Craftsmanship - 12 Traits of All Exceptional Master by Aman Varma - HTML preview

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I love wisdom. I love studying highly successful people. I am very curious about what makes the greatest people of history so special and extraordinary. I often spend my lot of time analysing the common patterns and habits of the people who changed the world; May it be a scientist, a political leader, a businessman or an artist. Studying successful people is my hobby.

I have also studied a lot of psychological and personal development material along the way to get a better understanding of the psychology of these legends and what actually made them stand out of the crowd. I have come up with a list of 12 qualities of all successful people, irrespective of their field, which according to me can help a lot of people condition their mind to success.

There is no particular sequence of the list; every trait is equally essential and responsible to make a human being – extra- ordinary. What I want you to do is, scale yourself from 1 to 10 in each of the characteristics and see where you stand. Try to inhabit the traits that are missing and sharpen what you already have.

If you are struggling with your life or are unsure of what future holds for you, this is the golden key to your greatness. Start working on developing all of these qualities and I can assure you that you will become successful no matter in what field. Print the below list of the points and stick it on your bedroom wall and read it every day before your go out and start working hard to cultivate these qualities.

So let’s get started...

** Note: all the traits are not positive and may backfire. These traits made them successful and they have said it as well. This is the ultimate breakdown of what success requires you to have.