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Life and Sentience

The Existence Trilogy: Book 1




Table of Contents


Chapter 1 –Our Sun’s Energy

Chapter 2 – Life

Chapter 3 – Physical Life

Chapter 4 – Sentience

Chapter 5 – Energy

Chapter 6 – The Purpose of Sentience

Chapter 7 – Earth Being Prepared for Life

Chapter 8 – The Sun’s Energies

Chapter 9 – The Energy of Colours and their Content

Chapter 10 – Reproduction

Chapter 11 – The Migration of Present Life

Chapter 12 – Chemical Interactions

Chapter 13 – Cells

Chapter 14 – Advancing Physical Life

Chapter 15 – Appeasing the Immune System

Chapter 16 – The Sea of Energy in the Atmosphere

Chapter 17 – Understanding

Chapter 18 – The Relationship Between Physical and Brain Sentience and Human Existence

Chapter 19 – Events and Challenges

Chapter 20 – Imagination or Visualisation

Chapter 21 – Afterword

Chapter 22 – And Finally

Copyright © 2019 Richard Clark

Book Cover and Internal Pictures by Jake

All rights reserved.


Dedicated to all Life and Existence Everywhere





Thanks to all the help from everybody, especially Deborah Bromley, for her editing, formatting and proof-reading skills.



Hello, and thank you for choosing this book, which is the first of three, looking the events that produced physical life on Earth looking at the motivation for it all, or in other words, how and why it happened.

This book and the one’s that follow are not difficult books to understand and they’re not scientific; instead they’re an overview showing why and how physical life came into existence, formed by Life and Sentience, and how that life developed.

This trilogy of books looks at what made physical life from already existing matter and energy and why, but it didn’t create that matter and energy which may be looked at in other books.

Life and Sentience existed independently of physical life before that physical life existed as it was Life and Sentience which brought it into existence.

Life and Sentience give rise to physical life to help advance and fulfill their own purposes, especially humans.

Sentience is more active than Life, able to organise matter and motivate energy bringing physical life into existence, and it actively shapes and develops that physical life going forward in order for its own Sentience to increase.

Physical life is developed by Sentience manipulating and supplying energy to cells which Sentience had formed from available material.

Physical life is ready for mental development once the physical has reached a certain stage of development.

Sentience does this when physical life is ready to advance making humans able to be used.

Life is more passive than Sentience, being the essence of existence, joining with matter when it encounters it.

Life has to be infused into matter, turning it into substance containing meaning for physical life to come into existence.

These books are not written from any point of view or theory, neither is it a philosophy, but from a direct perception of the action of Life and Sentience, mostly in humans.

It is a study, however, which will be presented as clearly and simply as possible, hopefully creating a new understanding.

Billions of years ago after the Earth had formed but before any living thing had appeared on it, the Earth at that time was completely sterile, with just the sun’s energy streaming down on it having journeyed millions of miles through space.

At some point in time that energy was used to produce physical life on that sterile ball of rock.

Let’s take a closer look,

Authors Photo

Richard Clark, Bedford, UK

December 2019.


Chapter 1 — OUR SUN’S ENERGY

The sun produces energy by burning hydrogen which leads to physical life on Earth, but it also receives Life and Sentience from another universe, the one just before this one.

The previous universe ran its course with its energies spreading out from its suns until the suns of that universe ran out of fuel and it went dark.

The physical laws of that preceding universe were slightly different from this one and the Life and Sentience there adapted over billions of years to function under those laws.

The physical laws of our universe being slightly different meant that, as Life and Sentience passed through into this universe from the previous one, it was unable to have an effect on dense matter here for billions of years until it adapted by absorbing a lot of the Life and Sentience of this universe.

There are two forms of Life and Sentience — the form that came from a previous universe and the form that originated in this universe.

The previous universe to this one is virtually the same as this one with billions of stars and a solar system like ours, except its physical laws were slightly different and that universe has now come to the end of its cycle.

During that cycle much of its Life joined with the Life from the previous universe which had joined with the Life from the previous universe as every universe has a universe that precedes it.

The Life and Sentience being described here isn’t the physical life of that universe, but what’s left when the physical life passes away and that universe has come to an end.

Then the Life and Sentience from the solar system in the previous universe, passed from that universe through our sun into this universe.

The passing of Life and Sentience ignited our sun through friction, so it started to produce energy releasing Life and Sentience in this universe joining with the sun’s energy as it released from hydrogen and dense matter upon contact with it and this Life and Sentience being part of this universe could affect and use energy and dense matter in this universe right from the start to form physical life on Earth.

The Life from the previous universe ignited our sun by passing through it, producing a kind of friction and is the origin of friction in this universe.

Sentience doesn’t ignite suns when passing through them as it produces no friction, and the Sentience from our sun in this universe is released from hydrogen as it burns and spreads out through space over vast distances.

The two forms of Life are: Preceding Life from the past universe and Present Life from this one and they will be referred to in that way from now on.

The two forms of Sentience, one from the previous universe and one from this one will be looked at further on.

The Present Life of this universe fuses, or bonds with dense matter upon contact making it malleable and useful to the Sentience of this universe forming a substance it can use to form physical life.

The Present Life of this universe forms when the suns energy infuses with dense matter such as the Earth.

Present Life needs the conditions to support physical life so Present Life can express itself which only exist, at this time on Earth.

Present Life is not energy, having gone beyond it, and neither is it a force or power, so in this book it’s just called Life, either Previous Life from the last universe or Present Life from this one.

Energy is released from hydrogen as it burns in the sun along with all the different electromagnetic energies some of which will later form the content of physical life.

Energy is released from the sun spreading out and upon making contact and fusing with dense matter that matter is transformed from 2D lifeless matter into a 3D substance with meaning and the energy infused in that matter transforms into Present Life.


Chapter 2 — LIFE

Previous Life and the Previous Sentience that comes with it from the preceding universes can’t operate here in this universe until they have absorbed a significant amount of the Present Life and Sentience of this universe which takes billions of years have.

The absorbing of Present Life and Sentience is done by passing it through physical life which is one of the reasons physical life exists.

Previous Life spreads out from our sun, which is its point of entry into our universe extending outwards into space covering everything going as far as the sun’s energies have travelled since it ignited forming a huge area of Previous Life covering billions of light years.

This covers the Earth concentrating and forming a backdrop to physical life which can only exist within this area of Previous Life which supports and sustains it.

Previous Life concentrates on and around the Earth due to the Earth’s matter generating Present Life from the suns energy which attracts and draws Previous Life to it.

Previous Life has processes within it such as the pressure its under due to it being forced through into this universe, friction caused as it passes into this universe igniting our sun, concentration due to it being drawn to Present Life and expansion caused by it expanding as more Previous Life passes through into this universe from the last.

The expansion of Previous Life brings into existence speed, time, duration and distance as they can now be measured against the expanding area of Previous Life.

These processes are replicated in the physical life and processes that are within Previous Life with Present Life adding expansion which is common to both forms of life.

So friction, expansion, concentration and pressure become part of existence in this universe forming some of the laws and mechanics by which things work.

All life expands or grows due to the expansion of Present Life within it which is limited as it’s under less pressure, so life expands covering the planet and humans are now expanding out into space, but not under the seas as that is not for us.


Over time as Previous Life absorbs the Present Life of this universe physical laws come into effect which allows the processes and functions of physical life to work within it mainly to do with energy and electricity.

It’s the Present Sentience of this universe that gives matter and energy physical laws, but those physical laws can only operate within the expanding area of Previous Life that formed when our sun ignited.

Within this area of Previous Life time and duration expands to a mid way point, which is the half way point of the life of our universe taking billions of years and then starts to contract and lengthen stretching out time and duration and forming a point, which at the end of this universe will puncture through to the next universe starting the cycle there.

As said, Previous Life came into this universe under tremendous pressure from the build-up of Previous Life in the last universe which is vast.

It was like the pressure of a garden hose produced by mains water and it’s this pressure that moves Previous Life as its not self moving like energy.

This pressure forces Previous Life into this universe through our sun which acts like a bottle neck with the pressure spreading Previous Life over billions of light years as unlike energy it’s speed isn’t restricted as it’s not really part of this universe, but it does give this universe another dimension, the dimension in which physical life can exist.

While physical life lives in the dimension formed which sustains us and allows processes and functions to work it can’t be detected by any meter or device so we are oblivious to it.

The forcing of Previous Life through our sun under such great pressure produced a kind of friction which ignited our sun originally and will keep it burning so long as Previous Life is being forced through it.

Sentience from the last universe also came through in the same way within the Previous Life from the last universe and spread with it through this one.

Present Life released from the suns hydrogen burning can work and operate in this universe from the time our sun ignited, but it doesn’t spread out over billions of light years like Previous Life as it isn’t under the same intense pressure.

It’s the pressure Previous Life is under as it enters our universe that governs its spread, it has no built in limit on its speed.

Present Life from our sun, not from a previous universe, moves much slower as it’s only under the pressure of our sun collapsing as it burns so it stays largely within our solar system collecting and focusing on Earth where it becomes the transformer of matter.

So Present Life tends to occupy dense matter in the Earth and solar system whereas Previous Life occupies much greater space forming a new dimension that sustains physical life.

When our sun ignited at the beginning of the cycle of this universe, Previous Life and Present Life were separate as they leave the sun, but they will work, one within the other over billions of years on Earth, until by the end of this universe the Present Life of this universe, working within the area formed by Previous Life, will become one.

They will become one by Present Life passing through physical life into Previous Life, which is one of the reasons why the Sentience of this universe, working with the Sentience from the previous universe, brought physical life into existence.

Previous Life just is, passive, accumulating data, energy and Present Life, whereas Previous and Present Sentience are active forming physical life to increase its own Sentience.

It’s possible, though very rare up to now, for a human to unify becoming Personal Life and join with Previous Life for eternity.


Previous Life acts as a store containing much of the Present Life and data from the physical life in the last universe it passed through and from billions of other universes before that.

This data isn’t solely the life experiences of physical life, but also the details of its construction and how all the different, individual processes, interactions, energies, systems and everything else work together to produce physical life.

It’s a data map of existence which can only work and operate within the area formed by Previous Life which acts as a facilitator and it’s this data store that enable processes to work in this universe.

This data is also used to assemble physical life.

Previous Life stores all the data gathered from billions of previous universes as a blueprint or guide which is available to the Sentience of whichever universe Previous Life is travelling through, which it uses to assemble physical life so the drawing in of Present Life into Previous Life can continue.

Physical life is, in effect, like a vacuum cleaner drawing up the data of its universe depositing it in the area formed by Previous Life and it’s this stored data that’s used by the Sentience of this universe to assemble and develop physical life from the matter and energy of this universe.

The Sentience of this universe passes energy from our sun through living things with the energy becoming the life and experience of those living things.

This energy accumulates as data which is streamed, along with Present Life, into Previous Life during the lifetime of living things and on their passing so that physical life can be developed and made more complex in this universe and the next, ongoing.

Present Life can only become part of Previous Life by joining with the flow of energy and data streaming from living things to Previous Life.

The more advanced living things are, the more denser and faster the data stream, and storing the data in the area formed by Previous Life by passing it through living things is the only way that Previous Life can absorb the Present Life and energy of this universe.

The passing out of Present Life and energy during the life of physical existence gives rise to the aging process and physical death.

Previous Life stores the suns energy from the universe it’s flowing through as well as the Present Life of that universe so Previous Life can adapt to that universe enabling its physical laws to work within the Previous Life area it forms and support the physical life within it.

When Previous Life passes through into the next universe at the end of the one its passing through only the data is retained with the vast amount of sun’s energy it has acquired left behind as passing through from one universe to the next strips out the energy.

Sentience aids this accumulation of Present Life and energy by Previous Life, so physical life can be assembled in the universe it’s in because Sentience requires physical life to exist to harvest understanding which is how Sentience develops and by joining with that understanding, flows into the Sentience from the previous universe.

So the 3 parts of physical life are Life to allow it to happen, Sentience which makes it happen and energy and matter from which it happens and the point of physical life is for the Life and Sentience of this universe to join with the Life and Sentience from Previous Universes by passing through physical life and to gather data.


As humans develop mentally and become more complex, the human brain develops partially advanced abilities through understanding, which contribute to humans developing further than other mammals which the Sentience of the previous universe will one day absorb into itself along with the Sentience of this universe.

The flow of understanding and the Sentience of this universe into previous life is not part of the aging process which starts from outside the body whereas the aging process involves the streaming of Present Life and energy out from the body.

Physical life was brought into existence by the Sentience of this universe to harvest understanding and gain the advanced mental capacity that can develop from human understanding through which it can join with the Sentience from the previous universe.

Previous Life contains the data for assembling and developing physical life and stores the life experiences and the data map of it that physical life gained during its existence.

Both present and previous Sentience wishes to advance one type of physical life, which in this universe is human life, as far as possible through understanding so humans can stream the Life and Sentience of this universe, but that understanding will only carry humanity so far after which we need access to powers and abilities which will also advance individuals towards Personal Life.

Humans are part of the area Previous Life has formed giving us access to everything within it so when understanding has reached its limit, processes will be set in motion by Sentience enabling humans to access the powers and abilities within the area of Previous Life and the data within it.

In order for this to happen, that is being able to access the powers, abilities and contents of Previous Life the individual would first have used The Therapy to gain energy essence which is needed.


The advanced life in previous universes was sometimes human, other times it wasn’t.

Present Life, the one from our sun, is infused into the matter of this universe that this universe’s Sentience utilises to assemble all the physical life on Earth.

Sentience accomplishes this by referring to the data map stored in Previous Life which it acquired while travelling through previous universes.

The data map is massive, almost infinite, but not infinite as it can be added to, containing all the data about everything that has ever existed in every universe it has ever travelled through, but it can never lead to something new as it is old data.

As there’s so much data and the time available to the Sentience of this universe is limited to the life of the solar system, about 10 billion years, the vast majority of the data isn’t used, the goal being to bring physical life into existence, to diversify and develop it as quickly as possible and to push one species — in this universe, humans — as far as it can go.

Previous Life is also almost infinite as it has absorbed much of the Present Life from all the universes it has passed through and doing this has become its purpose — to continually expand through the absorption of the Present Life of each universe it travels through.

This requires the forming of physical life in each universe and that life has to be made complex and advanced by the constant cycling and recycling of energies from simple forms of physical life, when it passes, into more complex forms.

The Present Life of this universe works on two levels: one is as Life infusing matter, the other as energy.

When all the sun’s energies of this universe unify, Present Life comes into existence, but this unifying can only be done in dense matter transforming it into life supporting material, not in the sun or in the space that those energies travel through.

Energy leaves the sun given movement by the pressure of the sun collapsing.

That energy hits the dense matter of the Earth, becomes Present Life, or the life of this universe, and continues moving outwards still under pressure by the energy that formed it, but a lot slower as the change from energy to Present Life reduced the pressure so reducing the speed.

Although Present Life is formed by all the suns energies impacting matter, unifying them and forming Present Life, Present Life is more than the energies that make it up and unlike energy its speed can be motionless or infinite depending on the pressure its under and from what.

The speed of Previous Life is almost infinite as the physical laws of this universe have little effect on it until it gains a significant amount of Present Life which takes billions of years.

So when it fist enters this universe Previous Life expands very rapidly then the expansion slows down when it gains Present Life to light speed because its adapted enough to this universe to be governed by its laws.

Once this happens Previous Life coming through into this universe will expand into the area already formed but at a slower rate.

Present Life radiating out from the Earth will not be able to enter Previous Life until physical life has formed which will not start for billions of years.

This formed an energy bottleneck in the Earth with energy unable to saturate dense matter anymore overflows into the Earth to be stored there until Present Life starts to move outwards through physical life give space for more energy.

This stored energy in the Earth will, over time, become blended energy.


The Present Life part of unified energy can’t be detected in the way its energies can and Present Life is only apparent and perceptible when in physical life.

The energy forming Present Life, which is the sun’s energy, can be detected as heat, light and with instruments and is used by the Sentience of this universe to assemble and make work the systems and processes of physical life.

A by-product of our sun burning hydrogen is a unique, undetectable type of essence which, in humans and some animals, is called Sentience.

As Sentience appears in the sun as hydrogen burns, it joins with the energy of light and this joining enables the Sentience of our sun to travel in the same direction and at the same speed that light does.

It needs to do this to travel as it’s unable to connect to Previous Life because that’s from different universes and is not compatible early in the sun’s life and Present Life doesn’t come into existence until the sun’s energy comes into contact with dense matter, such as the Earth.

When the suns energy encounters dense matter such as the Earth bringing Present Life into existence, the journey of the sun’s energy is over as when it unites in matter to form Present Life.

The energy therefore loses its ability to move.

The ability to move, which works with energy to transport it in a similar way that light transports the Sentience of this universe, separates from the energy it’s connected to and stays in the Earth until the Sentience of this universe feeds it into cells to form physical life that’s mobile.

The Sentience of this universe links to light which it can connect to in order to travel and disperse throughout space, Earth and surrounding planets and stars.

Previous Life has Sentience travelling within it, gained from its passage through previous universes which stays with Previous Life and moves into what will become humans when we have advanced far enough and it has absorbed enough of the Sentience of this universe to do so thus enabling it to work here.

This started about 200 million years ago.

Once in the physical life that will develop into humans and mammals, it will work to form brains, central nervous systems (CNS) and immune systems and work through them to help advance and develop us mentally.

The Sentience of this universe assembles and advances physical life in this universe and is capable of open-ended development which the Sentience of the last universe inhabits at the right time.
