication may also be necessary for ADHD. You should take the time to learn more about the different medications that are on the market these days. You are sure to find that something will work for your child, whether medicinal treatment or holistic approach.

#12. Common Side Effects of ADHD Stimulant Medications

Most of the medications that are commonly used to treat ADHD are stimulant drugs. There are some non-stimulant drugs out there that are sometimes used, but the most common medicines are stimulants. Many parents feel that these medications are the only way for them to control their child's condition. The only issue is that these parents often don't take the time to learn more about the side effects of these medications before they give them to their children. Here are the common side effects that you should consider.

First and foremost, a stimulant can often cause sleeplessness. This is due to the fact that it is a stimulant. It sometimes keeps kids from being able to go to sleep at night. There are some ways around this, but they are not always proven to be effective. Some parents have more luck when they give their children the medicine very early in the morning.  Other parents may give their children something to help them sleep, such as Melatonin.

Another common side effect is a reduced appetite. It may be accompanied by an upset stomach. When a child is on a stimulant medication, they will oftentimes find themselves not hungry. They may lose weight because they do not want to eat as much as they used to. This is usually not too much of a concern, unless your child begins to lose too much weight.

Stimulant medications can also cause the child with ADHD to be more thirsty than usual. This is because it commonly dries the mouth out. It may be a good idea for parents to keep water by their child's bed at night in case they wake up thirsty.

Negative changes in the emotional behavior can also be a common side effect. When the stimulant medication begins to wear off, it can sometimes cause emotional outbursts. This can be a serious issue in some cases. The best way to avoid this issue is to stick to a routine so that everything is expected each day. This can help to avoid many of the emotional behaviors that ADHD children exhibit.

As you can see, taking stimulant medication does have side effects. Some children may experience more of these side effects than others. It really just depends on how the child reacts to the medication. You may want to discuss this with your doctor before you get your child on the medication. This will help to ensure that it is safe for your child.

#13. Does Psychotherapy Help with ADHD?

Ritalin, Strattera and Adderall are the common medicines used to cure ADHD. However, the long-term use of these medicines may bring a change to the functioning of the brain and to the behavior of the patient using them. In order to avoid side effects, doctors also prescribe psychotherapy to create a balance between the drug and its side effects.

The psychotherapy for patients suffering from ADHD is completely different from the regular therapy. According to leading psychotherapists, the long talks that are common in a regular treatment do not work for patients suffering from ADHD. People with the symptoms of ADHD need concrete and practical help.

Forgetfulness, disorganization, inattentiveness, and memory loss are the main factors that really interfere with the improvement in patient. It is important for patients suffering from ADHD to improve their efficiency at work. Though this may be tedious, it is necessary that they show commitment in order to overcome ADHD, which is mainly treated as a change in the moral conduct of behavior. Many psychotherapists also share that many patients suffering from ADHD are well aware of all the things that they should be doing. They also understand the problem along with its solution. However, they find it difficult to cope with the situation as they often carry out an action without thinking.

Though there are not many psychological therapy sessions as part of the treatment to cure ADHD, there have been some promising results. The question is whether we can really cheer about including psychological therapy session as part of the treatment of ADHD. According to a study carried out in the year 2006, there has been a great improvement in patients suffering from ADHD when the treatment included the use of both medicines and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy also proves to be a succ