Enjoy a Telepathic Conversation with LOVE Today by Marc Demeria - HTML preview

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Introducing The Board

Game Sangreal

in which:

THE GREAT THOUGHTS in which cards together bring in to one place. One space. One time. LOVE’s ideas. WHICH have determined the intellectual history of the world - short passages in the original words of the men and women who conceived them. The Great Thoughts include. Noble prizes winners. Scientists. Poets. Physicians. Writers. Dramatists. Editors. Painters. Inventors. Mystics. Presidents. Statesman. Founders. Innovators. Judges. Composers. World leaders. Romans. Greeks. Nuns. Monks. Bishops. Teachers. Global issues. Great thinkers. Historians. Generals. Publishers. Reformers. Journalists. Sculptors.

Quantum theorists. Kings. Psychologists. Freethinkers. Biologists. Theologians. Champions. Radicals. Emperors. 'THE REST' cards include. Shaman. Crystals. Ghosts. E.S.P. Dreams. Fables. Classical mythology. Knowledge. Truths. Healing without medicine. N.D.E (Near Death Experiences). Wisdom. Re-discoveries. Egypt. Symbology. Meditation. Imagination. Validation. Runes. Tarot. Superstition. Nostradamus. Mysteries. Proverbs. Occultism. Parapsychology. Astrology. Hypnotism. Brain-waves. Beyond death. Creativity. Visualization. Psychic voyages and powers. Reincarnation. Phantom encounters.

Mind over matter. Spiritual science. Oracular traditions. Visions and prophecies. Numerology. Legends (Atlantis). 'Take care creation in progress'. Ancient wisdom and secret sects. The minds eye. I Ching. Tao. Prophets. Human aura. Mind dynamics. Cosmic power. Last two million years. The BhagavadGita – Gita. Religions.


Carl Jung. Abraham Lincoln. Friedrich Nietzsche. Aldous Huxley. Dr Wilder Penfield. Pablo Picasso. Pythagoras. Leo Tolstoy. Harry S Truman. Shakespeare. Frank Lloyd Wright. Albert Einstein. Confucius. Ralph Waldo Emerson. George S Patton. Charles Lindberg. Henry David Thoreau. Plato. Thomas Jefferson. Voltaire. Sigmund Freud. John F Kennedy. George Bernard Shaw. Walt Whitman. Michelangelo. Barbara Tuchman. Emanuel Swedenborg. Martin Luther King. Socrates. Rudyard Kipling. Napoleon Bonaparte. Victor Hugo. Louis Pasteur. Vincent Van Gogh. Emma Lazarus. William Penn. Albert Schweitzer. Virginia Woolf. Henry Ford. Lewis Carroll. Franklin D Roosevelt. William Wordsworth. Wilbur Wright. George Washington. Charles Dickens. Robert Burns. And Sir Isaac Newton. All have in common – The Sangreal board game . . . beautiful thinking!

ITS PURPOSE: To put forth. Propose. Present. To put forward. For consideration. Discussion. Or treatment. To set forth. Present. To the mind. Of another = purpose. To put forward remarks. Questions etc. To discourse. Converse. Talk. To design. Or resolve upon the performance thereof.

AND TO PROVIDE IMPETUS: In reference. To immaterial things. As feelings. Actions. Etc. Moving force. Impulse stimulus.

AGAINST ACCIDIA: Half. Of them. Suffer from the deadly spiritual disease. Of accidia. Having no desire or wish. Uninterested.

TO PROVIDE A PANACEA: A remedy. Cure. Or medicine. Reputed. To heal. All diseases. A universal remedy.

TO EFFECT: To produce. A state. Or condition. Impression produced. Purport (to convey to the mind). Reality. To accomplish. Bring about.

VIRTUE: Superiority. Or excellence. Unusual ability. Merit. Or distinction. In some respect. Straight. And narrow path. Integrity. Spirituality. Stainlessness. Well spent life. On the side. Of the LOVE. Fight. The good fight.

RESULTING IN JUBILATION: The action. Of jubilation. Loud utterance. Of joy. Exultation. Rejoicing. Gladness. An expression. Of exultant joy.

OF LANCELOT GUINEVERE AND KING ARTHUR How Lancelot fell to his old love again. But withdrew from Guinevere to eschew slander . And how the queen commanded him to respect the way of play! So after the quest of Sangreal was fulfilled. And all knights. Left alive were come again unto the Table Round. As the rule book of the Way of Play. Of Sangreal. Maketh mention. Then was there great joy in the court. And in especial King Arthur and Queen Guinevere made great joy of the remnant. Home and passing glad was the king and the queen of Sir Lancelot and of Sir Bors. For they had been passing long in the quest of winning Sangreal. Then. As the Great Thoughts card saith. Sir Lancelot began to lament and pine for his true LOVE but Queen Guinevere open-mouthed put her foot down and suggested it was time to allow others the opportunity to play Sangreal. How Sir Galahad. Sir Bors. Merlin. Morgan le Fay. And Sir Percival. Entered into the game. And. Of The Rest card. And of how king Pelles had been maimed for drawing it. In the meanwhile Galahad blessed him by placing a sphere in the spirit measure cup. Then next the gentlewoman Morgan Le Fay. And then Sir Bors and Sir Percival. Threw the two dice. And when they were playing. It was so marvelous fair and rich. They marveled. At the midst. Of the game was fairness. And Galahad went thereto. And found there a crown of virtue. At the feet was a sword. Rich and fair. And it was drawn. Out. Of the sheath half a foot and more. And the sword was. Of divers fashions. And the pommel was. Of stone. And there was in it. All manner. Of colors. Being any man might find. And every charge. Of the color had divers virtues. How

Sir Lancelot. Half sleeping. And half walking. Saw a sick man. Healed of dullness. By playing Sangreal. Into the wee small hours. How Merlin announced to King Arthur The `SANGREAL BOARD GAME' should be played throughout the Realm. And how King Arthur had all his knights together for to practice. Being not angry and never to laugh at anything before they departed. And how expressions. Of ability. Appeared in the knights. And in the ladies. As they sat. At supper. And how all the knights. Took upon themselves. The quest. To prove. To have patience. Where woman are concerned. Should become a virtue too.