Awakening to Wealth by Janna Jungclaus - HTML preview

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Exercises – Print Version


Part One: Wealth Consciousness

Financial Awakening




1. Have you experienced any moments of financial awakening in your life? Write down what happened and how you felt at the time.

a. (Writing this experience down and re-reading it at difficult times on your journey when your motivation is low will help you to stay focused and achieve your dreams.)














2. What do wealth and prosperity mean to you? If you have difficulty answering this question, write down the first 3 associations you have when thinking about the term “wealth”.










3. What is the reason you downloaded this book? What are you hoping to learn and what are you hoping to achieve in the future?









The Four Spheres of Life



This exercise helps you to become more familiar with the four spheres of life.


1. To become more familiar with the 4 spheres of life, write down 3 associations for each sphere



Physical / Material Sphere

(Example associations: exercise, nutrition, possessions, material desires, material wealth)





Mental Sphere

(Example associations: Beliefs about physical health, your body, wealth, money. Conditioning such as avoiding risks, not wanting to take responsibility, or taking your fate into your own hands.)





Emotional Sphere

(Example associations: What emotions do you experience often joy or happiness, or sadness and depression? What is your social support network through your relationships like?





Spiritual Sphere

(Example associations: Do you have a spiritual practice such as meditation, or a connection or belief in a Higher Purpose? Do you have a vision for your lfie? What is this vision fueled by?)





2. Write down one aspect of each of the 4 spheres of life that you feel you need to pay more attention to.



Physical / Material Sphere





Mental Sphere





Emotional Sphere





Spiritual Sphere





Financial Blocks: Beliefs




These exercises help you to become aware of your beliefs around money and wealth.



1. Without thinking or preparation, write down the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about money and wealth.












2. Write down at least one positive belief you have about money and finances.











3. Write down at least one negative belief you have about money.












4. Watch your words: what statements and words do you use when talking about money and wealth?








Financial Blocks: Programs





1. Write down any experiences with money or wealth that have repeated themselves in the same or similar way.











2. Are there any experiences that repeat in your family?












Financial Blocks: Hurt, Unhealthy Relationships




1. How is your financial situation? Is it going up, down, or sideways?







2. How is your relationship with your parents?








3. How is your relationship with your spouse?







4. Is there anyone in your life who is not supportive of your financial and material goals (including maybe a part of yourself)?







Your Vision




1. What vision do you hold for your life? Who do you want to BE? What do you want to DO? And what would you love to HAVE?








2. If you do not have a vision or you feel disconnected from your vision, contemplate on this. See if any negative beliefs or other blocks are revealed that can be cleared.







3. If you do have a vision, create a vision board! A vision board is a great way to get in touch with your vision every day (or several times a day). You can use pictures from magazines, draw yourself, write on it, whatever you want. It is your vision, express it in the most creative and inspiring way you can think of! If you already have a vision board, get it out and look at it closely. What inspires you about it? How often do you look at it? Are there any changes you would like to make now?







The Intent Behind Your Vision




  1. Contemplate on the intention behind your vision. What motivates you?







Part Two: Financial Literacy


Starting Where You Are – Internally



1. Write down how you feel about wealthy people in general. Keep writing until the inspiration stops.









2. Write down how you feel about wealthy friends (more emotions may come out in this exercise). Again, keep writing, even if your emotions start to come out.








3. Write down how you would feel if your best friends, brother/sister, ex-spouse (whoever holds the most charge) were to have 1 million dollars. Keep writing until your inspiration stops.





Starting Where You Are - Externally


Exercise Beginners


If you don’t know your monthly income and expenses, make it your exercise to write this down.



Monthly income:





Monthly expenses

4. Each day



5. Each week



6. Each month



Start with each day and review your expenses at the end of the day. To keep track you all your receipts from the day or you could make notes in your diary or on your phone.


This exercise might feel nit-picky to you and you might be tempted to dismiss it as silly and to skip it. Some of your charges might even come up. Great!


Let’s look at those charges and write down what makes you feel so uncomfortable about this exercise. Then, let’s clear those charges and continue with the exercise. You might be surprised with what you see!


Exercise Advanced


Write down

  • Your monthly income
  • Your monthly expenses
  • Your net gain/loss each month (be honest!)
  • Your assets
  • Your liabilities


I have created a spreadsheet template which you can download here to fill in.



What Money Type Are You?





1. Which money personality type or types best describe you? If you don’t identify with any of the above, take the money personality quiz on Olivia’s website.







2. How has it impacted your financial situation in the past?







3. How can you use this awareness and understanding to take actions that will help you build a stronger financial future?






Exercise for Beginners


3. Decide which of these two budgeting systems most suits your circumstances. Then get out your last paycheck or your income statement and divide your income up into these categories.






4. How do you feel about the money that is allocated to each category? Can you see yourself living like this?






Exercise for Advanced


3. Set up separate bank accounts (most banks will allow additional accounts to be opened at no extra cost) for each of the categories in the budgeting system you chose.







4. Set up either automatic distribution of your income into each of these accounts or make a conscious effort every time your paycheck comes in to distribute money into each account.









  1. How do you feel about your financial future after reading this book? Do you feel excited, curious, empowered? Or confused and discouraged? I would be very grateful if you wanted to provide some direct feedback on how reading this book has affected you.






Next Steps




1. Review the all the completed exercises in this book.



2. Write down your 3 next steps that will take you closer to your compelling future.


1. Register on the Website at








3. Do you have any unanswered questions or feedback? Please let me know, so I can incorporate them in an updated version or address them in a future group call or webinar.


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