Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Everyone wants to be associated with a champion. You sure want to be a champion too. There is an inbred quest for championship in every man. God made man automatic champions. He gave the earth and everything inside it under human dominion and control. Man has been given a natural course of championship over which he is made to take charge. There is a natural instinct in us that drives us towards a desire for superiority. We all want to win. However small or big the competition, there is a constant tendency to win even at a great cost. God original desire in creating man was for championship and ruler-ship. However, man lost the sight of direction from which God had given him. Man was easily deceived by the flashy gifts within Satan's dominion compared to the precious wares of God's heritage. Man lost out and has continuously struggled towards returning to that enviable state of championship.

The question “who's a champion?” is not out of place. The case of goliath would come into mind. Goliath was renowned for achieving great feet because he was a giant very well feared. He was renowned as been the feared fighter of the philistines. When he stood, the whole camp of the Israelites trembled. He sent shock waves through the whole camp. Champions are never intimidated by any events around them. Rather they are the sources of intimidation. Champions are people who have perfected the art of winning and conquering.

Think about a football competition like the world cup. The champion would have to beat every other team to win the competition. They make winning a habit until it becomes part of them.

God wants us to be champions too that is why he has constructed a signpost directing us on the road to championship. He sees our quest and passion for championship and is desirous of seeing us reach that point of acclaimed championship. That champion under that tree sleeping that has missed his route will have to be awakened. Enjoy this piece; it is inspired to inspire you to the top where champions are indeed made.