Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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cries of blasphemy from religion and naivety from the rest. But I didn't care. If we're not here to stretch and discover ourselves, what is the point of life anyway?

Okay, so this was the crossroads of my life. Sit back, do nothing and let it all pass you by as most do, or grab the bull by the horns and move decisively forward. It took a long time to think about this. In the end there was no choice – I just started by typing “An Easy Handbook for Life” on the front page and there it was. On days the link came through (when I was “in the zone”), the words just flowed. On other days, trying to write was useless.

“When I work, it's as if I was supremely helped by someone” Matisse.

That quote made me understand any human undertaking, whether it be an invention, a painting, a bridge or a novel, if it comes together and works properly, always comes from that ultimate link. Most people wouldn't acknowledge this and just say, “I just thought of it suddenly”, or “I pulled it out of thin air”. Even these expressions concede that great ideas come from our knowledge, but that little extra comes from outside ourselves.

But why would anyone believe me? I've always known in this life that I was not alone – I have always felt a presence with me. Sometimes for years, I'd ignored that presence and did exactly what