Be Yourself by Dean Henryson - HTML preview

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True power lies within yourself. This book can help you tap into that power if you allow yourself to be open. Often we get in the way of our own understanding. Sounds a little odd—doesn’t it? Why would we get in the way of what might help us? This is part of what the following pages help answer.

The more you put yourself into the experience of the book, the more you get out of it. Doesn’t that make sense? If you put someone else through it, how much do you think you will get? The other person learns while you do not. You are the one who needs to do the work on yourself to become and better that self, not other people. Get whatever you can out of this book, and it will be well worth your time and energy. The work is work for yourself, and the rewards in becoming more of yourself are grand. Ideally, the book should be read at a maximum rate of one section a day. This helps you because it gives you time to digest what has been said, put it into practice, grow, and become ready to accept more information the next day at an appropriate time.

Questions and taping exercises are included in the book to aid absorbing, understanding, and integrating the material, making it more personal. These exercises  promote growth through becoming more aware of yourself. You can still benefit from just reading the book, but the exercises build upon this. They help you interact with the text, placing you deeper into the learning process.

Your self is more valuable than anything else. Where is this treasure? You don’t need to go across the world to all sorts of exotic places to find it. It’s right here, reading this with me. Congratulations on taking the journey to a greater self-existence. Not everyone wants to take this risk. You may find parts of yourself you don’t like, but the benefits of these discoveries far outweigh any risks. Trust me and yourself on this.

Imagine going through your whole life not knowing who you are, not manifesting the person you are supposed to be. The truth is all of us fall short of who we are to some degree. On the average, are you yourself 5%, 50%, 80%, or 95% of the time? Wherever your percentage lies, you can benefit from its increase.

Enjoy the journey.



  • Taping.

As you read each section, tape any special thoughts, beliefs, and feelings: both things you like and dislike, agree with and disagree with, relate to and do not relate to, have strong opinions about and have no opinions about. There are no right or wrong thoughts, beliefs, or feelings. Tape what comes to mind without judgment or editing. Try to relate everything to your life, not to other people’s.

After reading each part of the book (there are three), do the exercise in Appendix A. Then do the exercise in Appendix B. Only look at the appendixes after you have read one of the three parts of the book.

  • Questions.

Write your answers to questions at the end of each section. All questions are in outline form, so the ones underneath and to the right of a question are directly related to it. Some questions may sound repetitious, but allow yourself to answer them as if they were new because you may have gained new insight since the last time you answered.

  • Journal

It is also a good idea to keep a journal of happenings, feelings, and thoughts from each day. Especially note how you deal with your and others’ feelings. Keep in mind that nothing you write can be wrong; and in fact, what first comes to mind is correct, regardless of how it may sound to or be judged by other people. Just write. This is not a test, this is growth.