Bollocks People Tell You


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Published: 11 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Frankly Frank says...Just thinking about all those so called 'experts' - life coaches, gurus, swamis, TV cooks, politicians, celebrity authors and faceless nobodies - desperate, to ram their knob head opinions down my throat makes me want to spew. There is no area of life left without some grubby little tapeworm smearing its unwanted and nauseating opinion into it.The bastards cheerfully inform us if we don't measure up to some impossibly tedious ideal encapsulated in some bullshit celebrity 'save the plankton' type book or Government 'fuck responsibly' type pamphlet our miserable existences are an insult to mankind's eternal struggle to distinguish itself from the primordial slime it came from. The only real certainty is that the world would be a better place if all these self-styled 'experts' shoved their endless opinions up their respective arses.

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Laura & Mark Tong - Global Feel Good Company

Welcome to Global Feel Good Company where life is always great because it's populated exclusively by fun, upbeat, feel good people. Started by us, Mark and Laura Tong to fling fun and feel good at the world until it sticks... and then fling some more! We're light, souffle types who bask and dally only in the fun side of life and have no idea why anyone would choose any other way to live! Both reared by licentious sea cucumbers, we've had 25 fabulous years together as genuine, bona fidae midgets without certificates to prove it. Credos may come and go (after all this is a consumer society) but despite being modern, impatient, no-attention-span kids, we have one that will never waver: people are great, really great the world over.

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