Doorway to Miracles: 500 Affirmations That Will Increase Your Faith by Jakayima Batista - HTML preview

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By: Jakayima Batista

Affirmations are powerful tools to help us achieve a desired goal. They are positive phrases which you repeat to yourself which describe how you want to be ( affirmations). I took 500 positive quotes, most of them by The Secret Teachers such as Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Marci Shimoff, Michael Beckwith, etc., and made them affirmations.

  1. Thank you. I can have, do, or be anything I want. Dr. Joe Vitale.
  2. Thank you. I can have whatever it is that I choose. John Assaraf
  3. Thank you. I see miracles taking place in my life. Michael Beckwith
  4. Thank you. My thoughts become things. Mike Dooley.
  5. Thank you. I think what I want. Rhonda Byrne.
  6. Thank you. I live in abundance. Rhonda Byrne.
  7. Thank you. I see the law of attraction working powerfully in my favor. Rhonda Byrne.
  8. Thank you. I understand The Secret. Bob Proctor.
  9. Thank you. I become one of the wealthiest people in history. Rhonda Byrne.
  10. Thank you. God wants me to be happy.
  11. Thank you. I see beautiful things in my mind and hold them in my hands. Bob Proctor.
  12. Thank you. The law of attraction is obedient to the wonderful thoughts I have. Lisa Nichols.
  13. Thank you. I can afford beautiful outfits. Rhonda Byrne.
  14. Thank you. I can afford beautiful shoes. Rhonda Byrne.
  15. Thank you. I can afford a beautiful haircut. Rhonda Byrne.
  16. Thank you. I am always on time. Rhonda Byrne.
  17. Thank you. I attract kind people to me. Rhonda Byrne.
  18. Thank you. I can afford any type of restaurant. Rhonda Byrne.
  19. Thank you. I call the perfect jobs into existence. Lisa Nichols.
  20. Thank you. I call the perfect partner into existence. Lisa Nichols.
  21. Thank you. I have the perfect job.
  22. Thank you. I have the perfect partner.
  23. Thank you. I have the perfect health.
  24. Thank you. I am getting younger.
  25. Thank you. I have beautiful relationships with everyone I come in contact with.
  26. Thank you. I open my eyes and look at the power of my mind and the power of my intention in my daily life. Rhonda Byrne.
  27. Thank you. My emotions are an incredible gift that I have to let me know what I am thinking. Bob Doyle.
  28. Thank you. I feel excitement, joy, gratitude, love, every day. Lisa Nichols.
  29. Thank you. I celebrate my good feelings, and draw to me more good feelings and things that make me feel good. Lisa Nichols.
  30. Thank you. I feel good now and keep feeling good. Bob Doyle.
  31. Thank you. I create a future that is on track with my desires. Marci Shimoff.
  32. Thank you. I think good thought, feel good and attract more good things that make me feel good. Rhonda Byrne.
  33. Thank you. I feel prosperous and feel the love that is sorrounding me. Michael Beckwith.
  34. Thank you. The Universe corresponds to the nature of my song, to the nature of my inner feeling, and manifests everything I want. Michael Beckwith.
  35. Thank you. I focus on my feelings inside, smile for one minute and feel good. Rhonda Byrne.
  36. Thank you. My good thoughts and my good feelings create a good life. Lisa Nichols.
  37. Thank you. My life is absolutely phenomenal. Bob Proctor.
  38. Thank you. My wishes are the Universe’s commands. Rhonda Byrne.
  39. Thank you. I ask, believe and receive. Rhonda Byrne.
  40. Thank you. I ask the Universe what I want and this is really fun. Dr. Joe Vitale.
  41. Thank you. I believe in the Universe. Rhonda Byrne.
  42. Thank you. I believe that I have received. Rhonda Byrne.
  43. Thank you. I see things that I want as already mine. Robert Collier.
  44. Thank you. I feel good, feel happy and put myself in the frequency of what I want. Marci Shimoff.
  45. Thank you. I am receiving all the good in my life. Rhonda Byrne.
  46. Thank you. I am receiving (fill in your desire) now. Rhonda Byrne.
  47. Thank you. I attract my perfect weight. Rhonda Byrne.
  48. Thank you. I turn my fantasies into facts. Bob Proctor.
  49. Thank you. I build bigger and bigger fantasies. Bob Proctor.
  50. Thank you. I trust the Universe. I trust and believe and have faith. Rhonda Byrne.
  51. Thank you. I make myself comfortable by having good thinking and good actions.
  52. Thank you. I am beginning to know my essence as love itself. Michael Beckwith.
  53. Thank you. I open my awareness and meet myself face to face. Michael Beckwith.
  54. Thank you. I can change myself and master my own destiny. Christian D. Larson.
  55. Thank you. I look inside my mail expecting to see a check. Lisa Nichols.
  56. Thank you. I have a lot of money in my bank account. Rhonda Byrne.
  57. Thank you. I bring more into my life through gratitude. Marci Shimoff.
  58. Thank you. I appreciate my wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend for the little things she/he does and I attract support. Dr. John Gray.
  59. Thank you. I feel the feelings of gratitude. James Ray.
  60. Thank you. Before I go to sleep, I replay the events of the day in a way that thrills me. Rhonda Byrne.
  61. Thank you. I am always on time to change the pictures of my life. Rhonda Byrne.
  62. Thank you. I feel grateful for what I have. Dr. Joe Vitale.
  63. Thank you. I attract more things I can be grateful for. Dr. Joe Vitale.
  64. Thank you. I attract wealth by the daily practice of gratitude. Wallace Wattles.
  65. Thank you. Every time I touch my gratitude rock I think of something I am grateful for. Lee Brower.
  66. Thank you. I have an attitude of gratitude. Lee Brower.
  67. Thank you. I am so happy and grateful now… (fill in the rest). Bob Proctor.
  68. Thank you. I visualize and then materialize. Dr. Denis Waitley.
  69. Thank you. I am there in the mind and I go there in the body. Dr. Denis Waitley.
  70. Thank you. The Universe brings my inventions from the invisible into the visible world through me. Rhonda Byrne.
  71. Thank you. I have a mind like the great inventors because I can imagine great things too. Rhonda Byrne.
  72. Thank you. I have the mind the inventors had and have and much more. Rhonda Byrne.
  73. Thank you. I visualize, get the pictures playing out in my mind and always and only dwell upon the end result. Mike Dooley.
  74. Thank you. I feel like I have the thing already. Dr. Joe Vitale.
  75. Thank you. I think positive thoughts, visualize having what I want and feel abundant, loving and joyful. Jack Canfield.
  76. Thank you. The “hows” of my dream are the domain of the Universe. Mike Dooley.
  77. Thank you. The Universe always knows the shortest, quickest, most harmonious way between me and my dream. Mike Dooley.
  78. Thank you. I do this daily and feel exhilarated by the whole process. Dr. Joe Vitale.
  79. Thank you. I live in the magic of life. Marci Shimoff.
  80. Thank you. I make a habit of using the law of attraction and magic happens with me wherever I go. Marci Shimoff.
  81. Thank you. I remember to use the law of attraction all the time. Marci Shimoff.
  82. Thank you. I visualize my dream with detail and movement and I hold the picture easily. Dr. John Demartini.
  83. Thank you. My picture comes into concrete form through me. Genevieve Behrend.
  84. Thank you. I create Vision Boards where I take things I want to achieve or attract. John Assaraf.
  85. Thank you. They help me attract the things I want through visualization. John Assaraf.
  86. Thank you. My imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Albert Einstein.
  87. Thank you. I let my imagination go wild with a Vision Board. Rhonda Byrne.
  88. Thank you. I decide what I want, believe I can have it, close my eyes for several minutes and visualize having what I already want. Jack Canfield.
  89. Thank you. I feel the feelings of already having it. Jack Canfield.
  90. Thank you. I come out of that, I focus on what I am grateful for already and really enjoy it. Jack Canfield.
  91. Thank you. I go into my day, release it to the Universe and trust that the Universe figures out how to manifest it. Jack Canfield.
  92. Thank you. Whatever my mind…can conceive it can achieve. W. Clement Stone.
  93. Thank you. I attract huge sums of money to me using the Secret check. Rhonda Byrne.
  94. Thank you. I live my life from the intentional use of the law of attraction every single day. Jack Canfield.
  95. Thank you. I focus on prosperity. Bob Proctor.
  96. Thank you. I am so happy and grateful now that I attract money coming from multiple sources of income on a continuous basis. Bob Proctor.
  97. Thank you. I attract the money from the Bank of the Universe, which is unlimited abundance. Rhonda Byrne.
  98. Thank you. I receive a bunch of unexpected checks coming into the mail. David Schirmer.
  99. Thank you. Money comes easily and frequently to me. Loral Langemeier.
  100. Thank you. I have the capability to change my inner relationship and conversation with money. Loral Langemeier.
  101. Thank you. I have plenty of money and give away vast amounts of money. Rhonda Byrne.
  102. Thank you. The Universe opens up and floods vast amounts of money back to me, multiplied! Rhonda Byrne.
  103. Thank you. I am the heir to the kingdom, prosperity is my birthright and I hold the key to more abundance in every area of my life. Rhonda Byrne.
  104. Thank you. I go for the inner joy, the inner peace, the inner vision first, and then all the outer things appear. Marci Shimoff.
  105. Thank you. I feel happy and money comes to me faster. Rhonda Byrne.
  106. Thank you. I change my paradigm and I change my life. Bob Proctor.
  107. Thank you. I read the Secret book over and over again.
  108. Thank you. I read Success books and material for Success over and over again.
  109. Thank you. I study The Secret teachers over and over again.
  110. Thank you. I am on twitter to share my heart with everyone and the teachings of unconditional love. Kenneth Clifford @kenneth1light
  111. Thank you. My best kind of relationship is when they are not only your lover but your best friend too. Positive Quotes @livepositive11
  112. Thank you. I am love and peace.
  113. Thank you. I travel Happiness Street in the romantic vehicle of love.
  114. Thank you. I am your sister/brother in prosperity and in possibility. Lisa Nichols.
  115. Thank you. I believe in you and I love you. Lisa Nichols.
  116. Thank you. I have been exposed. I see my greatness. I

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