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Doctor’s then unable to find a medical cause term it to be a ‘Crib Death.’ The soul leaves the physical body not to punish the parents (even though it may be a spiritual lesson for the parents) but for its own personal reasons seeking the best life possible to help it advance spiritually.




I will simply provide at this time, the most

universal cause of Crib Death.

Let us for example take Spirit-X. Spirit-X planned his lifetime to where he would live to be seventy years old and then return to the spiritual dimension, or as some would say he died at age seventy.

So, Spirit-X was incarnated into a human body and lived to be seventy. Lets say he died three months earlier than his full seventy-year period he planned on due to being over-medicated by his physician. He was in great pain; the Doctor gave him stronger medication and it stopped his heart three months before he was programmed to die.

Spirit-X in desiring to fulfill that human experience of seventy full and complete years, of which he was cheated out of three months, could be reborn into another incarnation and live three months as a newborn baby and then abort that life and return to the spirit dimension.

Then that would have satisfied Spirit-Xs programmed seventy-year period to where he would feel as though he had achieved what he had set out to accomplish.

Another example of Crib Death would be a new spirit being born into a physical body and discovering that it has an illness or medical condition that it did not program for its personal growth. Something the parent had passed on to the infants physical body which the new spirit had not foreseen. If the spirit feels that the disease or condition is too much for it to deal with, it simply leaves the body. Other spirits faced with the same decision may choose to remain in the unhealthy body and see its limitations as a challenge.

Some spirits who incarnate seek out certain parents it feels it will be in harmony with in order to achieve its main growth pattern. If the spirit is born, and then discovers the parents are no longer in harmony with each other; such as bickering and fighting over the cost and burden they now face in raising an infant. The spirit needing a harmonious set of parents in order to achieve its goals will abort that life in search of more loving and caring parents.

Just know the spirit has the ability to relieve itself of that experience, that life, where it simply leaves the body of the infant, abandons it. Without the spirit inside of it, the physical body dies. A spirit has up to the approximate age of two to decide if it wishes to stay or leave the physical dimension.

Physicians then unable to find a medical cause term it to be a Crib Death. If no medical reason can be found for a baby dying, then it is due to the spirit leaving the body for its own personal reasons. It leaves not to punish the parents, but for its own personal reasons to fulfill its own personal blueprint or life plan.





Death is simply like opening a door and walking through it. There you find yourself back at your true home, with your true friends, companions and family who rejoice at your return. You completed that lifetime; learning and experiencing as much as you could or couldn’t, and now you returned home. You will be waiting to greet those loved ones you left behind on earth when they have finished their lifetime and they cross over. You will rejoice with them at their special reunion.

Yes, many people fear death because of their religious faith and/or upbringing. They fear the ‘Hell’ that was programmed into them by their religious beliefs. Religion told them they ‘Sinned against God’ and therefore they must be damned to a burning Hell with Satan torturing them throughout eternity. But once they cross over and meet with their friends and loved ones, they will then realize there is no Hell or Satan or other such negative things waiting for them. Religions of the world use such devices to control the people, so they will obey the rules and authority of those holding religious power.

Humankind created religions, not God. God, the Source of all Life loves all his creations unconditionally. But if you wish, it is your right; you have free will to believe in such things as Demons and Devils if you so choose. Once you die and your soul crosses back over to the spirit dimension and you see that those negative things were simply put there for your learning and spiritual growth, you will be truly elated at that discovery.

Some people say the loss of a child is the most severe loss one can experience, but that is not true. Anyone who loses a mother or father, a wife or husband, a brother or sister, a son or daughter, a true friend or companion, or even a beloved pet; that loss to ‘them’ may be the most devastating loss in their life. Each person experiences the loss of a loved one in their own way. No one can measure how much grief we will go through or for how long it will take us to come to terms with our personal grief.

Those who die and cross over to the other side are extremely grateful to return home. No longer bound to a physical body, they no longer suffer from any disease or physical pains of any type or degree. They are once again whole and full of vitality; where there is no aging process or limitations to experience as they did in the human form. Unconditional love envelops them on a continuous basis in the spirit dimension. As beings of pure energy, they do not need food, water, shelter or oxygen to sustain their soul or etheric form.

Since we