Cyclicality of Casuality: Book of Life Utility Ideas by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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At The Very Outset


Way back, someone augured for future of humanity saying – ‘All future conflicts shall emerge out of conflicts of cultures and religion’.

It was also predicted that such conflicts can shape up into major wars.

Add to it the scientists’ warning – ‘Humanity has become too intelligent and all races become extinct when they become too intelligent’.

If we apply our lateral thinking and attempt to align the above hypotheses into a singular linearity, what emerges is –

“Humanity’s intelligence is best/worst expressed in its cultural/religious domains and naturally, as most intelligence are highly subjective, conflicts become critically calamitous.”

Let us understand the basic and core elements of this realism. If we could see and accept the genesis of humanity’s greatest conflicts, we shall probably find solution to our worst troubles. For that, we also have to understand the mechanism of ‘Intelligence’ –

Intelligence is an irreversible process towards complexities and designing ways to deal with the complexities and its fallouts.

Means, as humans have way back exceeded the optimum threshold of population pressure on Earth and as this overwhelmingly high over-population with desires for ‘better’ lives has created mega-complex life-living experiences, it is we who have engineered most of our troubles by applying our intelligence...!

Simply speaking – For any individual human being, just beginning to get hold of his life and his/her perceptions about life-living, the first thing that comes to his/her mind is alienation, expressed in many shades of uneasy emotions. He/she sees more than too many people – even his/her family, friends and relatives; killingly competing for the pettiest of things. His/her life-living milieus are highly complex, taking heavy toll on his skills for daily survival. The world seems to him/her decisively too complex and too huge to handle. In such a big bad world, he/she feels alienated, uprooted and disoriented. He/she needs roots, an anchor for the ship of his/her life. It is tough to relate and identify with people as competitiveness has emaciated the trust levels and time is scarce.

In such life situations, local culture, local milieu and localized religious identity extend him/her the identity anchor. He/she finds a collective identity to feel ‘belonging’ and ‘identified’ in the ocean of brutal humanity and killing complexities of milieus.

Therefore, all identities, especially cultural/religious identities are now very aggressive and very assertive, to the point of ‘desire’ to eliminate others for survival.

Nobody – neither the parents, nor the family, nor the society, nor the educational institutions is helping individuals with any solution and solace. Everywhere, people are trained for work but not for life and living. It is an individual battle with subjective perception of taxing realism all around.

What every individual has to see and accept that all solutions are within you and no solution can ever be outside you. Intelligence never has the lasting solution as intelligence, like evolution only patches up a trouble in the short run. Therefore, an individual has to make his/her choice –

Align with your own individualistic Innocence, never the Intelligence. Rather, if possible, use all your intelligence to empower and enhance your own Innocence.

Human intelligence is a sure process towards complexities. Don’t align your life energies with complexities. To align all your energies with peace-harmony and self-poise, we all have to align with our personal and internal Innocence. We all have to accept – Only that Intelligence is true and right, which empowers and aligns us to Innocence.

Once you accept innocence and humility, your cognition shall change and this same world shall look simple and easy to you. You shall forget about your ‘Identity’ concerns and alienation fears as Innocence aligns and identifies you brilliantly with your own ‘self-worth’ and ‘self-poise’. Once you are with your poise and peace, love and compassion shall come to you easily and naturally.

Your changed cognition and consciousness shall be able to shed the bitterness of competitiveness with people and this shall mean – love and compassion shall be more amenable to you. This in turn shall enhance your peace and poise. This cyclicality shall keep you in a constant journey, which is what the wise since ages have accepted as the true life...

If humanity’s intelligence is the killer, let us not be identified and aligned with killer attitudes and insinuations. Within us, there is a world, which is good enough and big enough for we all to be happy and live in poise. Our own identification and alignment should only be with our own internalized being – the Higher Consciousness of ‘Self-Poise’. This gives us the golden self-worth, which discounts any need to align with anything external to our ‘self’.

Let us all be intelligent enough to use its energy to be Innocent...
