How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Issues of life could be especially tricky looking from the position of wants and desires. The degree of insatiable needs and the quest to meet them has being the cause of worry for many a soul. Pragmatic steps have being developed in time past as an assuage to help cope with dire situations that come as a result of this quest but it seems the cogent solution has seemed to elude man

Glaringly, society is loping from the demeanors that now exist. Striving to have the best of life continue to be an ever increasing war that has always being fought and will always be fought. The better life seems a paradox of some sort as it never seems to come however hard one tries. Admitting, any true passerby in earth’s path will agree that the measure of what the better life means is self-defined i.e. dependent of who is defining and what he chooses to compare with in his definition.

From my sight of view, the concoctions that had characterized the better life seem a parody. I have seen people struggle with themselves in search of what the better life should be. From my parents, my friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors who are my first experimental apparatus to my students as well as those I watch from a far point of view. I have observed that imbedded nature to have more from life

From a child, that instinct for more is glaring. I remember always desiring more biscuits from my mom more than my siblings as matter of right. My sisters had the same attributes and we’d often come to a compromise because of the limitations that posed a challenge for our having more. I see same in almost every child I have come across - more biscuits.

Deep down in our hearts, as much as we pretend to be content for so our moral and academic system teach us, we have this unsatisfied appetite that throughout life will continue to hunt us. It is that instinctive appetite that pushes us to get another car if we had one, get another house if we had one, and grow infinitesimally. We want more.

My dad always poked this question to me as a student at the university; is the money you have enough for you? Well I often betrayed my conscious desire to prove I am a man so I’d reply, I am content but you know I can never be satisfied. He would often give a knowing nod and I often smiled because he understood. Man’s needs can never be met. He continues to need no matter how much he gets.

The difference though between people who to a certain degree reach the level of peace with themselves is their ability to appreciate these instinct as part of them, understand the power that empower these instinct and how to make it work for them.

One truth is that it is never wrong wanting more. In my African culture, it is assumed that a child who desires more than he has being given exhibit an attribute known as “longer throat.” Parents see those actions as disgraceful. Well, the beauty about life and why we live is that we live to always get more.

The quest for more has left many in our prisons, some have gone insane and others are squabbling in one disaster or the other. But for those who know that the need more life is only a usual part of our daily existence, they are able to establish an uncommon peace with their mind and soul even if all the more they need is not within their privy

As much as we want more, more does not come by itself. It requires some instigating and triggering. You need a new car? You’d need to earn to buy. You need a new house? You will have to work extra hard to invest your money into the house.

The school of many frustrated beings is the result of a misunderstanding between, their desire to get more and how to plough to get more. A farmer expects more yields and he could be frustrated if his yield per acre is lower than the average. He may plough and weed and get the same result except he understands the power in the fertilizer and acquires knowledge on how to use the fertilizer correctly and then uses it.

You need more? Are you striving for that more that has failed to arrive? Be patient. Life has a way of helping you get more out of it. The secret to getting more is what this book provides in very practical yet glaring visual concoctions. This book will keep your quest strengthened as you develop into these new truths. You may be discovering for the first time. Don’t think you know until you have finished reading this.