Know Your Worth by Nia Maritz - HTML preview

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My area of specialization is Career Coaching. It became clear that this was the ideal area to specialize in after my years of experience in recruitment and life coaching, plus thousands of hours interviewing candidate after candidate for that perfect job opportunity and visiting clients at their premises to see their environments and what skills they need.

Most people I meet are generally unhappy with their jobs, although not all. The way they “ended up” and the road that life took them on is not what they had in mind. There are very few people who really love what they do and understand where and how they fit in, why they feel the way they do, and – most importantly – why they make decisions the way they do.

During my recruitment career, I was very fortunate to meet some of the top recruitment gurus world-wide, and this has made a huge impact on me and the way I understand people and their skills.

One specific method of assessment that became clear to me is used by most consultancies and consists of the Situation, Task, Action and Result method. What was the situation, what did you do about it, and what was the result? This method verifies a specific skill and provides proof that someone knows what they are doing. This is a proven method that can be verified by evidence. After working with this method, I created the platform for Natural Aptitude Planning (NAP).