Gaslighting: The Ultimate Narcissistic Mind Control by J.B. Snow - HTML preview

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If you suspect someone is gas-lighting you, or if you know someone else who is being gas-lighted, get help as soon as possible. Severe depression, anxiety, PTSD, paranoid personality disorder, Alice in Wonderland Syndrome and even psychosis has resulted from gas-lighting. To tamper with someone else’s state of mental health is a very severe form of cruelty. Complex PTSD and Developmental Trauma Disorder can result from relationships that are declining due to the presence of gas-lighting.

Many women have Battered Woman Syndrome from gas-lighting, even in the absence of other forms of isolation and physical/emotional/sexual violence. They become ostracized from their friends and family due to their partner’s gas-lighting. The more isolated people become and the more they begin to question their own sanity, the more likely they are to lose touch with reality and to experience various forms of psychoses, delusions and dissociation.

A brain that is under severe forms of stress switches into survival mode. The only reactions that this traumatized person ultimately has are a fight/flight or freeze response. They may turn to drugs or alcohol. They may resort to violence against their perpetrator. Or they may become dissociated in order to deal with their unhealthy state of mind.

It is rare for a person at this state to reach out for help if the abuser is still in their life. They fear further retaliation from their abuser. They fear their own reactions to the stress. They fear other people around them that might harm them further by invalidating the reality that they are going through. Other people are uncomfortable with pain, abuse and trauma. They have enough on their plate to cope with, and thus cannot put themselves in the shoes of another.

These are taboo subjects that no one else wants to talk about. Many counselors even struggle to sympathize and empathize with victims. They either have no point of reference as to what the survivor is going through, or they are desensitized to the needs of their patients after working for some length of time in the field (caregiver burnout). Many caregivers and counselors have taken on their professional role as a means to heal themselves from developmental trauma or abuse. In the absence of adequate healing, they cannot always give good advice to their patients in a constructive and sympathetic manner.


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Browse our related Narcissist titles by J.B. Snow Publishing on iTunes, Amazon and Audible.

This eBook and related titles written by Jamie Keller, J.B. Snow and Casey Keller include topics such as:

-Outsmarting a narcissist

-Revenge on a narcissist

-Alice in Wonderland Syndrome


-personality disorders


-Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

-Schizoid Personality Disorder, Psychopathy

-Complex PTSD and PTSD

-and many, many more!

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